Well I havent updated this in awhile, so I guess it is time. Over the past few weeks I have been picking up things here and there but nothing major to warrant a post. I feel I finally have enough things together to do a write up.
From a few weeks ago from the Flea Markets I got: Spider-Man X-Men SNES Complete: $3 Golden Axe II Genesis CIB & Ground Zero Texas Sega CD CIB: 2 for $5 The rest of the games were also 2 for $5. Mortal Kombat II SNES Ghostbusters NES Kickmaster NES Shatterhand NES Joe & Mac NES T2 NES Solomon's Key NES.

The following is from another week at the Fleas: All for Intellivision and Complete: Space Hawk Major League Baseball Mouse Trap Skiing Triple Action Snafu Vegas Poker & Blackjack and Space Armada They were $1 each and came with a whole lot of other stuff (more on that in a few)
The Genesis Games were $3 each and all CIB Toy Story X-Men and Primal Rage
Game Genie for SNES $2
All of the Nintendo Games were 2 for $5 Jaws Battle Chess Trick Shooting 3-D Worldrunner with Glasses Championship Bowling Cobra Command Raid on Bungeling Bay
Duck Hunt and 10 Yard Fight I got For Free.

This next picture I managed to get for free while buying the intellivision games, there are Atari Catalogs, Atari Booklets, NES Cases, Intellivision Booklets, Instructions, Stickers, and more. Some pretty cool stuff.

The next picture I also managed to get free for buying all of the nes games above. A bunch of NES instructions.

The next bunch I got the 7 Intellivision games CIB for only $7 from a friend of a friend selling on ebay, I bid and got them all for .99 each and didnt have to pay to ship because they lived down the block. Darksiders for the 360 I got for $12.99 from Gamefly. and Alan Wake Collectors Edition I got from Amazons deals for $40.

This next lot is from the Flea last week, The Atari games you see were sitting in a old bag sitting in a pile of other things, so I asked how much and they said $6, ended up getting the 23 games, and Controller for $5. Haunted House Star Raiders Stampede Raiders of the Lost Ark Combat Karateka Dig Dug Jungle Hunt Defender Journey Escape Food Fight Xevious Pac Man Donkey Kong Junior Raft Rider Mario Bros Keystone Kapers Jr Pac Man Warlords Atlantis Pitfall Ghostbusters Pole Position II
I got the How to Win at Nintendo Games book for 5 cents
Quake 4 was $3 complete with a bonus disk inside. Chessmaster and Speedy Gonzales were 2 for $5. and Brothers in Arms Hells Highway Collectors Edition I got online for $20.

Finally that brings us up to this past week. There are getting to be less and less people at the flea now that its starting to get cooler out, and the last one is Oct 31st, so I have been finding less and less. All of these games came from just two different people. If it wasnt for them I wouldnt have found anything. First Up I picked up the following, all $1 each. Genesis: Tecmo Super Bowl CIB Road Blasters CIB Super Thunder Blade CIB NBA Jam CIB Sub Terania CIB Pro Quarterback CIB Evander Holyfield Boxing CIB Hand On & Astro Warrior CIB for the SMS Saturday Night Slammasters for the SNES Clayfighter for the SNES all beat up Alien vs Predator SNES Bonanza Brothers Genesis Game Genie Genesis, I now have 2 game genies for the Genesis, one is black and one is this gold one.
The second guy I managed to pick up a few dreamcast games (this is the first time I have ever seen import games at a flea market) The Dreamcast Games were $1 each. Gian Gram 2000 Sega GT F355 Ferarri and the US version of Sonic 2. Also bought Star Ocean (missing Instructions) for the PS1 for $3.
Also picked up Fable II Special Edition online for $12 and Street Fighter IV Special Edition online for $22

Hopefully stay tuned for next week.
Back from a pretty successful weekend of garage sale / flea market hunt.

First score was from a yard sale. 12 Atari 2600 games with Instructions for $5. Games Were: Missile Command Asteroids Vanguard Demon Attack Arcade Pinball Pac Man Football Skiing Yars Revenge Volleyball Baseball Warlords.
The following is from a bunch of different people selling things at the flea market.

