Hey everyone, just a quick update.
I've got my second Japanese game, it came all the way from Hong Kong and best of all, IT'S SEALED...well, sort of. The game is called Garou Densetsu Special. If you are a big SNK or Fighting game fan with Japanese knowledge. Chances you might know what this game is...
Do you know what it is?
Do you?
Last chance
OK, I'll tell you
The game is!
[img width=500 height=375]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2479/3600462827_9fa53ac0b9.jpg?v=0[/img]
Fatal Fury Special!
Why I say sort of is that you can possibly see the tear in the wrapping. The most coolest thing about this game is that I got it for 54p + posting (and for it coming from Hong Kong it was reasonable)!
Also, I've been selling games that I don't want, out of the 9 games I've tried to sell, 6 have been sold. These include four of my Gameboy games, including a CIB Godzilla, Worms with Box (no manual), Operation C (US version) and Donkey Kong Land, which in total were sold for 5.36. I also sold two of my Game & Watch games I didn't want anymore, which I got new batteries for, Donkey Kong II and Mario's Bombs away, for a total of 36.57 (Including Postage, haven't been sent yet).
I've haven't had a buyer for Gameboy Gallery (cart only, I have a CIB one now), or my cart only Vectorman and Olympic Summer Games. If anyone here is interested in the two please contact me.

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