Show Some Love

Posted on Jun 6th 2012 at 11:38:40 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Dance Aerobics, Adventures of Bayou Billy, Pipe Dream, Ski or Die

May has been a slow month for my poor NES. Damn these distracting submission contests!! Now that its nearly behind me I can focus on playing more games again.

After having some fun with Stadium Events not to long ago I decided to keep my power pad out and practice my dancing with Dance Aerobics. It was long, but thankfully fairly easy. An hour staright on the power pad had me work up quite a sweat though.

Next up I had to see what Redd has been talking about and popped in some Bayou Billy. Mode A of course, so that I could use the zapper on the shooting stages. Thankfully the most challenging levels were early on with my least favorite being Stage 4. Stage 4 is the first of 2 driving stages and it is particularily annoying because you have to dodge some rocks on the dirt road which are incredibly challenging to avoid. A few days of practice and I was able to finish it up with no continues though. Probably not a game I'll revisit any time soon.

Looking for something more relaxing after Bayou Billy I went for some good ol' Pipe Dream. In most NES games that have preset highscores it often doesnt take much to best them. Pipe Dreams had some pretty hefty scores to overcome though and 3 different modes to do it in. Mode A was the regular game were you play through stages 1-1 through 1-4, then onto 2-1 through 2-4 and onwards. You are treated to a bonus stage every 4th level. Mode B had you play one stage at level 1 and then directly on to level 2 and so forth. These were both fairly long, but after figuring out how to score some decent points they were so bad. Mode C though was a pain. 50,000 on one stage is brutal!

Not feeling to relaxed from Pipe Dream I put in Ski or Die and that was what I needed. Short and easy. There isnt any ending or preset highscores so I just had to play through each event.

NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ultima: Exodus
Legacy of the Wizard
Air Fortress
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
Darkwing Duck
Ultima: Warriors of Destiny
Legends of the Diamond
Pro Sports Hockey
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
Yoshi's Cookie
Kick Master
Zombie Nation
Stadium Events
Super Jeopardy!
Dance Aerobics
Adventures of Bayou Billy
Pipe Dreams
Ski or Die

Future Plans - Still plugging away at Bases Loaded. Needed a break from Alpha Mission so I started playing some Werewolf also.

Posted on Jun 1st 2012 at 01:01:25 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Family, gaming, neo geo aes, ninja combat, finished

My son has been gaming on and off with me (and occasionally without me more recently) for about 2 years now. In that time he has played games across many generations and genres. I've seen him enjoy games on the NES, 3DS, DS, Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, Sega CDX, SNES, N64 and most recently Neo Geo AES.

Like his father he seems to have a special place in his life for platformers and has always been a Super Mario fan, but has recently been exploring the world of Kirby and loving it. Even with his affinity for platformers he is no stranger to scrolling shooters, 2D fighters, beat 'em ups, 3D action games or run 'n guns. Despite only being 4 and not having developed his reading skills enough to tackle text heavy games he seems to have a keen interest in the RPGs he has seen me play as well and no doubt cant wait to dig in himself.

Over his short life he has been able to hit several gaming milestones such as completing his first level, or finishing a game with a little assistance. But just a couple days ago he was able to do something that I wasnt able to do until I was 2 years older. He finished his first game with no outside assistance!

The game in question isnt particularly hard since it has unlimited continues, but in the past when he has come close he typically gets bored or frustrated and leaves the game before getting to the end. Most recently with Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition's final boss, Seth.

Whatever the reason he had a blast playing Ninja Combat on the AES and stuck with it right until the end. How badass is it that the first game he ever finished was on a Neo Geo AES? How many people can say that? Anyway just thought I'd rant as a proud father of a young fledgling gamer.

Posted on May 28th 2012 at 01:35:34 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Joust, Yoshi

As eluded to in my last blog post, I spent some time on both Joust and Yoshi. Neither of these games have a traditional ending so I'll explain what I mean by finished in each paragraph below.

First up was Joust which was very frustrating. The game seems so simple like it should be a cake walk, but it was surprisingly challenging. Since there is no true ending or even a preset highscore my goal was to make it to level 16 and finish at least that Wave. I choose Wave 16 because by that point the level structure, which changes from time to time, has been reset twice and its also the level in which you finally encounter the final and most challenging enemy type, the Shadow Lord. The actual video is only about 10 minutes long, but there were several hours of prior play to get to recording I did. I did have a fairly good run though and managed to get to Wave 21 in the end.

Now according to gamefaqs the final different type of fruit Yoshi is rewarded with is a pineapple. So my goal was to win at least one pineapple. The first one is given to you at level 17. You must start the game from level 5 at the furthest, so you have to play 12 levels in a row without losing. Final stage I made it to was level 18.

NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ultima: Exodus
Legacy of the Wizard
Air Fortress
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
Darkwing Duck
Ultima: Warriors of Destiny
Legends of the Diamond
Pro Sports Hockey
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
Yoshi's Cookie
Kick Master
Zombie Nation
Stadium Events
Super Jeopardy!

Future Plans - I've been very slowly making progress on Bases Loaded, which turns out to be much more of a time sink than I initially thought. I'm estimating that I'll spend more time beating the penant mode on it than I spent on all 3 Ultima games combined. I also started working on Alpha Mission which is more interesting than I thought, but seems like it'll be fairly difficult to beat.

Posted on May 27th 2012 at 03:50:02 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Stadium Events, Super Jeopardy

The last few weeks have been slow for game completions. I've been working diligently at the submission contest trying to redeem myself for the embarassment of last year when aeorc soundly defeated me. Wont be so easy this time!!

So I decided to kick things off again with a special game, Stadium Events. If you're one of the millions who have always dreamed of seeing the ending to World Class Track Meet with a different title screen then you are in luck! It was a very short game to finish as I figured out how to run pretty fast, but I will admit I was a bit winded after the fact.

[img width=640 height=480][/img]

And to follow up with an equally astounding game I quenched my thirst for Trivia with some Super Jeopardy!. I was almost immediately met with some repeated categories so it wasnt a very hard game to finish. A few of the questions were very out of date and didnt make sense to my advanced mind, but I was able to hold my own against the brightest of the late 80, like the genius minds of Wendy and Mikel.

[img width=635 height=477][/img]

NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ultima: Exodus
Legacy of the Wizard
Air Fortress
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
Darkwing Duck
Ultima: Warriors of Destiny
Legends of the Diamond
Pro Sports Hockey
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
Yoshi's Cookie
Kick Master
Zombie Nation
Stadium Events
Super Jeopardy!

Future Plans - I've put some time into Joust and Yoshi already so I hope to cross them both off my list in the near future.

Posted on May 18th 2012 at 12:42:58 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Bros 3, NES, Nintendo

Most gamers that have been around for any amount of time have experienced Super Mario Bros in some fashion. I'm no exception and grew up with Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario Bros 3 as staples in my gaming education. All three are regularly named for their high quality, impact on the industry and most importantly for being fun.

[img width=483 height=348][/img]

Over the years my gaming tastes have waxed and waned, constantly evolving as I experience (or re-experience) more titles, reflect on past adventures and struggle to overlook my nostalgic feelings. The Mario brothers are often at the fore front of such conflict. With all three of these games being so important to my gaming career (I like to pretend I get paid) did one stand above the others? If so, which one?

Continue reading Whats Your Mario?

Posted on May 5th 2012 at 01:51:34 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Kick Master, Zombie Nation

Getting a little tired of playing sports and puzzlers I decided to conquer a couple more respectable genres this time, action platforming and scrolling shooter.

Up first was Kick Master by Taito. I've had good experience with many Taito games so I had high hopes for Kick Master. The opening scene depicts your brother being slain by some monsters and saying something along the lines of "My steel was no match for them. Only your awesome kicking skills can overcome this evil!". Pretty epic intro!

The game was ok. It had some RPG elements like levelling up by collecting items when you defeat monsters, which increases your life and magic meters. Magic spells are hidden throughout the game. 1-2 in most levels. Unfortunately most of them are fairly useless and its takes some grinding to get your magic meter filled enough to use a few decent spells.

Its a pain getting so close to the monsters early on, but as you learn new attacks with each level the gameplay gets much better. All in all it was a fun game and definitely one worth checking out.

[img width=639 height=481][/img]

Decided to go with one of the oddest shmups, or even games in general, that I've ever played, Zombie Nation.

You play as a floating, disembodied, fat, balding, japanese head who has decided that only he can save America from an Alien who crash landed on a meteor and is taking over famous monuments and the US military. Your weapon of choice? Some good old fashioned vomit and popping your eyes out of their sockets. Want to get more eyes and barf (AKA upgrade your weapons) simply torch buildings until zombies (turned that way by the alien) fall out and eat them before they hit the ground. You know its that same old story you've heard a million times.

The controls are a bit floaty, the weapons never change and the game is super short. It does have some cool music, levels and definitely has some interesting boss battles though (old man with rippling muscles tossing axes at you in his speedo!). If your looking for a solid shooter you can do much better, but if you like quirky games its a must try. I loved it despite its flaws.

