I know many collectors (like me) are careful or picky with what they buy, but sometimes you end up getting the most unusual forms of damage or spoiling of a games condition. For example, I went to a car boot sale on a Sunday morning (as I do) and I bought a complete in box copy of Dynablasters, to replace my unboxed copy. This is what it looks like:
[img width=500 height=375]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4003/4631360371_95a41669a6.jpg[/img][img width=500 height=375]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4027/4631360607_9508913bbb.jpg[/img]
Incase you can't see it well, someone created stab holes, damaging the box, manual and inner case. My question: WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED AND WHY?!
Did some kid see the game, get a pair of scissors and go *insert famous stabber's name here* on it? I can't even grasp the image of some idiot kid with a sharp object maniacally stabbing a game, going so far to pierce the inner casing and the other end of the box!
So what items have people bought in a strange/stranger condition?
[img width=439 height=499]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4052/4276707595_4e76429752.jpg[/img] [img width=500 height=435]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4036/4277453412_16e094a53a.jpg[/img] Below: Sonic CD Sample 806 Above: Formula One Beyond the Limit (US version)
Continue reading First Game Sample!
I just got into thinking, on gamesniped, nicola made a post about what he would put as museum pieces for a gaming museum. I was just wondering if there was a proper permanent Video Game Museum or Gallery, what would be in it?
Continue reading A real Video Game Museum or Gallery?
Happy/Merry Christmas/Hanukha/Quanza/Holidays everyone! It's Christmas Eve and like the tradition goes, me, my sister and my parents get presents from eachother, then get pressies from the rest of my family on Christmas Day! So today I got money, a poster, the Guinness World Records Book and DJ HERO!!!
Not only that but a parcel arrived at my door, Cyborg 009!
[img width=500 height=349]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4012/4210735561_9610955fd1.jpg[/img] I may open this sealed game because I heard it's quite good and I might want to play it. I paid 4.28 for it. Well all I can say is now everyone have a great and fun time!!
Total cost: 577.53
NOTE: Futher checking from last time, I now have 51 Games is you count Cobra Command/Sol-Feace as one game, because they were bundled together in Europe. Therefore if you don't I actually have 52 so sorry for jumping the gun ^^'
Yesterday I recieved Eternal Champions: Challenge of the Darkside, originally it was on Buy It Now for 16.99 (lower than I usually find it), but out of luck, the guy accepted an offer I made of 15, and now it's here!
[img width=372 height=375]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2520/4197409945_c9629fc739.jpg[/img] So now I've achieved 50 games!! As far as I know, there are a little over 210 official unique game releases, this means I'm less than 1/4 of my collection complete!
[img width=247 height=500]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4009/4198162408_41d386edab.jpg[/img]
[img width=500 height=424]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2655/4177308430_51b7698975.jpg[/img] Never thought this day would come after a year and three months of collecting. Sure it's got a bit of damage on the seal but this is sealed and I only paid 18!
Yes, remember them? They were once the greatest game publishers in the cult-phenomenom demographic, getting the rights to popular Japanese titles for small systems (Sega CD and Turbograpfx CD mainly, but the Playstation was small when they started publishing games for it) and giving them the red-carpet treatment to America, great voice acting and glossy front covers. Then the 2000s came and...yeah...
But now that I've got your attention, I've got my first Working Designs game! Read on to see!
Continue reading Working Designs
Hey everyone! I'm not feeling well and I've been exhausted from both Sixth Form and working cleaning job...good god I'm tired...
ANYWAY!!!! Got a new game today! Hooray!! That game is...
[img width=500 height=225]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3532/3948040197_be85400175.jpg[/img]
Ecco the Dolphin, it may be the same game as the Megadrive version but as an art form this game is epic, the newly animated intro and the soundtrack are just immense. I also got the spine card and let me say that this is the most mint spine card I've ever seen, no creases, no tears, no stains, it just looked like it was just taken out of a sealed copy.
Well I hope I get better, soon. Got another day ahead (a half day at school, go me)
Amount paid: 12.99 Total cost: 485.64
Hey Everyone! I have gotten 3 sealed games in the post today! [img width=243 height=500]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2595/3926456900_cf3a540665.jpg[/img]Please read the full blog to continue.
Continue reading Starting School
Went to Gamestation in town, looked round store, looked at cabinet next to counter, and what did I find?
I found the bottom of the cabinet filled with Neo-Geo Pocket games, N64 games, Dreamcast games, a Sega Saturn copy of Guardian Heroes, Sonic 3 and two copies of Sonic CD and Batman Returns for the Mega CD EACH! Apparently the store's basement had a huge stock of retro titles that needed to be gone, so part of them were on display. I got Batman Returns CIB (if I wasn't paying attention I would've gotten one without a manual) for 6.99 and Sonic 3 with Box (no manual) for 9.99. Continue reading...
Continue reading Sudden update
If you look up rare European titles for the Mega CD, or at least European exclusives for the Mega CD, one company comes to mind in both: Domark. Or to be more accurate, D0MARK. This was for 3 reasons:
- Two of the games were planned for a US release but cancelled
- All four of their games were released between late 1994 and 1995
- They were all shovelware titles
Especially the last point, all of the games were ports of Amiga or Megadrive games with music and in some cases FMV cutscenes being the only improvement/addition.
So as you can tell, I have one of them. Continue reading to see what it is.
Continue reading New Treasure has arrived!
