This last week was quite slow for me because unfortunately I lost access to the setup that I do 90% of my playing on. This means that I have to revert back to my original setup of playing straight into my Laptop. Now by doing my recordings this way I have a little amount of lag to deal with, which means that any game that requires quick reactions is gonna be MUCH harder. Its unlikely to change anytime in the immediate future so I'll just have to make due with what I've got to work with. This means the selection of games I had prepared might not be ideal at the moment. I'm going to be focussing on games that don't require much in terms of reflexes. Things like RPGs, Strategy Games or some types of Puzzle games. Unfortunately those genres tend to be pretty time consuming in comparison to what I had in mind so its gonna be a struggle to get to my goal of 100 games in my time frame. Luckily I was able to get a little ahead before this happened and still have several pretty easy games left to cross of the list. So while last week I was basically positive I was gonna reach my goal, now I'm not so sure. But I'll try to get as close as I can given my current limitations.
If anyone can recommend any slow moving games that are relatively quick victories I'd really appreciate it though!
Now onto what I have been able to do in the last little while.
Some of you may remember that I really liked World Games. So I was hopeful that Winter Games would be enjoyable too. Unfortunately it wasn't nearly as good. It had fewer events and none of them stood out to me as very good. Pretty big let down after World Games.
Decided it was time to sink a little effort into the only Soccer game I ever played as a child, NES World Cup Soccer. Like most Technos games its pretty fun, but can get a little repetitive since you have to play through 12 games to win. The first 6-8 games are pretty much a joke too. It really doesn't pose much of a challenge until you get to the games in the finals. Even then I only lost one game the entire time. Definitely more fun with some friends.
Here is another early arcade port, Defender II. Unfortunately there is no high score to beat, ending or areas to loop. So it was basically just beat a level I guess :/. Nothing to write home about.
Next up is everybody's favorite wrestling game M.U.S.C.L.E.!! The game starts looping after the 4th stage and the preset high score was beaten after the 5th stage so since there is no ending I'm calling that good enough. Kind of a lame game though. Gets old and repetitive VERY fast and the random power up things that get launched across the ring each round kind of break the game.
You thought I was done with all the game shows by now? Fear not I found another one! MTV's Remote Control. TV trivia wasn't to hard, but to make things even easier they don't punish you for getting wrong answers! So I could just buzz in first every single time wether I knew the answer or not and take a 1 out of 3 chance of getting it correct. Its like they wanted me to win!
Lastly this time around was Spot The Video Game. Hopeful that it might be the long awaited game to surpass the almighty Othello I was sadly disappointed The game moves far to quickly and has some flashy animations and annoying sounds, so it'll never be in the same league as Othello. The default computer was a bit smarter than me, but after 5-6 attempts I was able to finish it up.
Future Plans - Already put a decent amount of time into Gemfire so I plan to continue that one. Also plan to keep trying on Track & Field II after heal from an injury on a previous attempt Gonna be looking into more strategy and RPG type games. Perhaps Nobunaga's Ambition or Legend of the Ghost Lion.