So I tried out some more Blaster Master tonight and I swear I suck a lot more when I play games on the computer. Yesterday when I gave it a test run on a TV I got to the Crab boss with basically no hiccups along the way. Today It took me all my continues just to make it to him. Also found out the bomb trick doesnt work on him, so I'm gonna have to go about it the old fashioned way.
Since I was struggling so badly I decided to take a break from Blaster Master and do a quick TMNT run. Turned out to be not so quick. I apparently suck at that game now too and it took nearly the rest of my gaming time to conquer what should have taken me 30 mintues. Since I've already got my speed run on youtube for TMNT I wont bother uploading this crappy video of me barely making it through.
So I only got the one game finished tonight, but here are the screens from the last 2 games that didnt make it into my previous blog:
[img width=465 height=347]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/JourneytoSilius-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=465 height=347]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/MetalStorm-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=440 height=314]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/TMNT-Ending.png[/img]
I've almost caught up with my uploading, just missing Castlevania and the first half of Mega Man 6. All the titles below are now linked directly to their youtube video (Thanks to Bickman2k yet again!!. Just click on the one your interested in and enjoy! Please comment or PM if I screwed up and linked to the wrong video in any of the links.
A couple people have expressed interest in hearing me blab about the games while I play through them. Is there much interest in me trying this out? I'm not sure how well it will go, but if there are a few people that want me to give it a go I'll try it out.
Games Beaten since Oct.8th - 29/30
Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Castlevania Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 Felix the Cat Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ Double Dragon Contra Super C Contra Force Power Blade Power Blade 2 Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus Metal Storm Journey to Silius Air Fortress Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Future Plans - Blaster Master is still going to be the focus. I'll have TMNT 2 & 3 on standby though.
Brought my trust old VCR with me this outing and recorded runs for both Metal Storm and Journey to Silius. Turned out I finished them much quicker than expected and had some extra time so I did second run for both and was able to do both games without using a continue. Hopefully that will make the videos more entertaining since you dont have to watch me die and redo the same areas over and over again. It also means the file size will be smaller and they will upload much quicker . It does mean that I dont have a screen shot yet until I get a chance to move them onto my computer though. I'll try to get them uplaoded soon though so dont worry.
Had enough time to also give a test run on Blaster Master since its been years since I've touched it. Turns out I remembered where to go surprisingly well and made it to my least favorite boss (Stage 6, Bubble Crab) in about an hour. Since it went fairly smooth, up to the crab at least, I'll try to have a run recorded for Blaster Master in the next couple days. If anyone has any tips for beating that damn Crab I'm all ears.
Now for what you've all been waiting for.......the Air Fortress update. After spending what I assume to be around 5-6 hours playing Stage 6 I was finally able to conquer it!! Much to my intense pleasure, Stage 7 was very easy and I finished it on my second attempt. Stage 8 was a little tougher and took me a couple hours to figure out, but compared to Stage 6 it was quite tame. I was very happy to escape the final stage, but that joy quickly turned into projectile vomiting as it turns out there is a Ghosts 'n Goblins sytle second quest. I played the first area to see how different it was from the first go around. The layout of the Fortresses is identical to the first time around, they just add more and tougher baddies. So while I didnt get the True Ending, I am satisfied with calling this one beaten for the purpose of my challenge and I made sure to write down the code to continue on with the Second Quest if I ever want to revisit the game. The game was a lot harder than I initially thought, but I did really enjoy it.
I had to record several chunks of video (Stages 1-4, Stage 5, Stage 6-7, and Stage 8 ) seperately because of how many attempts some of the later stages took. I'm going to merge them into one video to upload to youtube. Let me know if you like it like that or if I should just keep them as 4 seperate videos in the future.
Here is the much anticipated Air Fortress Ending Screen:
[img width=642 height=496]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/AirFortress-Ending-1.png[/img]
12th Day of Challenge - 28/100
Games Beaten since Oct.8th:
Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Castlevania Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 Felix the Cat Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ Double Dragon Contra Super C Contra Force Power Blade Power Blade 2 Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus Metal Storm Journey to Silius Air Fortress
Future Plans: Blaster Master is the next target
PS - Can someone let me know how to embed a link to my youtube videos in the name of the games I've got listed above? I think that would be the best way to go about it.