First guy was selling these PS2 games for $2 each. The following 3 for $5 all CIB Dark Cloud Gungriffon Blaze Arc the Lad Gundam Journey to Jaburo Shaman King Fullmetal Alchemist
The original PSone games were $1 each, GTA Compilation $3 all CIB. Grand Theft Auto Collectors Edition South Park Hot Shots Golf 2
SNES Games $1 Each Super Tennis NHL Stanley Cup
N64 Games $1 Each Cruisin World Turock 2
NES Games: Bases Loaded CIB $1 Baseball Stars $1 Ice Hockey : Free
The rest of the NES were $2 each. Gauntlet CIB Xenophobe Hunt for Red October Ninja Kid The Terminator
Sega Master System: Pro Wrestling: .50cents
I previously purchased an Intellivision a few months back but it was still factory sealed and didnt want to open it. I was happy to find this system in great shape and fully working order for $6. The Games were $10 MLB Nova Blast Football Donkey Kong Venture Carnival Space Hawk Lock N Chase Triple Action Vegas BJ n Poker Tropical Trouble
I have finally started to collect a little more seriously the games and systems before the NES and any tips of some of the rarer games to look out for would be great. I am very knowledgeable about all of the games and systems during the NES era and beyond, but not much at all about earlier systems... but am having a great time collecting and playing them though. Hopefully next weekend will be just as good as this one.
Well it has been a few weeks since I have posted, mainly because the past few weeks have been extremely busy and I havent had time to do much flea market / yard sale hunting. But here we go.
First Haul all comes from Yard Sales last weekend.

Legacy of the Wizard CIB for the NES $2 Thrillville, Bruce Lee, Oddworld Strangers Wrath, and Gun all CIB for the Xbox, $2 each. NFL Quarterback Club 2000 CIB & Blast Corps & Wave Race 64 for the N64 $1 each. Fighting Force and Battle Hunter for the PS1 $1 Each. Wario Land 2 for the GameBoy $.50. Sega Genesis Games all CIB $2 Each. Deadly Moves, Super Smash TV, Growl, Cosmic Spacehead, Pac Man 2, Clue, and Judge Dredd.
The next lot was from Craigslist. Said highest bidder wins, I was the only one to put in an offer. Got 42 NES Games for $45.
 List of Games: TMNT Shadowgate Marble Madness MLB Blades of Steel Zelda Zelda II Castlevania Castlevania 2 Castlevania 3 Batman Joker WWF Wrestlemania Challenge WWF Steel Cage Challenge Double Dribble Excitebike Top Gun Monsters In My Pocket Operation Wolf Double Dragon II Rampage Caveman Games Renegade Ninja Gaiden Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Millipede Tetris Bartman vs Radioactive Man Godzilla Airwolf Astyanax Spiderman Sinister Six WCW Wrestling Jordan vs Bird Ski or Die Karate Champ Super Tecmo Bowl Roger Clemens MVP Baseball Arch Rivals Pro Wrestling
Next lot was also from Craigs List, from the same person. I told them $50 for this lot, and was told someone offered higher, so I thought I lost it. 3 Days later I guess the deal fell through, and the $50 was accepted for 25 N64 games CIB, 3 N64 games just cartridge, A N64 with all hookups and 2 controllers.

Games Include: 10 Sports Titles WWF Attitude Star Wars Episode 1 Racer Star Wars Shadows of the Empire WCW Mayhem WWF Warzone WWF No Mercy San Francisco Rush F1 World Grand Prix Nascar 2000 Nascar 99 Mario Kart 64 Mortal Kombat Sub Zero Mortal Kombat 4 Cruisin USA Goldeneye 007 Shadow Man (My Favorite game when I was a bit younger cant wait to beat this again) WCW NWO World Tour WCW NWO Revenge WWF Wrestlemania 2000
Last picture was from a flea market I attended over this weekend, it was off and on rain so not many people there, managed to get a few games.

Marked $2 each, managed to get them all for $5 Destruction Derby 2, R4 both complete, Monopoly & Lethal Weapon
$4 each for The Simpsons Game and Battlefield 2 Xbox 360 both Complete and $2 for Musashi PS2 Complete
Planning on going to a flea market quick this week before Ozzfest, hopefully I will do a little better than last week.