Hey people, this one will be short because I'm currently packing up for my holiday abroad to Barcelona, Spain! There are markets there but I won't expect to buy any games there as I should take a break from collecting once in a while, right? But before then I did get a Mega CD title in the post so let's see what it is shall we?
Continue reading Last game before vacation!
Since I got this very cheaply and the shrinkwrap is bad enough anyway so why not. Also, I noticed somethings that make me question if this was a reseal or poorly produced version. The case is cracked and has that white smudge at the corner, and some of the tidbits that holds the CD in it's place are bent downwards. Either way it doesn't matter because I got it very cheaply and I can replace the case and CD holder (which I did), and the CD and manual are in pristine, undamaged condition.
Happy 4th July and Independence day to everyone, I know I'm late. I got some cool finds including a Sega CD game which came in the post. Continue reading to see what I got.
Continue reading Awesome finds to start July
Got a new game to add to the Mega CD collection, meaning 30 individual games, 1 duplicate and 10 demos. The game is INXS, or its full title Make My Video: INXS, coming with spine card.
[img width=500 height=365]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2611/3665018030_14b3767a5e.jpg?v=0[/img]
First thing I have to ask is, who the hell is INXS? What kind of music do they play? Can anyone give me some information on them?
Secondly, the guy I got it from must've been either lazy or away at the time of buying it because I've been waiting two weeks for this game and the guy never responded to my messages.
Amount Paid: 3.00
Total Paid:
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My name is Tim Stoddard, I'm the youngest dedicated retro gamer and I'm a Mega CD/Sega CD collector since August 2008 when I won a Mega CD on ebay. My goal as many as possible for the underrated Sega System. This is the total stuff I have so far along with their prices in British Pounds (GBP)
*=Includes Spine Card
(E)= PAL version
(U)= NTSC version
(J)= Japanese version
Sega Mega Drive Mk 1 (E) (won in compo so free)
Sega Mega CD Mk 1 (E) 21
Datel Pro CDX (Black) (E) 42
Cobra Command/Sol-Feace Pack in Game (E) (bought with Mega CD)
Keio Flying Squadron (E) 15
Road Avenger (E) 2.50
Sega Arcade Classics Collection (E) (bought with Mega CD)
Thunderhawk (E) (bought with Mega CD)
Time Gal (E) 12.51,
Tomcat Alley* (E) (updated) 5.99,
Sonic CD (E) 7,
Dragon's Lair (E) 21,
Microcosm (E) 4.20
Sewer Shark (E) 5.50,
Revenge of the Ninja (U) 16,
Fahrenheit (U) 3
BC Racers (demo)
Fatal Fury Special (demo)
Flashback (demo)
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (demo)
Sensible Soccer (demo)
Star Wars: Rebel Assault (demo)
Keio Flying Squadron (demo)
Fifa International Soccer (demo)
The Lawnmower Man (E) (authentic, no box)
The Lawnmower Man (backup)
The Terminator (backup)
(all were from a game lot of 13.50)
Lethal Enforcers with Justifier Gun (need manual) (E) 25
Panic (U) 9.81
Sensible Soccer (E) (came with free Lethal Enforcers CD) 22
Starblade (E) 14.92
Soul Star (E)
Timecop demo 4.70
Adventures of Willy Beamish (U) 0.99
Shadowrun* (J) 17.28
Afterburner III* (E) 24.99
Ground Zero Texas (E) 2.99
Psygnosis Demo
Thunderhawk Demo (Mega Power)
Star Wars: Rebel Assault Demo (Mega Power) 3.98
Mickey Mania (E) 4.20
GarÅ Densetsu Special* (J) 0.54
Sherlock Holmes vol 1 (E) 6.99
Heavy Nova* (J) 3.99
INXS* (E) 3.00
Snatcher (U) 58.41
MegaRace (U) 5.50
Game No Kanzume Vol 1 (J) 10
Prince of Persia (E) 4.99
Wonderdog (E) 8.49
Battle Frenzy (E) 20
Silpheed* (E) 12.75
Robo Aleste (E) 15.38
Batman Returns (E) 6.99
Yumemi Mystery Mansion* (E) 14.50
Jaguar XJ220 (E) 3.00
Yellow BC Racers Yellow Disc 2.95
Death Bringer** (JP) 3.45
Funky Horror Band** (JP) 3.45
Faeria** (JP) 5.00
Ecco the Dolphin* (E) 12.99
Vay (U) 17.75
NHL Hockey 94 (E) 3.82
Final Fight CD (E) 8.48
French Version of Tomcat Alley (E) 10.72
Game No Kanzume Vol 2 (J) 13.84
Wolfchild** (E) 18
Eternal Champions (E) 15
Cyborg 009** (J) 4.28
Formula One: Beyond the Limit (U) 11.25
Sonic CD Sample 806 (J) 53.18
Lunar: The Silver Star (U) 22.99
Novastorm Demo
Sensible Soccer (Paragon Demo) 20
Samurai Shodown Demo 9.99
World Cup USA 94 (E) 7.99
Double Switch (E) 10.99
WWF Rage in the Cage (E) 10.75
Theme Park (E) 25
Paws of Fury (E) 20
Psychic Detective Series 3: AYA (J) 0.99
Psychic Detective Vol 4 (J) 0.99
Sega Classics Arcade/Sherlock Holmes (U) 0.50
Corpse Killer (E) (No manual) 16.86
Formula 1: Beyond the Limit (E) 4.99
Total cost: 794.00
This will be updated every time I get a new game, and this blog will show my ever lasting journey.
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