No games this time. Sorry. My wife surprised me with a couple tickets to go see Nightseeker last night which meant no time for Air Fortress. Just incase you dont know who Nightseeker is (which I'm willing to bet very few do), if you've seen the movie FUBAR or FUBAR II you might be familiar. One of the main characters from the movies has created his own band based on his movie character and has been touring Canada.
It was a blast to see some 80s style rock and goofyness on stage. Plus we got him to come out for a second encore, in which he played Living After Midnight (I'm a HUGE Judas Priest fan so that was the icing on my cake:) )
To make this blog slightly gaming related: Deaner was mingling with the crowd before the show and was posing for pictures, signing stuff and just chatting with people. I went to get my picture takin with him. After the picture session he commented on how he loved my baseball hat. You cant tell in the picture, but its an Atari hat. He started telling me how he loved playing Montezuma's Revenge on his 2600 years ago. He seemed genuinely impressed when I told him I play old stuff like that all the time. Then he screamed "MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE, WHOOOOOOO" so that everyone in the bar knew his love for Atari. It was a fun night. Back to the gaming grind now though.
[img width=640 height=480]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/Deaner.jpg[/img]
So I thought I'd start off the night with some Air Fortress as per raptor94k's suggestion. All was going well until about the 5th level. It started to get fairly challenging, but since it has a code system to continue it wasnt a problem and I could give it a few more tries. Boom, after a few attempts Stage 5 done. Nothing to it. The first half of stage 6 was a cake walk and supplied me with more health and bombs than any other level, by far. This fortress will be a breeze........... fast forward 2 hours later and I'm still playing Stage 6. It took me that amount of time to find the best route to get to the Core of the Fortress (you need to destroy each Core and then escape before it explodes). Now that I've found the Core I've spent another hour trying to figure out how to escape, which I havnt been able to yet. I think I'm quite close so I'm not giving up on this game yet. If level 7 proves to be as much of a pain as Level 6 I will have to put in on the back burner though.
Nobody happens to know how to escape from the 6th Fortess, do they? If your curious to try the stage for yourself the continue code is 2APP. Enjoy!
In less exciting news I finished Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus. Its a pretty bad game, but I like it for some reason. Maybe because I just pretend its a Power Rangers game on the NES. I had many stupid deaths so the video is a bit longer than it should have been.
Also tried some Metal Storm tonight, but was having the same issue as with Journey to Silius so I'll have to record these on the VCR and then transfer them onto my computer.
Heres tonights Screen:
[img width=664 height=502]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/Dynowarz-Ending.png[/img]
9th Day of Challenge - 25/100 (Quarter of the way there!!)
Games Beaten since Oct.8th:
Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Castlevania Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 Felix the Cat Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ Double Dragon Contra Super C Contra Force Power Blade Power Blade 2 Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus
Future Plans: I'll at the very least finish Stage 6 on Air Fortress tomorrow.
As promised I was able to finish off the NES Contra games by completing Contra Force Tonight. The video will be quite dull starting on Mission 4, because man did I suck tonight. Had to redo it like 4 times for some reason. Oh well its over and done with now.
Next up to the plate was Power Blade. One of my all time favorite NES games. After getting quite frustrated with Contra Force I decided to be a bit cheap and use the bomb glitch on most of the bosses. Even so I screwed up big time on the last level by forgetting that I could restore my health. That made it a lot harder than it should have been since I had several health items I could have used at any time.
Power Blade 2 went a lot smoother. Almost had a no death run, but screwed up on one of the last bosses. Its a lot slower placed than the first one so it seemed painfully sluggish.
Gave Journey to Silius a go, but with enemy bullets being occasionally invisible it just wasnt going to happen. I might have to record this game on a VHS tape and then transfer it because I dont think I can beat it with a handicap like I did a few of the other games.