Well I have had a few bad weeks not finding much, but I finally have another worthy post this week. First up is a Auction / Church Flea Market I attended. Nothing great at the auction, but found the follwing at the Flea Market. Atomic Runner & Primal Rage for the Genesis, Blasto & Jade Cocoon for the PS1. Pack of Game Boy cases, Game boy holder, an AWESOME wooden Nintendo game holder with Super Mario 3 engraved in the wood. And Racing Wheels for the Playstation, and the Gamecube. All of this ran me $5 total.
[img width=639 height=420]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6904.jpg[/img]
The rest was from the flea markets I attended this week. It seems every week there are more and more families getting rid of their old games. Found a big Genesis lot. System & Wires 2 Controllers 4 player adapter Sega Mouse Wacky Worlds Creative Studio & Lotus II loose. The rest of the games are all CIB. Wheel of Fortune Frank Thomas Big Hurt Contra Hard Corps Battletoads & Double Dragon NBA Hang Time Star Trek Deep Space Nine Taz Mania Taz in Escape from Mars Zero Tolerance Family Feud Nigel Mansell's World Championship Aladdin Sonic Sonic 2 Sonic 3 Troy Aikman Football ESPN National Hockey Night The Jungle Book Ms Pac Man Pink Goes to Hollywood Pitfall All of this ran me $35
[img width=639 height=463]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6905.jpg[/img]
The next few items were from a bunch of different people.
Xbox 360 Spectral Force 3, PGR 3, The Last Remnant, Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda 2 pack, Bullet Witch, Prince of Persia, $5 each.
An original GameBoy with Alleyway, Wave Race, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, F1 Race for $7.
NFL Football 94, and Eternal Champions for Genesis $1 each. Namco Museum for Xbox $2. PS1 Deathtrap Dungeon, Legacy of Kain, & Hexen 3 for $5. Xbox Street Race Syndicate, PS2 Star Trek Encounters, Pinball Hall of Fame 3 for $5
Everything else was $1 each and in pristine condition. PS1 Rayman, QBert, Risk, Rageball, Medal of Honor (New still Wrapped), Star Trek Invasion, Dreamcast Sydney 2000 (New Still Wrapped), ReVolt (New still Wrapped), and Sega Bass Fishing. NES The Bards Tale, NFL (w/instructions & play guide), & Hylide (w/ instructions & map) NES Acclaim Wireless Remote, NES Flight Stick.
[img width=639 height=611]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6926.jpg[/img]
Last Guy just had 2 big boxes of things, picked up everything for $30. Atari 2600 with original adapter to tv, works great. Sega Master System, only came with system, prob doesnt work. Atari Trakball, Atari Games: Combat, Donkey Kong, Casino, Pac Man, Atari 7800 game Ms Pac Man. And a whole bunch of Sega Saturn Games, Almost all CIB. 2 NHL 97s, NFL Quarterback Club, Nights into Dreams, NHL All Star Hockey 98, 2 Madden 97's, 1 new in wrapper, Iron Man/Heavy Metal, Myst has back but no instruction, Xmen Children of the Atom, Daytona USA, Quarterback Attack, Black Fire, World Series Baseball, Fifa Soccer 96, & 3 games disk only, Sega Soccer 97, Madden 97, NFL 97.
[img width=639 height=447]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6925.jpg[/img]
Hopefully next week will be just as great.
Another great week this week.
While flea market shopping last Sunday with a friend was telling him about how Ive been looking for a working game gear, and how all the ones Ive been finding are broken in some way. He said he had one sitting in his basement that I can have. He gave it to me this week, and it was a bit more than I expected. Came with the game gear Game gear travel case Game Gear TV Tuner Game Gear Magnifying Glass (forget the official name) Original Paperwork, 6 Games, and 5 Instruction books. Games: Quiz Wiz Movie Trivia Sonic The Hedgehog Sonic Chaos Streets of Rage Ren & Stimpy Quest for the Shaven Yak and Choplifter III
[img width=639 height=596]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6864.jpg[/img]
Then Friday went to Gamestop for their buy 2 get 1 free on used games. Picked up all GBA: Pinball of the Dead Tactics Ogre (for some reason after reading the GBA Bootleg thread, I think this may be a bootleg, label is a little blurry and game froze 3 times on me already) Shaman King Final Fantasy V Lunar Legend Rebelstar Tactical Command Shining Soul Eye of the Beholder King of Fighters EX-NEO Blood CIMA: The Enemy River City Ransom Sword of Mana Phantasy Star Collection All of this ran me about $38 and some change.