[img width=639 height=481][/img]

Beaten Since Oct.8th /100

(click on a title to see the video)

Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
Duck Tales
Duck Tales 2
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2
Felix the Cat
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout
Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$
Double Dragon
Super C
Contra Force
Power Blade
Power Blade 2
Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus
Metal Storm
Journey to Silius
Air Fortress
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Blaster Master
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Legendary Wings
Guerrilla War
World Games
Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular
Caveman Games
DK Classics
Ninja Gaiden
Where's Waldo?
Bonk's Adventure
Panic Restaurant
Bubble Bobble 2
Dr. Mario
Bubble Bobble
MC Kids
Circus Caper
Roller Games
Tiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures 2
The Jetsons
The Little Mermaid
Monster in my Pocket
Gremlins 2
Kirby's Adventure
Kickle Cubicle
Kung Fu
Yo! Noid
Puss 'N Boots: Pero's Great Adventure
Wall Street Kid
The Karate Kid
Super Dodgeball
Super Spike V'Ball
Jakcie Chan's Action Kung Fu
The Three Stooges
Ice Hockey
Tecmo Bowl
Track & Field
Mario Bros
North and South
Battle Chess
The Simpsons: Bart vs. The World
The Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak
Snow Brothers
Little Samson
Sky Shark
Ninja Gaiden II
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
The Simpsons: Bart Meets Radioactive Man
Little Nemo: The Dream Master
River City Ransom
StarTropics 2: Zoda's Revenge
The Jungle Book
Castlevania III Dracula's Curse
Mario is Missing
Blades of Steel
Hogan's Alley
Wild Gunman
Burger Time
Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ultima: Exodus
Legacy of the Wizard
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
Darkwing Duck
Ultima: Warriors of Destiny
Legends of the Diamond
Pro Sports Hockey
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
Yoshi's Cookie
Kick Master
Zombie Nation

Future Plans - Finally got all three Ultima videos uploaded. Had to split them into 2 halfs for Exodus and Quest of the Avatar which is something I had hoped to avoid. Oh well. I've been plugging away at the Pennent mode on Bases Loaded. I'm not sure how many games I need to win, but I'm about 9-10 games in now so hopefully I've put a good dent in it and can finish it up soon.

Posted on Apr 28th 2012 at 12:06:11 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Dusty Diamonds All Star Softball, Yoshis Cookie

Since Legends of the Diamond didnt give me that sweet baseball fix I was craving I decided to give it another shot with Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball. I had played it once before when a friend brought his copy over a few months ago, but without the manual that day I didnt really get to see what the game had to offer.

There is a wide variety of characters to choose and you get to pick your team from them playground style until you have your team of 10. Every character has a specialty and some even have special moves beyond that. They can thrive in obvious stats like hitting and pitching, but some of them have more subtle areas of expertise such as late game stamina.

Now when I first played my goal was to make a very well rounded team and make sure each player was assigned to a position that was well suited to their abilities. After getting creamed several times over becuase of fairly lousy fielding controls I decided I needed another plan of attack. My new plan was to go all out on the offensive. I drafted 8 of the top 10 hitters listed in the manual and hoped to just use that muscle to out score my opponents.

Turns out that was the way to go! Home Run after Home Run had my over-sized and out of shape players panting from running the bases so often. I got temporarily stalled on the final match against the girls team named The Amazons though. They had stats that were far better than the best players available to me so it was a painful battle. But after taking a game into extra innings I was finally able to win the pennant!!

One last cool thing about the game was that you get to pick the teams name from a fairly lengthy list of made up teams. If any of you have noticed whenever I get to enter a name or a highscore initial I always type in the letters R-A-D. Those have been my arcade initials since I was a kid so I keep stickin to them. Anyways in Dusty Diamond they actually had a team name called The Rads. I obviously had to pick that as soon as I saw it.

[img width=638 height=482][/img]

Decided to try my luck at some puzzling since it had been quite a while since my last puzzle adventure. The Game of the day turned out to be Yoshi's Cookie.

This game features Mario as some kind of baker operating a couple conveyor belts in what I assume is an oven. By matching entire rows or columns of identical cookies you knock out that row and shrink the overall batch. Yoshi is on the side keeping a tally of which cookie types you have been able to knock out. After getting 5 succesful matches of one particular type of cookie he rewards you with a Yoshi Cookie which can be used as a wild card and be matched as any type of cookie.

The object of each round is to clear your entire oven of cookies. Once you do so you advance to the next round. The only thing that makes the following rounds more challenging is an increased speed. After completing 10 levels in 10 rounds you are rewarded to this delightful ending screen:

[img width=643 height=480][/img]

NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ultima: Exodus
Legacy of the Wizard
Air Fortress
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
Darkwing Duck
Ultima: Warriors of Destiny
Legends of the Diamond
Pro Sports Hockey
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
Yoshi's Cookie

Posted on Apr 23rd 2012 at 04:10:21 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Legends of the Diamond, Pro Sports Hockey

Looked over the list of games still being ignored on nintendoage.come and decided to go for some sports action tonight. Picked two games off the shelf that I havn't touched at all before. Legends of the Diamond and Pro Sports Hockey.

