Show Some Love

Posted on Apr 3rd 2010 at 06:16:45 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Hybrid Heaven, N64, Action, RPG, Wreslting, Unloved

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Every wonder what it would be like to have RPG elements added to a wrestling game? Wonder no more, Hybrid Heaven shows you that it can be awesome!!

Continue reading Unloved #11: Hybrid Heaven

Posted on Mar 23rd 2010 at 04:45:05 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Off The Shelf, Banjo Kazooie, Platforming, Adventure, N64, Last One

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Like many of the games we've played here this one needs very little introduction. Its one of the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful games released for the N64. Banjo Kazooie plays quite simliar to Super Mario 64, but with a much heavier emphasise on collecting items and battling enemies.

So your fellow rfgenners and I in April to play one of the best games the N64 had to offer!

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IMPORTANT - Because of a general lack of interest and participation this will be the last month we do an Off The Shelf. If your ever looking to have someone to discuss a game with as you play it, and that game is in my collection, feel free to PM me so we can get to it. Thanks for gaming with me these last few months those of you that have. It was fun!!

Posted on Mar 10th 2010 at 06:27:25 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Collecting, Judas Priest, Music, CDs, Vinyl, Comics, Toys, Cards

Its obvious that most of you guys are pretty crazy into grabbing up games of all sorts. Do you have any other collecting vices? Comics, Sports Cards, Celebrity Genital Molds, Troll Dolls?

Heres some pics of the only thing besides Video Games I've cared enough about to collect.

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Thats my Judas Priest collection, minus a few pieces that arnt in the picture. Notable ommisions are the British Steel and Painkiller CDs aswell as a few old tour posters and tour books.

I've acquired everything locally which makes this collection extra special to me. I've gotten every studio and major live release on CD. I'm only missing 3 more records and I've got all the major releases there too. Somehow I've gotten the European cover variants for Point of Entry and Killing Machine locally in North-Western Canada?

There are still a few big whole to fill in such as Halfords other bands after leaving JP and Glenn Tiptons Solo album. I've got a few of the Tim Owens albums, but as you can see in the picture above the are not allowed to touch the REAL Judas Priest stuff. Man that guy sucks.

These are two of my favorite pieces. Neither are overly valuable, but are just really cool items in my mind.

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The CD is a live recording of Rob Halford filling in at a couple Black Sabbath concerts on vocals. Its pretty poor quality, but its awesome to hear some Sabbath songs with an actual singer (Ronnie James Dio stuff aside, because he is freakin awesome in Sabbath. Ozzy sucks!!!). Whoever made the CD also added a few bonus tracks such as Rob singing Delivering the Goods with Skid Row, a song with Ugly Kid Joe and a few other gems.

The Vinyl Album is the 80's Hair Band version of Band Aid. It was organized by Ronnie James Dio and includes guys from Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Spinal Tap, Yngwie, Night Ranger, WASP, Queensryche, Blue Oyster Cult, Twisted Sister, Dokken, Motely Crue, Y&T, Ted Nugent, Queit Riot and others. It has the cheesiest lyrics you can imagine ("Who cries for the children........... I doooooooooo" and "We are Stars!!"), but with the very talented vocalists at the helm, they somehow pull it off. Oh yeah and there is also a 5 minute long guitar freakin' solo with some of the craziest guitarist around  at the time that will blow your mind!!

Heres the Video for the song We're Stars:

Check out the awesomeness of the 80s Hard Rock scene all mashed into one song.

So what else are you guys passionate about? I'd love to see pics and hear stories about your non-gaming related collecting habits.

Posted on Mar 10th 2010 at 05:59:04 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Neo Geo AES, Sega, cdx, genesis, cd, joystick, lovely

Last week I received the single largest box that has ever been mailed to me. It was a beast of a parcel. Knowing exactly what it was I quickly paid the retarded customs fees ($80!!!) and ran downstairs (slowly and carefully) to my gaming dungeon. My wife and son heard the commotion and came down to see what kind of shenanagins I was getting into.

I was so exciting about the large package I decided to open the small package first (I got two parcels by the way) and get it out of the way. Heres what was in parcel number 1:

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A sexy little Sega CDX system, 6 Boxed Genesis games, and 5 CIB Sega CD games!! These are the first Sega CD games I've gotten since I found Sonic CD (My only Sega CD game until now) like 5 years ago, so it was pretty awesome. But not as awesome as what was yet to come. The Sega CDX was more of a practical purchase rather than something I had to have. I've only got a certain amount of shelf space and a Genesis/Sega CD combo is just waaay to big. This is a nice little space saver and a really unique item at the same time.

Enough with the Sega junk, onto the real good stuff!! I grabbed the nearest sharp object, which happened to be a steak knife, and got ready to cut into the large box with surgical precision. After cutting open my index finger and making sure I wasnt going to bleed on anything inside I proceded. I opened the box slowly and gave my wife and kid my best N64 kid impression (OH MY GOD!!! NEO GEO!!! OH MY GOD!!). Thankfully they knew the reference and gave me a little chuckle of support. Behold the NEO GEO AES!!!