After this came Sunday and it was time for the flea markets. Had to go to a motocross tournament to see my GFs brother compete at 8am so I only had about 1/2 hour at this huge flea market, sadly I only got to see about 1/2 of the flea market, and was either lucky that I picked up all that I did, or maybe there was a lot more people selling games and I missed some other big finds. Either way I picked up the following: PS2 all CIB: Baulders Gate Dark Alliance Devil May Cry 2 Red Faction II Medal of Honor Rising Sun GT3: A-spec PS1 all CIB: Need for Speed III Cool Boarders 2 Rampage World Tour Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 and Driver Also Picked up the GTA San Andreas Strategy Guide Everything was $1 each, got 10 games and they gave me the Strategy Guide for free.
Next I picked up Super Pitfall for the NES. I saw all of these Nintendo games and started looking through them unaware that he was a pro video game seller only selling video games. When I asked how much he said $10, I said no thank you, then went to $5. I still said no thank you and then he asked how much I wanted to pay for it. I told him I just come to these to find really cheap games and he didnt want to know what I wanted to pay for it. So he said how about you give me a dollar for it. I said ok, maybe should have seen if he would have given me the other nes games he had that I needed for $1 too but he was making me feel a bit strange so I just walked.
[img width=640 height=498]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6863.jpg[/img]
Last place I got to stop before we had to leave I saw some great games, Picked up BattleClash & Super Smash TV for the SNES, basically new in box but not wrapped. Never seen boxes in the great of condition. Also Picked up Fear Effect, also in pristine condition. We were in such a rush thank god he showed me the find of the month for me. I was about to pay for these 3 games and he said check this out, would this be something you would be interesed in. It was a brand new Intellivision. Box in pristine condition. He said he just opened it to display to sell. Everything still shrink wrapped, all of the paperwork, and 2 games also new looking but opened. Major League Baseball, and Poker & Blackjack. Picked up the 2snes games, 1 ps game, 2 intellivision games and system all for $25.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6865.jpg[/img] [img width=640 height=477]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6866.jpg[/img]
Now the BIG question... leave the system sealed and keep looking for a used system to play, or bust this bad boy open and have some fun. Still havent decided.
Another nice week of collecting. First yard sale of the day got me 6 PS2 games for $10. Bad Boys, Hitman Contracts, Nightmare Before Christmas, True Crime LA in the NYC Box, God of War, and Ratchet & Clank. After this went to the flea markets. There were so many people there selling video games this time, most of these games came from different stands. Managed to snag: Mario Nintendo DS Case: $1 Civilization Revolution Xbox 360: $5 Mega Man 4, Bubble Bobble, Ikari III for the NES at $3 Each Donkey Kong & Pac Man: 2 for $5 Fighting Force 2 PS1: $1 Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, Bloody Roar 4 for PS2: $2 each Destroy all Humans 2 Xbox: $2 also picked up some Game boy, and GBA games 5 for $10. Was very excited about this because I never seem to find portable game cartridges outside of game shops and pawn shops. Got: Fist of the North Star Game Boy, Metal Walker GBColor, Street Racing Syndicate GBA, MedaBots GBA, and Fire Pro Wrestling GBA. Also Picked up a Genesis Game Genie: $2 After this I went to Gamestop where I purchased The Guy Game Disk Only, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX CIB, and Dai Senkyaku VII CIB for a bit over $15. Also got GTA Episodes, and a 120GB HD for the 360 for free for helping a friend out over the weekend.
