As some of you may know I've been slowly gathering licensed NES carts over the last several years working towards my goal of a cart only licensed set. When I first started getting into collecting NES games it was because I scored a lot of around 50 games on ebay for a low price back in something like 2005-6ish. It amazed me how many interesting games I hadnt even heard of.
The collecting bug took hold and I scoured ebay for a similar lot, but with different games. After several months I ended up with about 100 games, for around $100, and a new found passion. Going to school, getting married, and having a son put a bit of a strain on my finances shortly after. I was still very interested in pursuing new games for a variety of systems, but with a special interest in the NES.
After looking around online for more info on these games I stumbled across racketboy, and through them, rfgeneration. Learned tons of tips on finding games both locally and online that fit my budget made my interest in collecting explode even further. Every day on the way to work would involve a quick stop at local pawn/resell/thrift stores and my saturday morning eaten up by relentless garage sale-ing.
Because of the poor area I live in for picking up games I decided to learn to supplement my local finds with some online purchases and trades. Ebay had been getting less and less appealing as I honed my new penny-pinching skills over the last couple years. Buy/Sell/Trade forums became a great resource and I owe thanks to dozens of members from sites like racketboy, rfgeneration, nintendoage, and gametz. These forums supplied me with cost effective, reliable, trustworthy and equally passionite gamers and collectors to deal with. Much more satisfying than buying from a faceless ebay seller on all fronts.
So you may be wondering whats promting my wave of nostalgia and praise to these communities. Well its thanks to conversing and dealing with the fantastic people across these forums, and feeling that I'm a part of a community, that helped lead me to the conclusion that I need to dive right in and work hard towards completing a goal thats important and enjoyable to me. With that in mind I've been snatching up the generally obscure NES titles over that last couple years. The ones that are generally in most peoples last 10-20 games. I've picked up already: Flintstones 2, Little Samson, Bubble Bobble 2, Snow Bros, Power Blade 2, Bonk's Adventure, Duck Tales 2, Chip n Dale 2, Panic Restaurant, Zombie Nation, Fire n Ice, Contra Force and others. Most of the games left were obtainable withing a certain amount of time with the one obvious exception.....Stadium Events. After dicsussing it with my wife and spending the last several years being quite frugal we were finally in a situation where I could justify the expense.
So in short I just want to thank all of you for assisting me in the formation of my conclusion that is ok, even rational, to spend a large sum of money on a game that I can not only buy a variant of for less than $10 any day of the week, but play for free through a computer. I really appreciat it guys!!!! Should be smooth sailing from here on....
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You're a great guy Crabby, and the relationships you put together across these sites is what has brought you success in the community. This is certainly a monumental achievement, and I hope I can help to get you to the point of completion. (Then I can sick the Famicom bug on you!)
So this is why you haven't been putting up any Unloved blogs lately... 
I'm speechless. Congratulations Crabmaster! If anyone can give that a good home, it is you. How many NES games do you have left?
@Duke.Togo:I'll have to make sure I stay out of the dark alleyways of rfgen so that I dont contract any sort of bug from you famicom wierdos.
@Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.:I kind of think of my current NES blogging like an extention of the Unloved stuff. I like to point out any games worth checking out. Like Die Hard. Go play Die Hard, it was awesome!
@blcklblskt:I've still got a ways to go, but with the carts that a couple awesome members here have in safe keeping for me its around 150 left. But like I said, with very few exceptions it should be relatively smooth sailing from here on out. And not to crazy on my wallet.
Lol @ Conglaturations! Just noticed that afterwards.
A winner is you!
Muy bueno. Congratulations! Looking forward to helping you with the rest. 
@Crabmaster2000: Go play Die Hard, it was awesome!
Well, I did enjoy Die Hard Arcade on Sega Saturn and Die Hard Trilogy on PS1, so the franchise's rep is already pretty solid with me.
Speakin' of Bruce Willis: You gonna try your hand at Hudson Hawk one of these days, or what? 
@Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.:You must be getting old. First you were oblivious to the Dirty Harry game and now you missed my Hudson Hawk Blog....
@Zagnorch:You must be getting old.
Boy, you sure picked the right time to say that...
First you were oblivious to the Dirty Harry game and now you missed my Hudson Hawk Blog...
Musta missed that when I skimmed through it... my faux pas.
What, you thought I thoroughly read these things? Talk about naive... 
Impressive as always.
Let me know if you want me to pick up more stuff from the flea market here. B1G1 is always hard to pass up, and I still have to send you your TG16 stuff.
@Shadow Kisuragi:I'm a little spent from my SE purchase right now and Duke.Togo and Singlebanana already have games on hold for me. So I cant take you up on that offer right now. Definitely still interested in the TG16 stuff, but no hurry on it. Like I said I need a little while to recover financially.