Legends of the Diamond was about what you'd expect from a NES baseball title. Plays pretty much the same as the others I've come across. The gimmick was that you get to play as 8-bit versions of some of the most recognizable names in baseball from years past. Not being a sports fan of any kind I didnt recognize more than 3-4 of the players though.

They tried to add a bit of extra flare by adding things like spectators catching balls in the crowd, picking fights with the pitcher after being hit by a pitch, weiner dogs picking up foul balls, and breaking your bat in a fit of rage after getting struck out. Thats all they are though. Flare. They dont add anything special to the game.

There was also a VERY annoying glitch where if your outfielders run into the barrier at the end of the field they get stuck in the wall and you have to sit idly by while the other team slowly scores some runs. I've still got several other baseball games to play, but I've already played more fun and less broken games.

[img width=630 height=445][/img]

And what kind of Canadian would I be if I didnt commemorate a milestone like my 150th NES victory with anything other than a Hockey game?

Picked Washington because their goalie had the highest stats in comparison the other teams. I picked them since I could worry a bit less about the puck being in my end of the ice and also because it meant I wouldnt have to play againt the strongest goalie in the game. It worked out well for the most part and after I figured out the controls most games were a big blowout. Even the semi-finals game ended in 18-5 in my favor.

The finals were a lot tighter though. Entered the third period with a tie score of 10-10. Luckily I was smart enough to hold back my strongest players in the second period and reserve their energy for the last one. Worked out well and ended in a 13-11 victory!

My big gripe about the game was that the passing was horrible. It was so lousy that I didnt use it, period. Once a player got the puck he was a one man team.

[img width=629 height=481][/img]

Instead of the usual 2012 list here is the master list of games beaten since October 8th, when I started my quest of the NES!

Beaten Since Oct.8th /100

(click on a title to see the video)

Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
Duck Tales
Duck Tales 2
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2
Felix the Cat
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout
Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$
Double Dragon
Super C
Contra Force
Power Blade
Power Blade 2
Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus
Metal Storm
Journey to Silius
Air Fortress
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Blaster Master
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Legendary Wings
Guerrilla War
World Games
Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular
Caveman Games
DK Classics
Ninja Gaiden
Where's Waldo?
Bonk's Adventure
Panic Restaurant
Bubble Bobble 2
Dr. Mario
Bubble Bobble
MC Kids
Circus Caper
Roller Games
Tiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures 2
The Jetsons
The Little Mermaid
Monster in my Pocket
Gremlins 2
Kirby's Adventure
Kickle Cubicle
Kung Fu
Yo! Noid
Puss 'N Boots: Pero's Great Adventure
Wall Street Kid
The Karate Kid
Super Dodgeball
Super Spike V'Ball
Jakcie Chan's Action Kung Fu
The Three Stooges
Ice Hockey
Tecmo Bowl
Track & Field
Mario Bros
North and South
Battle Chess
The Simpsons: Bart vs. The World
The Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak
Snow Brothers
Little Samson
Sky Shark
Ninja Gaiden II
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
The Simpsons: Bart Meets Radioactive Man
Little Nemo: The Dream Master
River City Ransom
StarTropics 2: Zoda's Revenge
The Jungle Book
Castlevania III Dracula's Curse
Mario is Missing
Blades of Steel
Hogan's Alley
Wild Gunman
Burger Time
Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ultima: Exodus
Legacy of the Wizard
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
Darkwing Duck
Ultima: Warriors of Destiny
Legends of the Diamond
Pro Sports Hockey

Posted on Apr 21st 2012 at 01:16:20 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Ultima Warriors of Destiny, Darkwing Duck

With much of the last few weeks spent traversing the world of Lord British, I can honestly say that I wont miss it much. Exodus was far to undirected for my tastes, and while Quest of the Avatar had many more interesting ideas it ultimately had many more flaws.

I didnt have high hopes for Warriors of Destiny, but I did expect it to follow the trend and improve slightly upon Quest of the Avatar. Within the first several minutes of playing it was quite obvious that wouldnt be the case. It basically took everything I disliked about the first two games and upped the ante with some terrible controls. Yes thats right, RPGs can apparently have bad controls.

It was painfully obvious that this game was meant to be played on a PC that the developers either had trouble porting it over or were just plain lazy. Just walking around is slow and unresponsive. Pulling out your cursor to interact with the world is equally as frustrating and the very shallow inventory, both active and inactive, are constantly agonizing. The game also has a very annoying overworld theme playing continuously that makes the Hydlide soundtrack worth shelling out $100 for.

