Happy 4th July and Independence day to everyone, I know I'm late. I got some cool finds including a Sega CD game which came in the post. Continue reading to see what I got.
[img width=329 height=477]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3630/3693793630_4b7dcbc856.jpg?v=0[/img]
This weeks Car Boot hunt wasn't the best but it was definitely better than last weeks. This was the first game find I got, it was in a huge box full of VHS tapes and this was the only game. I got it for 50p, I also noticed when I was at home was that the full title is Spider-Man vs The King Pin, which there is a Mega CD port...I'll get that sometime.
[img width=500 height=262]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3645/3692988821_d9e0c80b9f.jpg?v=0[/img]
I saw the collector guy again (and got his name too), sadly he didn't have any Mega CD games at all but it didn't bother me. I showed him my sealed copy of Jungle Book for the Game Gear and we agreed to trade so I got these three games for just 3 instead of whatever price he would've offered (my guess is around 8-10 from previous things I bought off him). Unfortunately he had to open the game to see if everything was inside (and it did, in pristine condition, so I can safely say it was Factory Sealed when I bought it) after we agreed but since it's not my game any more I shouldn't complain.
[img width=350 height=385]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2635/3693793822_a2885a7df7.jpg?v=0[/img]
YES, I GOT SNATCHER!!!! I looked through eBay (on the same night Andy Murray was playing in Wimbledon) and I saw an auction for this game with only 3 bids, and it was at $86 with 3 hours left. So I waited and thought about it before agreeing to myself to have a try at the auction, so I placed a bid on the very last minute, and the auction ended at 58.41 ($95.60), and including the postage totalled it to a little over 65! So I paid almost half of what people want to buy it for. Sure it may not be as impressive as some other people's Snatcher finds (NES_Man, even if you are great at getting stuff in the wild, I find it hard to believe the price you got your copy of Snatcher for:
and speaking of Snatcher...
[img width=320 height=484]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2615/3693793712_982c58003c.jpg?v=0[/img]
I've been wanting to see this film since I won it on eBay, so I was looking through every single box and area that had VHS tapes until I saw this, it makes up for last week when I saw two copies, didn't buy them and when I wanted to, never saw them again.
And just for laughs
[img width=300 height=400]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs48/300W/f/2009/186/9/2/Found_A_Saw_by_hammerhead101202.jpg[/img]
Yes I found a Saw on the side of a road on my way home from the car boot.
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