NOTE: Ok, I don't know what's happened, but the truth is that I was meant to post this entry way later. Because even though I bought the item mentioned, I don't have it on me (hence no photo). This is because I bought the item but paypal will take a long time clearing the item before it can be sent to me. (and that is why I should just use my parent's eBay account) Hello awesome readers! Before starting this blog I ask, how are you? I have been doing exams so I haven't been commuting as much as I use to. Now this blog entry is dedicated towards a special find of mine so continue reading.
Now the find is Mega CD related (of course), but it isn't a game or accessory. But..well...look at the picture.[img width=400 height=300][/img]
This is the infamous 8 minute long UK Sega Mega CD Promo video to advertise the UK release of the system in April 1993 (also the month and year I was born

). The person I bought it from (known as theatticbug), got it from a video game store along with other promo videos (like the "Dreamology" Dreamcast promo video).
I'm not fully sure on the details of the promo itself, one person claims he saw it during an ad-break back in 1993, which seems unlikely since it is 8 minutes long. The more likely pieces of info were that they were sent to Video Game stores around the UK to promote the system in 1993 (since the guy I bought it off got it from a Video Game retailer) and that they were given out during video game related events such as Gamesmaster Live, a live arena version of the classic video game gameshow shown on Channel 4 (anyone remember it?).
Here it is video for people who want to see what it is like:
Since you can find it on Youtube really easily, then the original tape is more a collector's item, good for me, eh?
Well, just to show you even more proof that this is real I made this video for people like you.
Amount paid:
Mega CD Promo Tape 12.55
Total paid: 267.06