[img width=700 height=525][/img]

I have wanted one of these for over 10 years, but have never felt I had the opportunity to own one being the cheapskate that I am. Being the stand up guy that Terry is know to be he only charged me a fraction of the sticker price!!

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And even threw in 3 sweet games with it! Heres a group picture for fun:

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The moral of this story is to buy things from Marriot_Guy because he is awesome and has cool things. The end..... or is it?

Posted on Feb 24th 2010 at 06:56:53 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Off The Shelf, Gunstar, Heroes, Genesis, Treasure, Run n Gun, Please, Play

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I hope you're as excited as I am for March. We are going to tackle the most stylized game we've chosen yet!!

Continue reading Off The Shelf: Gunstar Heroes

Posted on Feb 15th 2010 at 11:10:54 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Gameroom, Shelves!!!

The pictures arnt quite a good as the last ones because my camera decided it doesnt want to auto focus. Finally got some more shelves up and unpacked the rest of the games. Moved a few things around too.

First 3 pics are the old shelves re-arranged.

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Top shelf has all my odd ball stuff such as empty game boxes, manuals, inserts, etc.
The small shelved area in the middle is great for storing games of weird sizes. 3DO, Saturn and Sega CD for now.

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Posted on Feb 14th 2010 at 07:59:21 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Xexyz, Unloved, NES, Platform, Action, Shmup, Wonderful

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Most people familiar with the NES know that it has many underrated games for it. I have not had a chance to play the entire library yet, but as of this writing, Xexyz is in my opinion the MOST underrated NES game.

Continue reading Unloved #10: Xexyz

Posted on Jan 22nd 2010 at 10:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Off The Shelf, Super Nintendo, SNES, Metroid, Group, Gaming

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Tell your wife/girlfriend/significant other you've got better things to do this Valentines Day, and lets shoot some aliens!!

Continue reading Off The Shelf: Super Metroid

Posted on Jan 13th 2010 at 07:03:59 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Norse by Norsewest, Lost Vikings 2, Return of the, Saturn, Unloved, Puzzle, Platform

I'm going to go a little out of my comfort zone on this review and do something non-Nintendo. This spectacular little gem on the Saturn is an absolutely must play in my opinion. It does have its flaws (to its credit most games at the time had the same problems), but its strengths are more than enough to make up for them.

[img width=274 height=392][/img]

Continue reading Unloved #9: Norse by Norsewest

Posted on Dec 29th 2009 at 10:11:28 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Legacy of the Wizard, Unloved, NES, Dungeon Crawler, Classic Gaming

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When talking about "unloved" games I think this one takes the cake so far. Most of the other games I have featured I have at least heard mentioned in some capacity. However, I have not heard one person mention Legacy of the Wizard in my many years of playing and collecting video games. Its a shame because its a spectacular NES title that deserves some attention.

Continue reading Unloved #8: Legacy of the Wizard

Posted on Dec 16th 2009 at 10:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Off The Shelf, NES, Super Mario Bros, Platformer, January

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Join your fellow rfgen members in January when we play arguably one of the most important titles in gaming 

Continue reading Off The Shelf - Super Mario Bros 3

Posted on Dec 8th 2009 at 08:17:22 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under The Munchables, Wii, Review, Unloved, Katamari, Modern Gaming

I'm going to change it up a bit this week and cover a game that can still be purchased at retail. Amazing, I know. So if you're looking for some more action on your Wii, and with budget price tag as a bonus, check this game out.

[img width=380 height=536][/img]

Continue reading Unloved #7: The Munchables

Posted on Dec 1st 2009 at 12:27:35 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Room!!, game, room, shelves

I've finally got some juicy pictures for you guys, so enough of me talking:

An unassuming door leading to something magical.....

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Couch's Eye View:

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Empty spot on top left is for an NES

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Empty spot on top right for Gamecube

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Temporary home for my record collection until I need the space for more games:

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There are more shevles to put up so things will get spaced out more and some of the stuff you see lying around in cardboard boxes will get unpacked, but its a great start. The next update should be just as exciting.

Posted on Nov 29th 2009 at 12:04:38 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Room, shelving

I finally got some more wood (not the stuff we originally planned to use, but we made it work), had my buddy come over to help install it, painted it, put it up, filled it with goodies!!

Unfortanutely we went to a friends house and forgot our camera there so i cant take any pics until he brings it back (thursday if he remembers). We didnt completely finish though. We only put up one side of shelves, but it was enough to cram everything onto. Once we get the other ones up I can spread things out a bit and give them some breathing room. Any way its looking really cool and I cant wait to share some pics with everyone.

Posted on Nov 23rd 2009 at 10:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Power Blade, Review, NES, Platforming, Action

[img width=500 height=300][/img]

I picked up Power Blade at a garage sale for $1 about 3 months ago. It looked (and still does) very lame from the artwork on the label. Because of this (also because I was moving at the same time) it sat around the bottom of my priority list. Well I've finally gotten around to playing some of the NES games I've been putting off for so long. Man was I wasting my time on some junk in the last 3 months when I could have been playing Power Blade instead.

Continue reading Unloved #6: Power Blade

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