bomba's House Of Flancakes

Posted on Mar 4th 2013 at 04:29:24 PM by (bombatomba)
Posted under Time Machine, RFG, Time Machine, Time, Machine

One of my most favorite bored-at-work activities I enjoy doing is something I like to call "RFG Time Machine," which I named after the Wayback Machine Internet Archive (one of my favorite game-info research tools).  For someone like me who has only been here a few years (though not active during large swaths of that time) this is a great opportunity to have a look back at the posts of past members as well as read into the trends of yesterday.

So how does one access the RFG Time Machine?  I imagine there are many ways to do so, but I will simply go to the Edit Entries of the My Blog section of the website.  Click on My Saved Drafts, and if you have a saved draft in that page, click on one of your headlines. You'll see your article draft pasted over a blog post of another RFG member, along with the replies (if any), that went along with it.  It appears to be randomized as to whose blog and which post you appear over, but I do tend to see repeats.  I think it helps that I have more than ten drafts saved.

How is this fun?  If you look over to the right panel, you will see the Hot Entries for the blog post your draft is pasted over. The current one for one of my drafts is this one penned by Sirgin about Mega64 (which tragically no one commented on).  Good stuff.  Weird and sometimes embarassing (as only Mega64 can be), but still good stuff.  Another quick one is this July 2009 look at Civ IV by logical123, who was a prolific blogger throughout 2009, but sadly has not written since (unless they were lost in the Great Database Crash).  I also enjoyed most of his other articles, which I recommend.

Okay, so maybe I didn't show you something you would have though of as fun, but come on, at least it was interesting right?  I know, I could have found stuff easier by looking through the Blogs themselves, but why? I primarily do it for the moment of discovery, which is also why I collect (and why I sometimes even play what I collect). So even if you have been here a while, take a look back.  You might rediscover something you have forgotten, be it friend or moment.

This is bombatomba's Blog.
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So I'm an odd ball. So I am usually the last to post on a blog/forum. So I only post about weird games on weird platforms. So I have a strange relationship with commas and parenthesis. So what? Hey, at least you don't have to car pool with me to work, right? So have a heart, eat a blueberry, and don't forget to drop the empties in the box on the way out. I get deposit on those.
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