bomba's House Of Flancakes

Posted on May 13th 2015 at 04:50:39 AM by (bombatomba)
Posted under ARMA 3, Steam, Free Weekend, Sim, Militaty FPS Sim

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Last weekend the first/third-person military shooter, ARMA 3 was free on Steam so I thought, "What the hay."  I set it to download and two hours later fired it up.  What followed was the most direct amount of game playing that I've had in a while, which equals roughly three to five hours of game play (that is, Steam calls it three but with restarts is closer to five).  What is my impression by the time the free weekend period was over?

Continue reading A Three Hour Tour of ARMA 3

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So I'm an odd ball. So I am usually the last to post on a blog/forum. So I only post about weird games on weird platforms. So I have a strange relationship with commas and parenthesis. So what? Hey, at least you don't have to car pool with me to work, right? So have a heart, eat a blueberry, and don't forget to drop the empties in the box on the way out. I get deposit on those.
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