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Posted on Jul 6th 2014 at 03:50:12 PM by (Duke.Togo)
Posted under Collectorcast, Podcast, Duke.Togo, wildbil52, Crabmaster2000, episode 24

Episode 24 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...rum/index.php?topic=14219

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Are you tired of hearing opinions on E3 yet? Well too bad, because we're here to chime in as well. We talk about the major pressers, what we think about the upcoming games, and the things we are looking forward to. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, EA, and Ubisoft all get some time with us, and maybe some of the games we discuss will even come out this year.

Who do we think did the best job? Did we get it right or wrong? Let us know!

Show Notes:
Music: Mega Man (NES)
Topic: 18:59
Outro: 3:20:15

"Sonic Doesn't Need a Story" by Alex Day: http://www.amazon.com/Son...eed-A-Story/dp/B0036A4V06

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I can't wait to hear your opinions on the new Zelda announcement...
@bombatomba: We definitely do that...
Hey now, everybody. Got a little tip for ya!

Wanna listen to the CollectorCast in 2/3 the normal time on YouTube? Find the gear-shaped Settings icon on the lower right corner of the screen, and click on it. Then change the Speed setting from "Normal" to "1.5." I can't speak for anyone else, but I find the slightly speeded-up dialogue completely comprehensible.

@Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.:I think that the speed setting is only on the HTML5 YouTube Player. I'm using Flash Player and don't have a speed setting.
@mumboking: That'll learn you for stalking me.
Why would you want to shorten your time with us?
@Duke.Togo: So I have some spare time to listen to that other RF Gen podcast of course.

Also, I value every extra minute of sleep I can get. Not that you know anything about that, what with the new kid and all. Tongue

Finally, it's fun listening to you guys talking like meth'd-out chipmunks.

Hmmm... Meth'd-Out Chipmunks... methinks I have a name for the thrashcore rap-punk band I'm producing...

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