If you guys thought that things were going to slow down submission wise after the contest run in may, boy were you wrong. Game images may have been way down comparatively, but the other important info kept pouring in. Game Edits and Non Image Game Submissions where somehow actually higher in June than during the Submission contest. We're talking 2300+ more Game Edits and 1900+ more Non Image Game Submissions than in May!!
Considering there was no incentive other than to better the database/community (not greedy people like me trying to cash in on a prize) I find the month's numbers to be amazing. The real shining star of June though was someone you'rE definitely familiar with if you frequent the forums. Our very own Postmaster General, Defender of Variants and all around Mortal Kombat aficionado, Izret101! He had more than 3x the submissions of his closest competitor for the month.
But the others weren't slacking off either. In total we had 10 members make over 100 submissions each last month. So if you run into Shadow Kisuragi, y2richie, pdrydia, ixtaileddemonfox, raffa1985, ApolloBoy, blcklblskt, aeroc, or Marriott_Guy on the street make sure to give them a great big hug for their contributions to RF Generation. There were dozens of other members who found the time to add anywhere from 1-99 items to improve our database also.
And lets not forget the staff members who work tirelessly and often thanklessly to approve all those submissions. Shadow Kisuragi lead the way with over twice his nearest comrades approvals. Also make sure to thank Tynstar, ApolloBoy, Izret101, NES_Rules, ga5ket and Paully3433 for their behind the scenes contributions to the site approving (or rejecting) the thousands of submissions sent in last month.
Thanks for the incredible commitment to keep improving an already fantastic place everybody!
For anyone interested in checking out the stats for themselves just highlight the part on the top bar that says "Submit" and then click on "Submission Stats" or just use this link: http://www.rfgeneration.c...p?action=submissionreport
Its got submission info from late 2006 to now so you can see how we've progressed over the years.