Tonights Screens are:
[img width=632 height=488]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/ContraForce-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=667 height=488]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/PowerBlade-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=667 height=488]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/PowerBlade2-Ending.png[/img]
8th Day of Challenge - 24/100
Games Beaten since Oct.8th:
Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Castlevania Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 Felix the Cat Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ Double Dragon Contra Super C Contra Force Power Blade Power Blade 2
Might hit up some space themed shooters tomorrow night.
After many hours spent not playing NES games, and tons of PMs volleyed back and forth with Bickman2k (who was also my first subscriber ever, horaay!) we were finally able to get some videos shrunk down and then uploaded to youtube. Currently I've got 9.5 games loaded onto the old tube, but I've got all the rest of the videos shrunk to a more managable size and will be able to get them uploaded aswell in the near future. I also learned to reduce the settings on my capture software so that the file will be much smaller from the get go and I wont have to mess around with it afterwards.
Even though I spent a lot of my free time messing around with the videos I did manage to get a bit of gaming time in, which I spent playing Double Dragon. After over a dozen attempts I kept inching closer and closer to the end, but wasnt able to finish any games on Wednesday. A couple hours more DD early on Thursday morning and I was barely able to squeak out a victory and save my lady friend.
Tried some DDII afterwards and decided that, for now at least, the games are too time consuming for me to continue with. They are short, but unforgiving, No extra lives or continues makes them brutal games. So I've moved on to everyones favorite......
Contra!! Now instead of having to dodge invisible bullets, like I had to with Mega Man it was my bullets that would occasionally be gone. That wasnt a big deal, but when I got hit and respawned I wouldnt be able to see my character while he was invulnerable. Which meant I couldnt take advantage of that wonderful time very well. It ended up taking me a bit longer than I wanted, but I was able to get another win. Almost had a no continue victory, but screwed up right near the end.
What goes better with Contra than Super C? Nothing, thats what. So I had no choice, but to follow up some C with a little Super C. Was a little bit quicker than Contra, but still took longer than it should have to get my win. Had a fairly solid run though so nothing to complain about.
I was hoping to score the Contra Trifecta tonight with a Contra Force win also, but I only had a very short time left and when I was partway through stage 4 on my last attempt, my game froze. Should be able to knock it off early tomorrow though and I'll probably follow it up with some Contra-esque Power Blade action.
I'll try and get the hot Contra on Contra videos up soon, in addition to the rest of the Mega Man ones.
Thanks so much for all your help Adam!!
[img width=638 height=476]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/DoubleDragon-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=649 height=529]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/Contra-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=649 height=529]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/SuperC-Ending.png[/img]
1 week update - 21/100
Games Beaten since Oct.8th:
Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Castlevania Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 Felix the Cat Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ Double Dragon Contra Super C
Managed to squeeze one more game of Ren and Stimpy in today. This one went much better and I didnt even have to dig into my continues (barely). I love the show and comics, but this game is kind of lame. Its got some decent humor and nods to the show, but the gameplay is very frustrating at times. Especially when playing as Ren.
Bickman is currently holding my hand and trying to get me setup for some videos on youtube. I'm having some difficulty and being the computer dunce that I am I'm not sure if its my fault or my systems. Hopefully we'll be able to get it sorted out though.
Heres another screen for you guys:
[img width=635 height=511]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/RenandStimpyShowBuckaroos.png[/img]
5th Day of Challenge = 18/100
Games beaten since Oct.8th:
Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Castlevania Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 Felix the Cat Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout Ren and Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$
Tonight I went with a Classic Cartoon theme and finished Felix the Cat and Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout. Also had a failed attempt at The Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$.
Felix the Cat was a cake walk. There was one part where I was just trying to go to fast and spent 3 or 4 lives, but otherwise it was smooth sailing all the way to the final boss. He cost me a few more lives until I figured out a better way to attack him and then he fell easily as well.