I do have one good thing say about it though. NO MOONGATE TRAVEL, WOOHOOO!!!!!! (well you have to twice to get to a shrine, but you dont need to use them to go from town to town like in the previous two titles). This isnt really a bonus for the game, its just a bonus in comparison to the previous two.

[img width=639 height=479][/img]

To sharpen my senses after losing many hours to these RPGs I decided to pop in something I've been wanting to play for a couple years now, but didnt have a copy until recently. Darkwing Duck! Cant go wrong with a Capcom/Disney titles on the NES right?

It was a solid game, but I honestly thought I'd enjoy it much more than I did. The shooting was fairly slow and occasionally I had issue with the jump mechanic and the hit recovery. Not a bad game though just didnt hit the spot like I always though it would.

[img width=638 height=478][/img]

NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ultima: Exodus
Legacy of the Wizard
Air Fortress
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
Darkwing Duck
Ultima: Warriors of Destiny

Future Plans - I'm slightly RPG'd out at the moment so I'm going to take a brief break from the genre and play some faster moving games. I was able to trade for Bucky O'Hare not to long ago and that has been a BIG want for a long time so I'm looking forward to checking that one out. Also gonna try out Kick Master and King's Knight in the near future.

I've been having trouble getting my Ultima videos to upload to youtube as they keep failing in the processing stage. I'll give them each another try, but if it doesnt work I suppose I'll have to chop them in half to reduce the size and see if I cant upload them in 2 or more parts.....groan.

Posted on Apr 16th 2012 at 01:24:28 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Ultima Exodus, Legacy of the Wizard, Air Fortress, Ultima Quest of the Avatar

Some of you may have been under the assumption that since last we spoke was just over 2 weeks ago, that I've been ignoring my duties in regard to the timeless craft of NES playing. Or maybe even thought I had finally ventured into the realm of the modern.

Fear not, for I have simply embarked on my quest to overcome some of the most epic and time consuming titles!

The Ultima series has been on my mind for far to long now so I felt it was time to envelop myself into the vast and phantasmal lands of Britannia. My first task was to ensure the evil serpent Exodus was never allowed to see the moon of Trammel. This long and confusing journey left me very disoriented and even had me resort to visiting ye ole gamefaqs for some expert advice for my quest. After much pain and head scratching I was finally able to prevent the rise of Exodus and cleanse the land of his impending plague.

[img width=636 height=478][/img]

But the joy of the people only lasted so long before their hearts started to turn darkness and despair. The wise old liege King British enlisted my help in order to bring the Avatar back to Britannia and prove to the masses that hope still flourished throughout the lands. Thus began my Quest of the Avatar! From my previous journey to thwart the Serpent I had learned a valuable lesson before proceeding on future such quests. The Golden Rule of Ultima you might say. And it was this: "It is vitally important to read all lore that doth came packaged originally at retail".

With this in mind I was able to craft my character, learn the meaning of many useful magic spells, create a team of warriors worthy of accompanying the Avatar, learn to navigate ye cursed Moongates, and know general directions to move me onward to complete thy quest.

Although the moons of Trammel and Felucca ran many cycles I was able to master each of the 8 virtues and obtain the Codex hidden from all in the depths of the Abyss, and thus obtain true Avatarhood and bring happiness back to the land of Britannia and joy into the eyes of the old king!

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Not to be outdone, a small family in a neighboring land also underwent a perilous journey of their own. Once a powerful wizard was able to subdue a most ferocious dragon into the seemingly placid confines of a beautiful piece of art. But as time passed the dragon's power began to return and threaten to destroy those who had imprisoned him. Now old and frail the wizard enlisted the help of his vernal family. They embarked in a quest that will hence for be known as the Legacy of the Wizard.

In this perilous and confounding quest each member of the family was able to apply their formidable skills to finding each of the 4 crowns, concluding in the mighty Dragon Slayer Sword. With this sword the bravest of knights known as Raos was able to stay the relentless onslaught of the beast and overcome the murderous, ravenous monster.

It is also worth noting that this journey of integrity wasn't taken alone. No, not by any means. I was accompanied by the veracious champion and heroic paladin known only as Sir Duke.Togo! The mighty warrior of legend! And although the might of his once powerful blade is now weighed upon by the experience of many battles and a taxing life spanning many eons he was an invaluable asset to the cause. Please, before the sun sets on his life of achievement do him the honor of commiserating via comment left in this very scroll or in the greatly acclaimed youtube channel video which shall hence forth be linked to at the bottom of this find parchment.

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As if these 3 tales of bravery and valor weren't enough, a rapacious-minded youth saw fit to address me in the comforts of mine own youtube channel. He sought to blaspheme my deeds stating that Air Fortress should not be considered complete without achieving success in the dreadful second quest. Verily, the arrogance and gall of such a proclamation mustn't go unmet! Thus he had me don my cosmic armor and my celestial steed once again in order to defend the Farmel quadrant as I did in the days of old.

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NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Dino Riki
Ultima: Exodus
Legacy of the Wizard
Air Fortress
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar

Thoughts of the Future - These tales of triumph will soon pale in comparison when I am able to regale you with the tales of the Warrior of Destiny!

Posted on Mar 30th 2012 at 10:50:19 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, The Krion Conquest, Adventures of Dino Riki, Ultima Exodus

Over the last few years nintendoage has had a community challenge where they see if its possible to have members of their forum beat each and every NES title in the span of one year. They have never been able to acheive this yet. This year they changed it up a bit and just went with licensed titles to see if that would help a bit. I've been contributing what I can withing my challenge, but I'm finding several overlapping titles that others have finished before I get to them.

Because of that I've decided to change it up and see if I cant help them achieve the goal of a community completion on licensed games over a years time. Not many people seem to have interest in the RPGs on the system so thats going to be my first focus.

Before I dive into the Ultima series I decided to play 1 game that I've been looking forward to for a long time and another thats given me trouble in the past.

The one I've been looking forward to is The Krion Conquest. I'm a big fan of Mega Man (who isnt?) and when I found out how Mega Man-esque the gameplay is I knew I needed to try it out. It finally arrived in the mail when I got back from my trip to Florida and I've been dying to try it out. I couldn't wait any longer and started playing a couple days ago. It was just what I expected and didnt disappoint in the slightest. I was looking for a less polished version of Mega Man and it delivered just that. My 2 complaints would be that it was too short and there was a gameplay glitch where you cant jump immediately after shooting a bullet. Otherwise it was very solid. And the music in Round 4 was AMAZING! Very cool and definitely one of my favorite NES tunes now.

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A couple years ago I tried my darndest to get Adventures of Dino Riki to loop, but the last couple levels proved to be too much at the time. With my NES skills sharper than ever I decided it was time to give it another go around. I practiced up the jumping mechanic which is the part of the game that gives me the most trouble by far. I noticed that the game was significantly easier if I skipped over ALL the speed upgrades. By running around at the slowest speed the game became much more managable. The last level is still pretty intense, but otherwise the game was a lot easier to navigate.

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NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Krion Conquest
Adventures of Dino Riki

Future Plans - I'm going to be hitting the Ultima series hard over the next couple weeks. Starting with Exodus and moving onto Avatar and Warriors in that order. Wish me luck as I've had zero experience with the Ultima games up to this point.

PS - Here is a link to the nintendoage thread I was referencing. Please contribute if you can. We are already over halfway, but its going to be way slower getting the second half of the list widdled down.

Posted on Mar 26th 2012 at 01:00:23 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under rfgeneration, nintendoage, racketboy

As some of you may know I've been slowly gathering licensed NES carts over the last several years working towards my goal of a cart only licensed set. When I first started getting into collecting NES games it was because I scored a lot of around 50 games on ebay for a low price back in something like 2005-6ish. It amazed me how many interesting games I hadnt even heard of.

The collecting bug took hold and I scoured ebay for a similar lot, but with different games. After several months I ended up with about 100 games, for around $100, and a new found passion. Going to school, getting married, and having a son put a bit of a strain on my finances shortly after. I was still very interested in pursuing new games for a variety of systems, but with a special interest in the NES.

After looking around online for more info on these games I stumbled across racketboy, and through them, rfgeneration. Learned tons of tips on finding games both locally and online that fit my budget made my interest in collecting explode even further. Every day on the way to work would involve a quick stop at local pawn/resell/thrift stores and my saturday morning eaten up by relentless garage sale-ing.

Because of the poor area I live in for picking up games I decided to learn to supplement my local finds with some online purchases and trades. Ebay had been getting less and less appealing as I honed my new penny-pinching skills over the last couple years. Buy/Sell/Trade forums became a great resource and I owe thanks to dozens of members from sites like racketboy, rfgeneration, nintendoage, and gametz. These forums supplied me with cost effective, reliable, trustworthy and equally passionite gamers and collectors to deal with. Much more satisfying than buying from a faceless ebay seller on all fronts.

So you may be wondering whats promting my wave of nostalgia and praise to these communities. Well its thanks to conversing and dealing with the fantastic people across these forums, and feeling that I'm a part of a community, that helped lead me to the conclusion that I need to dive right in and work hard towards completing a goal thats important and enjoyable to me. With that in mind I've been snatching up the generally obscure NES titles over that last couple years. The ones that are generally in most peoples last 10-20 games. I've picked up already: Flintstones 2, Little Samson, Bubble Bobble 2, Snow Bros, Power Blade 2, Bonk's Adventure, Duck Tales 2, Chip n Dale 2, Panic Restaurant, Zombie Nation, Fire n Ice, Contra Force and others. Most of the games left were obtainable withing a certain amount of time with the one obvious exception.....Stadium Events. After dicsussing it with my wife and spending the last several years being quite frugal we were finally in a situation where I could justify the expense.

So in short I just want to thank all of you for assisting me in the formation of my conclusion that is ok, even rational, to spend a large sum of money on a game that I can not only buy a variant of for less than $10 any day of the week, but play for free through a computer. I really appreciat it guys!!!! Should be smooth sailing from here on....

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Posted on Mar 23rd 2012 at 11:50:32 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II, Die Hard, A Nightmare on Elm Street

Like I mentioned last time I was feeling like busting some ghosts. So I did!

Started with Ghostbusters, but got quite frustrated with the 23 floors of stair climbing and jumped over to Ghostbusters II for a break. Now Ghostbusters II was a game that my best friend in grades 2-4 of elementary school owned. Little bit of an embarassing story involving that one. Short version is we were told by parents to stop playing Nintendo and play outside for the summer, we spent 1 day hatching a plan to get back in to play Nintendo. Next day at least one of us was playing...... Anyway I havnt really played it since and got a massive wave of nostalgia from it. I had a lot of fun with. We were never quite able to finish it I dont think though. We definitely made it to at least the first Statue of Liberty stage, and possibly to the first or second area after that. As crude as the game looks it actually felt pretty smooth. I hope its not just the nostalgia talking, but it felt pretty tight in that respect. It was also a little refreshing to not have a single boss battle. 3 different types of stages and no bosses was pretty neat I thought.

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After being very satisfied with my Ghostbusters II experience I went back to the first one to finish the set. After a few hours of playing it became apparent that I was wasting a lot of time saving up for the expensive items. I was also very tempted to break my personal No-Turbo rule for the painful climb. Before I resorted to that I looked online for a bit first to see if anyone else had come up with a solution to my problem. Turns out if you purposely let a ghost hiding in a door knock you down for the third time (which would kill you and end your game if it was a regular ghost), instead of a game over screen you are rewarded with a couple hundred more knock downs! So after that it was a piece of cake..... a long winded, button mashing, forearm tiring, sleep inducing piece of cake. At least I was treated to a delightfully poor translation on the ending screen.

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Aside from the secret santa I took part in over here at rfgen (thanks again Tynstar!) I participated in the annual one at nintendoage. My generous partner over there sent me a copy of Die Hard which I have been neglecting since X-mas. Movie-Game Marathon seemed like the perfect time to check it out. First impression was that the combat is insanely hard. After figuring out a few tricks it became much more managable though. Out of all the games I've played so far this one by and far followed the movie the closest AND surprisingly still turned out to be a very interesting title.

Right off the get go you have access to 5 floors of the building (with 2 more and the roof accessible later on) and several objectives to complete. The building has 40 terrorists for you to dispatch, including 2 boss characters, and several key items to find, some of which are randomly generated. The really cool thing about Die Hard is that you can play it in many different ways. You can call the cops in for back up, or you can completely miss that part. You can blow up the main computer console and delay the enemies, or you can completely miss that part. You can try and hunt down all the baddies so that the road to the last boss is barren and simple, or you can head to the final floor all guns blazing! By obtaining or missing objectives (some of which are time sensitive) you can alter the game and get several different endings. I found that pretty awesome for a NES game. Definitely check out Die Hard if you get the chance. Its one of the harder to track down games, but I felt it was actually worth the price tag in terms of gameplay(unlike several others in the same price range).

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Went with the horror themed game A Nightmare On Elm Street to finish up my playtime last night. I've always heard it was a decent game and exceptionally fun with 4 players so it was time to check it out. While just playing solo the game was ok. The hand-to-hand combat was a little sloppier than I would have liked, but the boss fights with your dream alter egos were a lot better. I could see the potential for multiplayer fun and I hope I get the chance to check it out with a few others one day.

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NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns
Ghostbusters II
Die Hard
A Nightmare on Elm Street

Future Plans - Time to hit some lesser discussed movie games like Hunt for Red October and see if they turn out to be turds or not.

Posted on Mar 21st 2012 at 11:20:41 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, Batman Returns

Turns out I wasnt in the mood for a military gorefest like I thought I might be. Instead went for a pair of delightful (thats debatable) Family Comedies, with Home Alone 1 & 2.

