Show Some Love

Posted on Mar 21st 2012 at 11:20:41 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under NES Challenge, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, Batman Returns

Turns out I wasnt in the mood for a military gorefest like I thought I might be. Instead went for a pair of delightful (thats debatable) Family Comedies, with Home Alone 1 & 2.

The first Home Alone game is probably the game that follows the plot of the show the most closely out of any of the movie games I've played so far. Make bad guys slip on ice, check. Hot Iron to the face, check. Spider attack, check. Sounds like fun, right? I think they must have had a big board meeting when developing the game and brainstormed ideas to make these funny sounding pranks into the most boring possible gameplay known to man. The game consists of you picking up traps from around your house and laying them down for Marv and Harry to fall on. All you do is pick up squares and drop said squares for 20 minutes (real time) stunning the theives until the cops show up. Each square only has a limited number of uses so it gets pretty tough near the last 5 minutes onward when the baddies dont get stunned very long and your typically low on traps. I got caught many frustrating times in the last 2-4 minutes of this game. Argh!!

[img width=638 height=478][/img]

Home Alone 2 couldnt be any worse so I jammed it in immediately afterwards. Home Alone 2 is not a great game by any stretch of the imagination, but because it was following the first one so closely it felt like a beautiful dream......and then it was over. It was also only about 20 minutes long. Nothing to write home about either.

[img width=635 height=474][/img]

It was starting to seem the all movie games would only be mediocre at best. Would I be able to find a ray of light in this darkness. Not yet, but I did find a pretty sweet, and dark game. Batman Returns was a game I initially wrote off as lame after testing it long ago after its initial cleaning and indoctrination into my wall of NES carts. I was sorely mistaken though. It was a fun and challenging beat'em up. Probably one of my favorites on the system now. The levels are all kind of blah, but otherwise I have no complaints. If you like TMNT 2, Double Dragon or Battletoads this'll probably be up your alley too. Only single player, but if you dont mind going it solo its a blast.

[img width=639 height=480][/img]

NES Games Finished In 2012

(click on a title to view the video)

Silver Surfer
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
Ghosts n Goblins
Pro Wrestling
Adventure Island
Spy Hunter
Adventure Island II
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Pinball Quest
Section Z
Marble Madness
Back to the Future
Terminator 2
Total Recall
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Hudson Hawk
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Batman Returns

Future Plans - Going to go with another game thats hounded me since my early childhood. Ghostbusters 2. Might as well check out the first one while I'm at it too.

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