BBBB was a bit harder than Felix, but still very easy overall. Like Felix the bosses were all a joke. The hammer that Bugs uses to attack is horrible. It really wrecks the game. If they made it so that you had to jump on enemies or simply avoid them, I think the game would have been a lot more fun. After each level you play a lottery to try and win extra lives. Sometime a little over halfway through the game I hit the jackpot and won myself 50up! Because of that I finished the game with something ridiculous like 74 extra men.
I've beaten Ren & Stimpy before a long long time ago, but tonight was having some troubles. Now that I've refreshed myself on some of the trickier spots and puzzles I should be able to breeze through it during my next playthrough.
Heres tonights screens:
[img width=700 height=529]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/FelixtheCat-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=700 height=529]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/BugsBunnyBirthdayBlowout-Ending.png[/img]
5th Day of Challenge = 17-100
Games beaten since Oct.8th:
Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Castlevania Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 Felix the Cat Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout
PS - I'll be attempting to upload some of the videos onto youtube over the next couple days. I'll let you guys know if its successful or not.
First off I need to ask for some urgent help. Does anyone know of a site that I can upload the videos of my playthroughs on? I didnt realize how much room they were going to take up on my computer and I am quickly running out of space. Youtube sucks because I'll have to edit each and every video into 10 minute chunks, which I really do not want to do. Videos range from 10 minutes to 2 hours and could possibly get longer with future games. Are there any other options out there? I've got a little bit of time if I commandeer my wife's external HDD, but I'll still run out of room before I'm finished.
Now onto tonights conquests!
Decided to go wtih a Disney theme tonight and tackle some old favorites and 1 not so favorite of mine. Got Adventures in the Magic Kingdom out of the way first. It took much longer than it should have. Firstly because I was having some slight lagging issues which made Space Mountain and Autopia basically impossible until I got that resolved. The second part was all me. For whatever reason I just sucked a lot on the 1000 Ghosts and Pirates of the Caribean areas. Eventually I finished the game though.
Duck Tales and Rescue Rangers are two of my favorites. I've beaten both many times and knew they would both be taken down quickly. Neither titles gave me much trouble.
Duck Tales 2 and Rescue Rangers 2 are both decent, but for some reason dont seem quite as solid as their precessesors. Both are very similar to the games they are sequeling, with some slight changes, and both are a bit longer.
Overall another fun night!! Havnt decided what I'm going to tackle tomorrow yet, but I'll spend a bit of time looking over my games and come up with something. Maybe some old Cartoon games like Felix the Cat and Bugs Bunny or something.
Tonights Screens:
[img width=640 height=528]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/AdventuresintheMagicKingdom-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=700 height=524]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/DuckTales-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/DuckTales2-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/ChipnDaleRescueRangers-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=700 height=528]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/ChipnDaleRescueRangers2-Ending.png[/img]
4th Day of Challenge = 15/100
3 more worked off the list tonight. I had a lot of trouble remember the order for the master robots on MM5 and just ended up beating 6 of them with my M Buster. Its a solid game, but probably my least favorite MM.
6 Does a few different things from the rest of the series that keeps me more interested. The music in both isnt up to par for the series though.
I had no blinking issues in either MM game, but whenever I got hit on Castlevania I'd lose sight of my character until he recovered. Wasnt a big deal since Simon is Invulnerable when he is flashing anyway.
Dracula was a pain, as usual, and definitely took the most time. Took a few attempts to overcome Death aswell, but didnt spend a whole lot of time anywhere else.
Heres tonights screens:
[img width=341 height=288]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/MegaMan5-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=390 height=293]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/MegaMan6-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=352 height=272]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/Castlevania-Ending.png[/img]
3rd day of Challenge = 10/100
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Posted on Oct 9th 2011 at 03:38:32 PM by ( Crabmaster2000) Posted under NES Challenge, Mega, Man, 2, 3, 4, Wily, Light, Proto, Buster, Rush |
Now at the second day in and I have been able to cross 7 games off the list so far. Tonight Mega Man 2, 3 and 4 all fell to the might of my M Buster. I dont know if any other night of gaming could match this one though. Maybe I should have saved those 3 for a later date in case I get burnt out and need an extra push. Good tunes tonight too, some of my favorite on the NES. Most people know (and love) the music from Wily's stages from Mega Man 2. But I think the final Wily fight from 4 has my favorite song from the series. Its fantastic. Check it out if your not familiar.