[img width=640 height=578]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6850.jpg[/img]
Thought this deserved its own picture... at the second flea market of the day I usually dont find much because its already getting late and everything is pretty much picked over, but I found this Oddyssey 300 in almost new condition with the original box and some paperwork, which came with the old tv and the rf switch. I have been having bad luck with purchasing systems lately, (bought a broken Game Gear, and a still not working Atari 2600 over the past few weeks) so I almost passed this off... but I have never seen one of these even at the video game shops, let alone in the box sitting at a flea market... Was marked $30, picked it up for $20. Everything works perfectly, was playing pong with the GF all night.
[img width=640 height=524]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6849.jpg[/img]
Well I have decided that I purchase a lot more video games each week than just at the flea markets. (That, and it poured and there were tornado warnings all weekend... so there were no flea markets) So I am going to make this my weekly update of things added to my collection throughout the week.
This week I found my greatest find ever on craigs list. Drove 1/2 hour there, 1/2 hour back to get the following: Sega Genesis System Sega 32x System Sega CD System with original Box All hookups 2 Official Controllers 1 Aftermarket Controller 1 Mortal Kombat 3 Kontrol Pad CIB 9 sega cd games: Star Wars Rebel Assault CIB Prize Fighter CIB Dune CIB Tom Cat Alley CIB Sonic CD CIB Sewer Shark Disk & Instructions Lethal Enforcers Disk & Instructions Jaguar 220 Disk & Instructions Road Avenger Disk & Instructions Sega CD 32X Corpse Killer CIB 9 32X games: Star Wars Arcade CIB Space Harrier CIB Virtua Raing CIB 36 Great Holes Golf CIB Zaxxons Motherbase 2000 CIB Doom CIB Virtua Fighter CIB Star Trek Starship Bridge Simulator CIB Shadow Squadron CIB 19 Genesis games: Pirates CIB T2 Terminator 2 CIB Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate CIB Menacer (CIB)(Also Comes with the Menacer Guns instructions, and the black box from the Menacer Gun... but no gun) Mortal Kombat CIB Herzog Zwei CIB Herzog Zwei Cart Only Indy Car CIB Columns CIB Sonic CIB Mario Andretti Racing CIB Shanghai CIB Sonic 2 CIB Generl Chaos wit 4 player adaptor CIB Mario Lemieux Hockey CIB Road Rash II CIB Lemmings CIB Combat Cars Cart Only Micro Machines Cart Only and a whole lot of extra pieces that I dont know what they go to yet... all of this ran me $40
[img width=568 height=639]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6828.jpg[/img] [img width=639 height=613]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6830.jpg[/img] [img width=465 height=640]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6829.jpg[/img]
Next up was another craigs list find this week... Mass Effect 2 Collectors Edition used but complete. Everything was in excellent condition except the outside paper box there is a tear in the corner... was $25.
[img width=618 height=639]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6827.jpg[/img]
I want to thank upandaway84 for the following Genesis & Playstation games all in great condition. [img width=639 height=407]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6825.jpg[/img]
And would also like to thank Tynstar for the following Strategy Guides added to my collection.
[img width=640 height=491]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6826.jpg[/img]
Was a great week in adding to my collection, hopefully next week will be just as good.
Went to the flea market this sunday thinking they may not even have it due to a holiday weekend, but it was the largest one yet. Picked up a few nice finds. First Place I picked up 5 playstation games for $1 each, all CIB. Wheel of Fortune 2nd Edition, Shrek Treasure Hunt, NHL 2 on 2 Open Ice Challenge, Power Rangers, and Namco Museum Vol. 2. Next found the MGS Strategy Guide, and Luminous Art Book, $3. along with the 2 CIB game gear games which were $1 each. Last find was a great one, the Atari with 2 joysticks, and 19 games sitting in a box marked $40. I was looking through it and talking to my friend saying I always wanted one but didnt want to spend that much... I guess the guy heard me and said he would take $20. I agreed, but got home and realized its missing the power supply  Does anyone know if there is a generic supply I can use or if I am going to have to buy an expensive one off of ebay?
[img width=578 height=640]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6792.jpg[/img]
Back again for week 6 of my flea market finds. Not too many people there this week since they were forecasting rain, but still found a few things.
[img width=640 height=560]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6739.jpg[/img]
First place I picked up a Gamegear, charger plug, and an official battery pack, and an unofficial one also. Also came with 4 games: Sonic Triple Trouble, Ren & Stimpy Quest for the Shaven Yak, The Majors Pro Baseball, and Super Columns. Got this for $10. However when I got home, I tried to power it up and it turns on, and then shuts off about 1-5 seconds later. I have it taken apart but have no idea what I am looking for, any help greatly appreciated!!! Second score of the day was a Sega 32x complete in box with everything still wrapped in its original packing, looks brand new, included all of the paperwork and flyers, and ads that come with it also. Got this for $7. Now I just need to get some 32x games. Thats about it for this week, nothing major, but very excited about the 32x.
Went to visit the wife's sister a few hours away this weekend and went to a huge flea market by their house. It was a little different than what I was used to, there were different building with many different people selling new and old things. Most of them looked like they were dealers of antiques. Saw a few electronic places but they all knew what they had and were overcharging for everything I picked up. There were a total of 3 dealers selling games inside all overpriced, and I was getting very disappointed. After we walked through all of the buildings I saw that there was a huge outdoor section in the back, and it all looked like local people selling things out of their garage. Exactly what I was looking for.
[img width=639 height=592]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6724.jpg[/img]
First place I stopped they had a huge assortment of video games from many different systems. When I asked how much, he said everything was $5 no more no less. After picking through many overpriced sports titles, I managed to pick up NES: Double Dragon II (CIB), and XEXYZ (CIB) N64: War Gods (CIB), and Dark Rift (CIB) PS1: Grand Theft Auto (CIB+Map), Command & Conquer (CB), and Illusion of Legaia (CIB).
[img width=639 height=457]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6725.jpg[/img]
Second stop also had an assortment of video games. Managed to pick these up for $2 each. Xbox: Roller Coaster Tycoon (CB), Pump it Up (CIB), and Spy vs Spy (CIB). PS1: Cyber Tiger (CIB) NES: Magic Johnsons Fast Break
[img width=639 height=497]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6726.jpg[/img]
Last place I also managed to pick up an assortment of games for $2 each also. PS2: Legend of Alon'Dar (CIB), GTA San Andreas (CIB) Xbox: Destroy all Humans (CIB), Star Wars Episode III (CIB), and Sims Bustin Out (CB) PS1: Grid Runner (CIB), 40 Winks (CIB), Dracula The Last Sanctuary (CIB), and Star Wars Rebel Assault II (CIB)
I also picked up a few 80's horror movies on vhs that were never re-released on dvd for $.50 a piece. My other passion besides video games are collecting and enjoying 80s horror.
[img width=615 height=640]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6716.jpg[/img]
Compared to the past few weekends, I didnt really pick up anything huge this time. My wallet thanks me for that. This week also marks the first time I ever unknowingly purchased a game I already owned (Soviet Strike). I guess it's time to start carrying around a sheet with games I already own. I purchased all of these games from one person, 2 were marked $1, when asked about the others they said everything video game related was $1. All games came complete, and all strategy guides are in excellent condition.
Next weekend I am going to see the wifes sister and they are taking me to supposedly a HUGE flea market and auction on Sunday, so hopefully I pick up some nice finds.
Well I am about fully unpacked and moved into the new house. There is so much work to do to the house before I start really working on the mancave, but for now this is the layout. I eventually want to paint the walls and put down either wooden flooring or a penny pattern floor.
Its really hard to take a full picture of the room, so I took a few different pics.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6703.jpg[/img]
This is about 1/2 way into the room on the right side.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6702.jpg[/img]
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6701.jpg[/img]
This is about 1/2 way into the room on the left side.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6706.jpg[/img]
TV & System setup, as you can see most wires still arent hooked up.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6707.jpg[/img]
This is about 1/2 way into the room looking back to the left side.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6708.jpg[/img]
This is about 1/2 way into the room looking back to the right side.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6712.jpg[/img]
In this picture the stairs are on the left and on the right is the graphic design desk.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6711.jpg[/img]
The Nintendo Collection, In the process of cutting wood paneling to put behind the shelf (So people dont knock the games off the shelf and they go flying down the stairs behind them)
[img width=640 height=480]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6710.jpg[/img]
Dreamcast Collection, Jaguar Collection, some SNES, and some 64 games.
[img width=480 height=640]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6709.jpg[/img]
PS2, Gamecube, and XBox Collection.
[img width=480 height=640]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6704.jpg[/img]
PS1 Collection.
[img width=480 height=640]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6705.jpg[/img]
360 Collection.
Hopefully over the winter I will have the time to remodel this room the way it is meant to be, but until then, this is the setup.
Was a great weekend at the Flea Market this weekend... but man my wallet is hurting.
First thing I purchased was a HUGE Dreamcast lot. System with all hookups 3 Sega Controllers, 1 generic Controller, 4 VMU's 1 Generic 4x Memory Card NFL 2k1, NBA 2k1 and World Series 2k1 3 pack bundle still sealed. Tee Off CIB, Snow Cross Championship Racing CIB, Virtua Tennis CIB, Coaster Works CIB, 18 Wheeler CIB, 3 Dreamcast Demo Disks, World Series 2k1 CIB, Tony Hawks Pro Skater CIB, NFL Blitz 2001 CIB, NBA 2k CIB, NFL 2k CIB, NFL 2k1 CIB, Dead or Alive 2 CIB, Bass Fishing CIB, Unreal Tournament CIB, WWF Royal Rumble CIB, Speed Devils CIB, Ecco the Dolphin CIB, Suzuki Alstare CIB, Shenmue 4 Disks Only, Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 CIB, Roadsters Disk Only, Slave Zero CIB, Blue Singer CIB, King of Fighters Dream Match 99 CIB, Sydney 2000 CIB, Rainbow Six CB, MTV Skateboarding CIB, Sega GT CIB, Web Browser 2.0 CIB, Vigilante 8 2nd Offense CIB, SF Alpha 3 CIB, another Web Browser 2.0, Ready 2 Rumble Boxing CB, Rayman 2 CIB, Atari Anniversary CIB, Crazy Taxi Disk Only, 4 Wheel Thunder CIB, South Park Chef's Luv Shack CIB, Ms. Pac Man CIB, Tennis 2k2 CIB, NFL 2k2 CIB, Xtreme Sports CIB, Frogger 2 CIB, Ultimate Fighting Championship CIB, Sonic Adventure CIB, Hoyle Casino CIB, Plasma Sword CIB, and Wonder Dog for the Sega CD Disk Only. All of this ran me $70.
[img width=554 height=640]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6620.jpg[/img]
Next up I purchased a bunch of N64 Games Cartridge Only. Vigilante 8 Star Wars Episode 1 Racer Banjo Tooie Pokemon Snap Pokemon Stadium Star Wars Shadow of the Empire Golden Nugget Banjo Kazooie Mario Kart 64 Mischief Makers Rainbow Six 11 Cartridges were $20.
[img width=639 height=556]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6624.jpg[/img]
Last few purchases this weekend were:
Madden 2002 for the N64 CIB, Looks new but box was a little busted, cartridge still sealed in plastic. $3. 720, and Sesame Street 123 for the NES, 2 for $5. Harry Potter, Ten Pin Alley, and Family Feud for the PS1, 3 for $5. And finally COD Modern Warfare 2 for $20. I purchased MW2 off of an angry young girl selling off all of her boyfriends things, I was laughing so hard, but then felt bad for buying it... this guy is going to be pissed. But if I didnt, someone else definitely would have.
[img width=639 height=597]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6625.jpg[/img]
Well there was no update last week because I finally took a vacation to Cancun... what a blast that was, but that is another story. This week I woke up very early and hit up the big flea market in my area, and then picked up a few friends and drove to the TooManyGames expo. Found a few great deals at the flea market.
First stop I purchased 10 nintendo games with the holder. Was asking $2 each, I purchased them all for $10. Received: Skate or Die, R.C. ProAM, Rad Racer, Othello, Marble Madness, 1942, Top Gun, John Elways Quarterback, TMNT Arcade Game, Spy Hunter.
From another stand picked up the Final Fantasy XII strategy guide for $2. Can anyone shed any light why it says "Not For Sale" on the back though? So I am not entirely sure.