The first Home Alone game is probably the game that follows the plot of the show the most closely out of any of the movie games I've played so far. Make bad guys slip on ice, check. Hot Iron to the face, check. Spider attack, check. Sounds like fun, right? I think they must have had a big board meeting when developing the game and brainstormed ideas to make these funny sounding pranks into the most boring possible gameplay known to man. The game consists of you picking up traps from around your house and laying them down for Marv and Harry to fall on. All you do is pick up squares and drop said squares for 20 minutes (real time) stunning the theives until the cops show up. Each square only has a limited number of uses so it gets pretty tough near the last 5 minutes onward when the baddies dont get stunned very long and your typically low on traps. I got caught many frustrating times in the last 2-4 minutes of this game. Argh!!

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Home Alone 2 couldnt be any worse so I jammed it in immediately afterwards. Home Alone 2 is not a great game by any stretch of the imagination, but because it was following the first one so closely it felt like a beautiful dream......and then it was over. It was also only about 20 minutes long. Nothing to write home about either.

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It was starting to seem the all movie games would only be mediocre at best. Would I be able to find a ray of light in this darkness. Not yet, but I did find a pretty sweet, and dark game. Batman Returns was a game I initially wrote off as lame after testing it long ago after its initial cleaning and indoctrination into my wall of NES carts. I was sorely mistaken though. It was a fun and challenging beat'em up. Probably one of my favorites on the system now. The levels are all kind of blah, but otherwise I have no complaints. If you like TMNT 2, Double Dragon or Battletoads this'll probably be up your alley too. Only single player, but if you dont mind going it solo its a blast.

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NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns

Future Plans - Going to go with another game thats hounded me since my early childhood. Ghostbusters 2. Might as well check out the first one while I'm at it too.

Posted on Mar 18th 2012 at 12:23:43 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Robocop 2, Robocop 3, Hudson Hawk, Last Starfighter, Dirty Harry, Mad Max

With the recent playing of Robocop it seemed like a good idea to get into the next 2 while it was still somewhat fresh in my mind. That logic didnt mean much once I booted them up. Allthough each game is an side scrolling action game, they are each wildly different from one another.

Robocop 2, I felt, was the worst of the bunch by far. This game puts a much larger focus on platorming than the other 2. Between the sloppy controls and cruel level design it was a very messy playthrough. Beyond the traps, pitfalls and enemies in each level you are also tasked with finding a minimum number of criminals to arrest (specific different enemy types in each stage) and picking up a minimum number of nukes. Thats right nukes. Luckily your supplied with an endless supply of continues to keep you going. There is one quick boss fight right in the middle of the game that was actually harder than the 3 part final boss. Glad to have this one done.

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Robocop 3 was the most interesting of the trilogy. It had a very interesting couple mechanics that didnt quite get as fleshed out as they could have. While playing along (with the best controls of the 3, which are still a bit robotic Tongue) each hit Robocop takes actually does damage to the different areas of his body. These are split into: Head, Body, Arm, Legs. Each part represents your fundamental abilities such as: Legs - Walking, Body - Jumping, Head - Direction of Movement, Arms - Guns. The lower the power each part has the higher the chance of failure is. Arms hurting, guns will get jammed. Head taken a few to many hits,
you might start walking in the opposite direction. The cool thing is that the damage you've sustained follows you across each level. You dont get to start with a blank slate just because you finished a stage. However good/bad you did will be how you start your next battle.

Hidden or scattered across the stages are repair modules that allow you to slightly repair your body parts in between stages. There are quite a few in the first stage and then are very sparse afterwards. In additon to the repair modules are items that give you more life also. Your extra life (or lack of) also carries over from stage to stage. Since each stage gives you less and less in terms of life/repairs and gets a bit harder, its in your best interest to do VERY well in the first couple stages to stock up some goodies in your arsenal. The game only have 5 stages with the last one seeming to be more of a bonus stage than boss/level, so as cool as these mechanics might sound you dont get to explore them too much. Really cool idea though and definitely the most fun of the Robocops in my book.

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Next up was the quick little action/platform/puzzler, Hudson Hawk. There are three stages each involving you sneaking or fighting your way around several floors of a building in order to steal an Da Vinci related artifact. None of the areas are particularily hard and they are all fairly short too. It really felt like a lot of the game was missing. What was there was fun to play, but there should have been several more levels to it me thinks.

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Also gave a quick try to Dirty Harry, Mad Max and Last Starfighter. With a little more goofing around I should be able to take down Dirty Harry. Mad Max and Last Starfighter are going to take some mapping out though it seems. After the Section Z map-fest I had a little while ago I'm not to keen on the idea right now, so both of those games will get tossed on the back burner.

NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk

Future Plans - Maybe hit some war-movie games next. Rambo, Platoon and the like.

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