The Origin of Species of GamersThe Origin of Species of Gamers

Posted on Mar 23rd 2012 at 01:39:04 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site News, Downtime, Forum, Database

The site is going down again.

Now, breathe.

This is planned downtime and it's for the better. Our host recently merged with another company and, along with this, they are changing our server configuration. We were on a VPS with 1GB of RAM and a meager 20GB of drive space. We are moving to a dedicated server with 4GB of RAM and dual 500GB drives! More everything! This should allow us to remain stable and hopefully lessen the database connection issues we have been experiencing.

This all goes down Saturday night at 10PM Central US time (3AM GMT). We will be placing the entire site in a maintenance mode. We did it Saturday night in case there were problems so we could have Sunday to fix it, again, if needed.

If you need your fix right away, please go ahead and bookmark this page to get to the IRC room.

See you when we're back!

Posted on Feb 12th 2012 at 08:52:09 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site News, Database, forum

Well, here we are, back up again. After over a week of downtime, we feel that we are ready to give this another shot as well as explain what had happened.

Last month, we were informed that our server was hosting a PayPal scam site. Our host was working with us to close up the exploit. It seems that whoever got in may have used more than an exploit. I found a couple of new domains on the server that were not set up by us. After further investigation, it was thought that they had the root password to the server. This fear was confirmed when the site went down.

Our initial check led us to the fact that our database tables had been dropped. That's bad.
[img width=423 height=315][/img]

This effectively removed our forum and game databases. We have been working to try to restore the forum from the information that was left on the server, but after all of the effort, we were stuck. Eddie was able to get the game database back from early December. This also included the blogs. The forum, however, was not so lucky.

The initial forum restoration that we found was from 2009. This included the member table. I happened to attempt to make a backup back in January, but it only partially backed up. Fortunately, this was successful in including the member list and even PMs. So, while we have now lost a ton of the forum, that can be recreated. The important part is that we were able to recover a fairly recent backup of the game DB and almost all of our members (not sure how many registered in the few weeks since my backup).

Now what happens? This experience has certainly left an impression on me as well as Dave, Eddie, and Mike. We will be implementing means to do (starting off) biweekly backups and as we get things honed in, we hope to get this down to possibly daily. We will also be working to have a system in place to test these backups and make sure they are good to prevent this sort of downtime in the future as well as making it easier for us to move hosts in the future should we need to do so.

We are very sorry that this has happened and that it was down for so long. We hope that it hasn't tarnished our image for you and that you continue to come back. Personally, I appreciate everyone that came in to the IRC room during the down time to keep the conversation going and your words of encouragement really meant a lot. The community has always been fantastic here and now that we're back up, I hope we continue to get stronger as a result. Thank you for your patience with me and my stubbornness to try everything I could to try to get it back to where it was before the disaster struck.

Welcome back to Channel 3!

Posted on Sep 8th 2010 at 04:11:24 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, Gaming, Site News, RF Generation

I just posted episode 1 of the RF Generation podcast minutes ago. Give it a listen and tell us what you thought! Your feature requests, show topic ideas, and just plain comments about our initial go are also welcome!


Posted on Jun 25th 2009 at 03:09:25 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under RF Generation, podcast, site news

Ideas are interesting. For those who don't frequent the chat, I at one point made a YouTube video highlighting a portion of my collection that was kept in storage to show just how much was missing from my online collection. Fairly soon after that, logical123 posted a forum post of a video that he put on YouTube showcasing his collection and his setup. That's when I realized that I don't necessarily think that I can fully express myself with text like I can with my words.

Announcing the RF Generation podcast!

This will be for the members. While I was talking with logical123 one day, I was talking about how I got into collecting and other stories regarding finds, deals, or just interesting parts of collecting. I was able to elaborate much further on this than I feel that I could if I was typing it out. I also feel that the possibility of a co-host or an interview would allow the podcast to focus on the members of the site and their collections and experiences with the fluidity of conversation and truly allow their voice and excitement to be expressed to you.

As I mentioned in the forum, I will probably do a few episodes to see how it works for you and me. I also will be taking suggestions for show ideas so that this will become our show instead of just my experimental project. I hope to be hearing from you all soon.

This is bickman2k's Blog.
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As much as the world has changed, our still somewhat niche spot as gamers has adapted to the times as well as the games. We have created our online museum of our past. We share our experiences about the present. And we will evolve together as the gaming community continues to change. I hope to write about some of my experiences with gaming, as well as on some topics that were not directly relevant to me, but to the community or you personally.
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