Yes, I've gotten three games and three demos since the last blog, from only THREE PEOPLE! This will take alot of explaining so make sure you read the full blog.
[img width=429 height=448][/img]
Yeah I may be kicking myself later not to get this any cheaper, but when you think about it, this game goes for 40 or higher usually. I remember a guy telling me through email that he had this game (umong other Working Design games) that he wanted to sell, he rejected my offer (along with all the other offers) of 35 for this game. So getting it for 23 was great, so I lept at the chance! There was however, a sticker on the disk itself (which was removed with White Spirit), the box has the tabs broken off (along with cracks on the back) and the manual is torn on the spine, but for Lunar, as long as it's complete I'm happy

. Oh and I know it's the Second version disk because the Working Designs Logo is Holographic.
[img width=500 height=211][/img]
The one on the left I won a while ago, and the one on the right was much recent, but they came from the same person so I thought of putting them in the same image. What's cool about World Cup USA '94 is that it came with a wall chart, which is a nice add-on since the game has no spine card (I've checked, even on sealed copies). Double Switch is one I've been wanting for a while, but people jack up it's prices unnecessarily, I hate when the starting bid is rediculously high for even an eBay auction when compared to the BIN price I got this game for.
[img width=500 height=372][/img]
This was from one person (I think, his/her email really confuses me) who contributed recently to my site, The PAL Mega CD Library. He sent me an email saying he's selling all his Mega CD stuff, while most were pretty pricey (like 900 for a PAL Bug Blasters), I thought the price of the three demos I got from him were pretty reasonable since one is quite common, another goes for more the last time I remember it being on auction and the final one I've never seen on eBay at all! These demos are Novastorm, Samurai Shodown and Sensible Soccer (Paragon version)
I would've also gotten Five games from a lot that I won on auction for 28, but the a****** of a guy possibly didn't like the final price so he took my money, claimed he send it next business day, never responded to any of my further messages about my games not arriving
FOR FIVE WEEKS, never give me a full refund and never make any resolution to my disputes on both eBay and Paypal! So the moral of the story is, never buy from Wizzgamer, I don't care if I'm publically telling people he's a jerk, but he's a terrible seller.
Amount Paid:
Lunar: The Silver Star 22.99
Novastorm & Sensible Soccer (Paragon Demo) 20
Samurai Shodown Demo 9.99
World Cup USA 94 7.99
Double Switch 10.99
Total Paid: