CKsGallery's Blog
Well I havent updated this in awhile, so I guess it is time. Over the past few weeks I have been picking up things here and there but nothing major to warrant a post. I feel I finally have enough things together to do a write up.
From a few weeks ago from the Flea Markets I got: Spider-Man X-Men SNES Complete: $3 Golden Axe II Genesis CIB & Ground Zero Texas Sega CD CIB: 2 for $5 The rest of the games were also 2 for $5. Mortal Kombat II SNES Ghostbusters NES Kickmaster NES Shatterhand NES Joe & Mac NES T2 NES Solomon's Key NES.

The following is from another week at the Fleas: All for Intellivision and Complete: Space Hawk Major League Baseball Mouse Trap Skiing Triple Action Snafu Vegas Poker & Blackjack and Space Armada They were $1 each and came with a whole lot of other stuff (more on that in a few)
The Genesis Games were $3 each and all CIB Toy Story X-Men and Primal Rage
Game Genie for SNES $2
All of the Nintendo Games were 2 for $5 Jaws Battle Chess Trick Shooting 3-D Worldrunner with Glasses Championship Bowling Cobra Command Raid on Bungeling Bay
Duck Hunt and 10 Yard Fight I got For Free.

This next picture I managed to get for free while buying the intellivision games, there are Atari Catalogs, Atari Booklets, NES Cases, Intellivision Booklets, Instructions, Stickers, and more. Some pretty cool stuff.

The next picture I also managed to get free for buying all of the nes games above. A bunch of NES instructions.

The next bunch I got the 7 Intellivision games CIB for only $7 from a friend of a friend selling on ebay, I bid and got them all for .99 each and didnt have to pay to ship because they lived down the block. Darksiders for the 360 I got for $12.99 from Gamefly. and Alan Wake Collectors Edition I got from Amazons deals for $40.

This next lot is from the Flea last week, The Atari games you see were sitting in a old bag sitting in a pile of other things, so I asked how much and they said $6, ended up getting the 23 games, and Controller for $5. Haunted House Star Raiders Stampede Raiders of the Lost Ark Combat Karateka Dig Dug Jungle Hunt Defender Journey Escape Food Fight Xevious Pac Man Donkey Kong Junior Raft Rider Mario Bros Keystone Kapers Jr Pac Man Warlords Atlantis Pitfall Ghostbusters Pole Position II
I got the How to Win at Nintendo Games book for 5 cents
Quake 4 was $3 complete with a bonus disk inside. Chessmaster and Speedy Gonzales were 2 for $5. and Brothers in Arms Hells Highway Collectors Edition I got online for $20.

Finally that brings us up to this past week. There are getting to be less and less people at the flea now that its starting to get cooler out, and the last one is Oct 31st, so I have been finding less and less. All of these games came from just two different people. If it wasnt for them I wouldnt have found anything. First Up I picked up the following, all $1 each. Genesis: Tecmo Super Bowl CIB Road Blasters CIB Super Thunder Blade CIB NBA Jam CIB Sub Terania CIB Pro Quarterback CIB Evander Holyfield Boxing CIB Hand On & Astro Warrior CIB for the SMS Saturday Night Slammasters for the SNES Clayfighter for the SNES all beat up Alien vs Predator SNES Bonanza Brothers Genesis Game Genie Genesis, I now have 2 game genies for the Genesis, one is black and one is this gold one.
The second guy I managed to pick up a few dreamcast games (this is the first time I have ever seen import games at a flea market) The Dreamcast Games were $1 each. Gian Gram 2000 Sega GT F355 Ferarri and the US version of Sonic 2. Also bought Star Ocean (missing Instructions) for the PS1 for $3.
Also picked up Fable II Special Edition online for $12 and Street Fighter IV Special Edition online for $22

Hopefully stay tuned for next week.
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three