bomba's House Of Flancakes

Posted on Apr 20th 2015 at 01:26:02 PM by (bombatomba)
Posted under SPAZ, Zombies, Bounty Hunters, Space Pirates, Ice Pirates

[img width=700 height=393][/img]

Everything was fine when you started heading towards the galactic core. Spirits were high, the coffee was strong, and everyone had dollar signs in their eyes. Then your ship, The Clockwork, suffered damage and everything went downhill from there. Well, its important to keep a positive frame of mind (or that is what your shrink used to say), but something just seems... off. The UTA and Cizs are still at each others throats, with Bounty Hunters lurking behind the scenes, but there has been a lot of chatter in the space-waves as of late, talk of infected ships and who knows what else.  Man, I hope you are ready for what is out there.

Continue reading Space Pirates and Zombies... and Bounty Hunters!

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So I'm an odd ball. So I am usually the last to post on a blog/forum. So I only post about weird games on weird platforms. So I have a strange relationship with commas and parenthesis. So what? Hey, at least you don't have to car pool with me to work, right? So have a heart, eat a blueberry, and don't forget to drop the empties in the box on the way out. I get deposit on those.
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