Another Pickup was Frogger 2 and Crash 2 Mint In Box, and Pac Man World CIB for $3 Each. Last Pickup of the flea market was Mega Man X4 for the PS1 in a Sega Rally Case, NHL 99 CIB, VR Gold 97 CIB, Boxing CIB, Powerboat Racing CIB, Wild 9 Disk Only, and Dark Stone CIB all for $5.
[img width=504 height=639]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6611.jpg[/img]
After this was the TooManyGames Expo. I probably wont be going back to that next year. I honestly dont feel it was even worth the 2 hour drive it took me to get there. The expo was 1 medium sized room. In that room there were about 7 different places selling all sorts of video games from every system, one had imports. 5 out of the 7 places the prices were extremely overpriced, even what I could purchase a copy off ebay for. (I am a cheapassgamer at heart and will never pay retail for a game) One of the places had decent prices, and 1 had good prices.
There were a few vendors selling shirts, a video game art stand (which was very cool), and a place selling food.... hot dogs and cookies lol. On the other size of the room they had about 10 tvs hooked up to 10 different systems you could try out, and a few tournaments starting up.
There was also a dance club type room where they were playing techno remixes of old nintendo tunes... but everybody was just standing around, and there were about 5 people dressed like star wars characters on the dance floor playing light saber. Was kind of just expecting everything to be bigger and better. Brought $500 with me looking to spend and only spent $70... oh well. Here is the merchandise: For the Gamecube I purchased Bomberman Generation and Metroid Prime for $5 each, CIB. For the Xbox I purchased Doom 3 and Munch's Oddysee for $5 each, CIB. For the NES I purchased Shigen the Ruler, The Ultimate Stuntman, and Caveman Games, all 3 for $10. I also Purchased Zelda for the SNES CIB with everything it originally included for $35. I was most excited about this purchase. Speaking of an example of the prices, this same game at a different stand they wanted $75 for. The last purchase is while I was talking to the artist selling video game art for quite awhile and while I was leaving he said he brought a few games to sell and asked if i wanted to check them out, I said definitely and he sold me SNES: Super Mario World, Super Mario All Stars, Aladdin, StarFox, N64: Diddy Kong Racing, and Jaguar: Iron Soldier. 6 games for $5. Sweet.
The Enchanted Arms Special Edition I purchased at the Gamestop by the Airport after getting back from Cancun for a little under $10.
[img width=639 height=523]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6613.jpg[/img]
This is my first entry, but I am going to try to make this a weekly thing. There are two big flea markets around my area that open every Sunday. There are always different people selling their old merchandise. Here is what I found this week. As soon as I went to the first person at the flea market, I picked up my first score. 3 Strategy Guides, and an Art Book. Final Fantasy VII, Fable, Final Fantasy X, and Final Fantasy XII Art Book. ($4.00) [img width=455 height=432]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6402.jpg[/img]
The second score was a little later, after thinking the guides may be my only pick up of the day. Someone had a giant box that said everything $1.00, I was going to just keep going, but I saw a few cd cases peeking out, so I decided to stop. Im glad I did. Picked up: Playstation: Tekken (with case and back art), Theme Park (with case & back art), D (disk only). Sega Cd: Kids on Site (New Still Sealed), Jeopardy (New Still Sealed), Who Shot Johnny Rock? (CIB), Cliffhanger (New Still Sealed), Sol Feace (CB), Sewer Shark (Disk and front of instructions). Sega Genesis: Hardball (CIB), Power Plug (CIB) SNES: Madden 96, (Instructions, 2 posters, and other paperwork) Sega Gamegear: Sonic 2 (New Still Sealed) and 7 random instruction booklets laying in the bottom. Picked it all up for $10. [img width=617 height=432]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6403.jpg[/img]
Found these in the Harball Case, 10 video game cards. Thought they were cool and never saw them before. [img width=444 height=432]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6404.jpg[/img]
After the flea market, stopped at a local game store, traded in 20 DVDs I no longer watch, and got: N64: Doom 64, NES: Tombs and Treasure, A Boy and His Blob, SNES: Street Fighter II, Eye of the Beholder, and Sim City, PS2: Tatio Legends 2, and D1 Drifting GP. [img width=545 height=432]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d163/focusricerocket/IMG_6405.jpg[/img]
And thats this weekends wrap-up. Hopefully have more to report next weekend.