I just got into thinking, on gamesniped, nicola made a post about what he would put as museum pieces for a gaming museum. I was just wondering if there was a proper permanent Video Game Museum or Gallery, what would be in it?
Well at first it would obviously have a variety of games, but they should be split up into 6 areas: Atari, Sega, Nintendo, NEC, Sony and Miscellaneous (SNK, Microsoft, Magnavox ect)
In the areas, each console would be in see-through cabinet, and would be working next to a monitor and have a game which people can play. Some other games (both rare and common) would be displayed in cabinets at the walls. There would also be other monitors that could show on an endless loop commercials and promo videos for that company's console/game.
The Rooms themselves would be coloured to fit the theme of the company (so Nintendo would be Red, Sega blue, Atari Brown, Sony Black ect), and on the walls would be hand painted designs of the company's most iconic characters, so Sega would have Sonic, Alex Kidd, Opa-Opa among others.
I think it would also be cool to have a gaming bedroom, similar to the one in the Video Game Nation Exhibition at the Urbis (Pictures Below), but make it like a proper bedroom, with a video game bed, Nintendo Power and Mean Machine Posters on the walls, a Space Invaders Mirror, a proper bedroom!
[img width=700 height=525]http://negativegamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/dscn0992.jpg[/img]
There would also be audio guides, but not the same boring voice. Maybe it would be cool to have members of the companies or collectors/webmasters of gaming sites (e.g. NES would be done by National Game Depot, Mega CD could be done by me).
Do any of you have any ideas?
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I've thought about this quite a bit actually. If I could design my own game museum it would be divided into sections by system, starting with the brown box and going up to the latest and greatest machine. Each system would have a complete (or as nearly complete as possible) library of games to go along with the a system and every hardware piece available. Everything would be behind glass and there would be cards in front of each system giving a brief overview of the system and its games. A TV showing gameplay video, commercials, etc would also be playing in the area. The more influential/successful system would be available to play in an "arcade" type area.
There would also be "decade rooms" that would be rooms (bedrooms, living rooms, etc) that would look just like they would have looked for each of the decade, complete with a system or two from the decade and a few games that look like they're ready to play.
Lol at Decade rooms. I'm picturing something simliar to the caveman displays at museums, but with an NES controller in their hands. Great ideas!!
@Crabmaster2000: I can see it now... "So easy a caveman could do it!!"
Anyways, its not a bad idea. There aren't any permanent establishments out there, but there are often temporary ones at conventions and stuff. I didn't have a camera at Midwest Gaming Classic last year, but this year I'll be sure to bring back some pics of their gaming museum. They had some 40 (maybe more) retro consoles hooked up and playable. I thought it was funny that nobody noticed the SHARP NES television used to show off a fighting game. It's a big money item among NES collectors. They also had a collection of development and ultra rare LEs on display too.
@OatBob: or I could link to other peoples pictures.
MGC 2009 Museum http://www.flickr.com/photos/91071283@N00/sets/72157615834963880/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/91071283@N00/3380820555/in/set-72157615746538685/
that is my dream is to make a Video Game Museum seperated by decades and have all systems playable with the rooms having the feel of the decade ( need to find egg chairs for the 70's). I tell my wife that I need to win the lottery so I can start my busness 
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