Mega Man 2 gave me a lot more trouble than it should have. Unlike yesterdays "missing" bullet problem I had a case of "missing" Mega Man tonight. It only happened in two areas on the game. The first Wily Stage boss (big dragon). That wasnt to bad since he is super quick and easy, just had a couple accidental deaths since I didnt dodge at the correct time. The second spot was a lot more frustrating. The Wily Boss with that requires you use your Crash Bombs to blow away walls and turrets. That one was pretty close to impossible to beat without being able to see my character. Fortunately after several attempts he was clearly visible and I didnt have an issue. I tried messing around with the settings a bit, but it doesnt really give me to many options and none of them seemed relevant to the problem I was having.
Good news is that I didnt have any issues with the video on either of the other games.
Tomorrow I'll shoot for Mega Man 5 and 6. If time permits I'll be getting started on the Castlevania games afterwards also.
Here are tonight's screens:
[img width=648 height=540]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/MegaMan2-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=627 height=531]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/MegaMan3-Ending.png[/img]
[img width=625 height=535]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/MegaMan4-Ending.png[/img]
2nd Day Completion Total = 7/100
First day of my challenge has officially started. To start things off right, I was able to beat all 3 Super Mario Bros games and had enough time left to defeat Dr. Wily once too! Just so that no one can call me a liar I decided to capture videos of each and every game I'm beating. I'll post screen shots of the ending screens on my blog here. The videos are really only for my own benefit, unless someone needs some additional proof of the game being finished.
I'm finding my playing is a lot sloppier when playing on the computer, as opposed to on a TV. The response feels pretty good (although there were a couple times when the video lagged for a few seconds and caused me to run down a pit or into an enemy) so it must just be a mental block or something. Hopefully I'll get used to it, because I should have had enough time for at least one more game in this sitting. I'm also finding that some things are not always showing up on the computer monitor. For example, ducking down in SMB 2 you normally flash after a while, the characters didnt flash and I just had to guess when they were charged for a super jump. Also Dr. Wily and a couple other bosses were even harder than normal because only some of their bullets were clearly visable and would often "blink" on and off the screen.
These arnt huge issues when playing games I'm familiar with, but when I get to uncharted territory its going to make things very difficult. Does this have something to do with the monitor being an LCD screen? Is there something I can do to remedy this issue?
Anyway here are tonights screen shots and tomorrow I'm looking forward to A LOT more Mega Man!!
[img width=471 height=358]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/SMBEnding.png[/img]
[img width=593 height=475]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/SMB2Ending.png[/img]
[img width=390 height=291]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/SMB3Ending.png[/img]
[img width=654 height=521]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/MegaManEnding.png[/img]
Completed so far Oct.8th/2011 = 4/100
Thanks to everyone who helped me fill out my list of NES titles a bit more! Here is an updated list:
Adventure Island Adventure Island 2 Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Batman Battletoads Blaster Master Bonk's Adventure Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble 2 Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout Castlevania Castlevania II Castlevania III Caveman Games Chip n' Dale RR Chip n' Dale RR 2 Circus Caper Contra Contra Force Donkey Kong Classics Dr.Mario Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Dynowarz Felix the Cat Flintstones Surprise at Dinosaur Peak Ghosts n' Goblins Gremlins 2 Journey to Silius Kickle Cubicle Kirby's Adventure Kung Fu Legendary Wings Little Samson M.C. Kids Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Metal Storm Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! Monster in My Pocket Ninja Gaiden Ninja Gaiden II Panic Restaurant Power Blade Power Blade 2 Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckeroo$ River City Ransom Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space Mutants Simpsons: Bart vs. The World Simpsons: Bart Meets Radioactive Man Sky Shark Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular Snow Brothers StarTropics StarTropics 2 Super C Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Super Spike V'Ball Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles TMNT II TMNT III Where's Waldo? Wizards & Warriors 2: Iron Sword World Games Xexyz Yo! Noid
Rygar Battle for Olympus Narc Commando Roadblasters Top gun Top Gun 2 Adventures of Lolo Adventures of Lolo 2 Double Dragon Double Dragon II Double Dragon III Battletoads/Double Dragon Gargoyle's Quest II Air Fortress Ninja Gaiden III Roller Games Clash at Demonhead Crash n the Boys Jetsons Little Nemo: The Dream Master Widget Adventures of Rad Gravity Little Mermaid Jungle Book 3D World Runner Super Dodgeball Rampage Breakthru Tiny Toon Adventures 2 Monster Party Guerrila War
Thats 104 games in total. I'd still like to pad the list further is possible so please shoot some more title suggestions my way. I dont have any Lightgun or Track Mat games on the list yet so if you know of any ones that arnt to hard to beat let me know.
