deathafterkarma's Blog
The Introduction
About 3 weeks ago I traded in my stash of 360 games and system for a backward compatible PS3. What I wanted and what I got are to different beasts. Below is my trial, criticism, and love affair with my new found system. Over the course of a week through this story I went through 3 60gb ps3's from GameStop before saying "f**k it" and getting a slim 160gb ps3. I believe I hold the record for most PS3's returned in one week(in my area). The Prologue
On Saturday 7/16/2011 I woke up to the sound of my iPhone getting an email from GameStop. The Ad said that they are doing a promotion on trading anything in towards used merchandise gets you 50% more trade in credit. For the past couple months I've been thinking about defecting over to the PS3 and figured that now would be the right time to do so. With a duffel bag packed with about 40 games and a system I scurried off to my nearest GameStop. Little did I know what would come to pass.
My first victim When I arrived at my local GameStop I noticed they were PACKED. The feeling of the clerk hating me for trading my life supply of 360 games and system grew pretty big. I was greeted by a clerk named Matt who would sign my deal in blood. I explained that I wanted to trade in everything towards a 60gb ps3. Then Matt said "Alright lets see what you got". He then check innovatory for my used 60gb PS3 as I unloaded my collection on the counter. When Matt turned around to see what I had. Him and couple other people in the store were dumb struck by how much stuff I had amassed on the counter. After about 10-20 minutes my game collection was all scanned in. I remember matt asking if I had a controller for my system. Then it dawns on me I left it at home. He then explains that I would have enough for the system and some extra. So matt goes off to the back to get my ps3 and I go look at some games.
My Grand total trade-in for my games and Hard drive was $358.91
After awhile of browsing the ps3 section I pick up Demon's Souls and Uncharted 2. Matt comes back with 2 boxes a 60gb and 80gb. My reasoning for these models was for PlayStation 2 game support since any model after which have that feature removed. Matt opens the 60gb box to make sure it is the right model that I want and right off the bat I noticed 2 usb ports instead of 4. Meaning at some other store someone got ripped off. I said I don't want to 80 due to the fact it doesn't have hardware support and all ps2 games are emulated. So I asked if any other store has one. Matt checks the area and sure enough on right up the road has one. Matt then explains that hes is going to enroll me in power up rewards so I get the bonus and Game informer. Then I slap up my 2 games and matt was like I got a better used copy of uncharted 2 let me get that for you. He hand me a used GOTY edition with the DLC card unused. So I get sent off home with the 2 game my new card and a game informer.
But hey at least I still got my massive Receipt

So I hurry home and grab a my little brothers wired controller and give my wireless(since mine has the shell customized). Then it dawns on me that I still have a collectors edition of DeathSmiles. I grab all of this the rush to back to GameStop. After a 20 minute drive to the other store. I trade in the rest and got my system. I end up going to WalMart so I can get RCA extension adapters to set it up with my JBL creature speaker kit. Then it is another 20min drive back and breaking every possible traffic law there is. I arrive at my home excited to rip this thing out of the box and play some Uncharted 2. When I finally hook up everything(monitor through HDMI and audio through RCA). My system freezes during the set up process. So I reboot and try again. It gets through the set up then I start up Uncharted 2 which needed like 19 patches before it can start. After about an hour of waiting for updates to install. My system takes a vacation but this time the screen is all glitched out. So I end up calling up GameStop and by this time it pushing 8pm asking if they will honor my return which they did. So I go take a nap and wake up close to 3am. During the morning hours I figure maybe it needs a system update to make it better. Well during the update the system glitched out during the update bricking it.
The Second System
10:30am rolls around and I scurry off to GameStop to get another 60gb PS3. This time I made the clerk unbox it and boot it up and test ps3 and ps2 games on it before taking it home.
Its about going on 11am when I get home. I hook up everything again. Then I end up playing the waiting game with Uncharted 2. This Time I actually got to play for awhile before taking a nap. I wake up around 2am and start up the system and load my game. I remember playing uncharted 2 and was like I'm going to play some God of War 1(ps2 version). I eject disk and pop in GOW. I get nothing on the XMB. I figure the disk is dirty and get some windex and clean it. Pop it back in still left with nothing. Pop back in Uncharted 2. Nothing. I laughed a bit and was like what are the odds. So I format a flash drive and start a back up. This take about 30 minutes of my time.
I remember some of the criticism from friends/family. I got saying its telling you to go back to the 360. Its not ment to be. Are you doing a Rental from GameStop. I remember saying to my friend rob if I go back to the 360 with my luck as it is right now. I would be greeted by a big blinking Red Ring of Death.
The Third system
My Third 60gb took some time to get mostly due because my store didn't have one and had to get the manger from another to drive it to mine. So I drive up to the store and get my money on my card then come back the next day to pick up my system.
When I get this back home I remember doing the restore flash drive. The only problem I have with it is that it took 30 mins and it did not restore all the patches/updates/game installs on my new system. So I end up installing updating and wasting about 2 hours of my life again.
2 days later I finally get enough money to buy my next game. Which is BlazBlue Continuum Shift. When I finally get home I have to do a 400mb update. I skip the update and start some arcade mode for awhile before finally bending a little to download the update for BB. This update took 2 hours to download/install. I'm sitting here watching it do the install for it. Then, guess what? The Blu-Ray Spins down during the loading screen. I'm stuck at the loading screen. So I exit to the XMB and there is no disk inserted according to the XMB. So I eject and try agin but I put my ear up to the system. I can hear the laser trying to focus but no disk spinning. I put my face in both my hands and laugh. Apparently there were forces of great power here that prevented me from owning a 60gb PS3.
The fourth system.
Depressing as this must be. I quickly decided it was time to just give up on my backwards compatibility quest and get a slim 160gb. I decided to go to a different GameStop. This time a lot closer to my house. When I arrive the clerk asks if I wanted another 60Gb and I remember telling him I've been through 3 of them this week I must have wasted about 6 hours of my life updating/restoring/installing/patching games this week just please give me a slim ps3. The clerk was like someone traded in this slim ps3 with the retail box. He pull out the system and controller. The clerk explained to me that this system is no more then 2 weeks old and said feel the controller. I pick up the controller and could tell it was new by the rough d-pad. I pick it up and examine the system. No marks. It was like as if someone played it for 5-10mins and put it back in the box. I get my semi new system and end up have left over money due to the 60gb costing alot more. So I end up getting God of War 3 and Little Big Planet.
The Afterwords
Well there you have it. That was my week long rough start with the Playstation 3. The next person to say that Ps3 don't break down as easily, I will find them and possibly murder them. Just saying. :/ The only thing I didn't like was backing up and restoring.. Not to mention it didn't restore game data/updates. So going through that 2 times was a little tear jerking.
Also THANK GOD I didn't use my Uncharted 2 DLC code on the defective ones.
 Hopefully this Slim ps3 will last for a good while, but we will see.
Thanks for reading -Darren
Also My PSN ID is driversabovekext if anyone wants to play some BlazBlue or Uncharted 2. Just message me and tell me your from RFgeneration. xD
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good post man!
Sorry to hear about your troubles!
I have a non-BC 80gb, and it has never given me a problem. My friend's BC 60gb recently broke down, and he bought a used 20gb for the BC. Frankly, I don't play PS2 games that often, and when I do, I'll just hook up my PS2. I think the newer revisions are much more stable and reliable, and PS2s are really cheap anyways.
But I definitely agree with you on those horrible download/install times. They can be killer.
Great read.
Glad to hear you decided to stick with it though. Eventually i'll have a PS3 to play some of the exclusives on.
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three