October 8th will be the official start date!! Which means I'll have until January 16th (please correct me if I'm off with my times) to beat at least 100 different NES games. Wish me luck!
With me nearing my big goal this year of getting 75% of the licensed NES library, its time I start playing the crap out of them now. I've decided to challenge myself to beating 100 NES games over a 100 day period. I havnt pinned down a start date yet, but it will be in the near future. I do need a bit of assistance from the community though.
Obviously I'll have the final say in what "beaten" means with each title. But I'm curious to know if there is a general consensus on a few different things. With each title my goal will be to beat the game on the default difficulty setting with no cheat devices or codes.
Whats the general consensus on games like Ghosts n' Goblins which have an ending and then a "true" ending by playing through a slightly harder game again? Would beating it once be considered beaten by most and the second quest left for completionists? or is it neccessary to beat both quests for the true ending to call it beaten?
Is there a rule of thumb for calling arcade style games completed? Would seeing every different screen in Donkey Kong and beating the default highscore be beaten in your eyes? Each game will obviously be a case by case bases, but does that sound about right for most arcade style games?
For Shmups like Sky Shark would it be considered a victory to have the game loop?
While I am against using codes like the Konami code, I'm not ashamed to exploit different aspects of games. Such as spamming respawning enemies to refill health/ammo/score.
Here is a list of games I'm currently going to take on:
Adventure Island Adventure Island 2 Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Batman Battletoads Blaster Master Bonk's Adventure Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble 2 Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout Castlevania Castlevania II Castlevania III Caveman Games Chip n' Dale RR Chip n' Dale RR 2 Circus Caper Contra Contra Force Donkey Kong Classics Dr.Mario Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Dynowarz Felix the Cat Flintstones Surprise at Dinosaur Peak Ghosts n' Goblins Gremlins 2 Journey to Silius Kickle Cubicle Kirby's Adventure Kung Fu Legendary Wings Little Samson M.C. Kids Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Metal Storm Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! Monster in My Pocket Ninja Gaiden Ninja Gaiden II Panic Restaurant Power Blade Power Blade 2 Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckeroo$ River City Ransom Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space Mutants Simpsons: Bart vs. The World Simpsons: Bart Meets Radioactive Man Sky Shark Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular Snow Brothers StarTropics StarTropics 2 Super C Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Super Spike V'Ball Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles TMNT II TMNT III Where's Waldo? Wizards & Warriors 2: Iron Sword World Games Xexyz Yo! Noid
That list is just over 70 games. So I need some suggestions from you guys too! I'd like to have a list of about 120 ideally, so that I have some wiggle wrong if I need to move on from a game. I'm looking for stuff that isnt to time consuming (obviously). Games with infinite continues are fantastic so if you know of any please let me know. I'm not against padding my list with stuff like Fisher Price, Jeopardy, Mario is Missing, etc, but if I can do it without resorting to those kind of titles I'd be happy.
During the challenge I'll be staying away from online guides, but will be using print guides that I have and asking for community help on occasion. Thanks in advance for the help!!
[img width=366 height=522]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/DeadlyCreaturesTitle.jpg[/img]
Continue reading Unloved #27: Deadly Creatures