I came across this cool item today and wanted to share it with everyone here. After 38 yrs, most everything works on it. The light works ( the puck lights up ), the gears for the controls and scoring work, No chips cracks missing pieces of plastic on the field. Does have a missing batt cover but thats to be expected on something this old at a flea market.
Heres a little back round on this cool little unit ( from: http://www.grandoldtoys.com )
By 1974 the Marx Company was on its way out. It had been purchased two years earlier by Quaker Oats and in two years following it would be sold off in bankruptcy to a holding company. The same year was a turning point for the toy industry because it marked the beginning of the revolutionary home video market with the introduction of PONG.
To capitalize on this quickly growing market, Marx produced their own version of the super selling PONG....well, soft of. For a number of reasons, mostly financial, the Marx version of PONG did not use any digital technology. Contradictory to the current trend it was completely analog. In other words it was a battery operated mechanical PONG with gears and lights. It also was completely styrene plastic.
Since the toy was not a digital system which connected to a TV, Marx built their toy to resemble an entire television set complete with tube, screen and housing. It had no electronic components except for a motor and a light bulb. It used a delicately balanced cantilevered plastic lever tipped with a glowing light bulb. The bulb represented the tennis ball. A small battery powered motor moved plastic gears which, in turn, moved the position of the lever and the light bulb.
As the motor changed the position of the "ball", players controlling the paddle's would hit the bulb when it approached their side. The bulb would bounce off the paddle and return it in the opposite direction. If the lever made it past the paddle it would physically strike a bell signaling a goal. Score was kept manually with a rotating wheel on the top of the set. It couldn't have been more simple. It was also big, bulky, and difficult to move without breaking unless you reinserted the shipping bolt which locks in the cantilever mechanism. The bolt was the first thing to remove when it was unpacked for the first time and was probably the first thing thrown away.
The box for this toy looks very spectacular with staged color photography and caricature illustrations drawn by Mad Magazine's Jack Davis. It gave the toy a more polished appearance, but the problem was that inside the box was still an analog system. No wiring (except for the batteries), no electronic boards, no chips, no technology. A couple of gears and a well engineered system was all it took to make it possible, but it was not PONG.
[img width=700 height=525]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r221/atari83/MarxPong1_zps539853e6.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r221/atari83/MarxPong4_zpsd537b2f4.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r221/atari83/MarxPong5_zpsfde4a2db.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=933]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r221/atari83/MarxPong6_zpsabcfca5a.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r221/atari83/MarxPong7_zps7cb9f7ca.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r221/atari83/MarxPong8_zps1af6efb5.jpg[/img]
It isn't every day that you get a change to buy a huge amount of Atari 8 bit items ask any A8 collector. With that said when you see a group like that forsale you jump on it before it gets away. That is the case here and I was more than lucky to get ahold of it. I hope you enjoy this recap video. ( I do apologize for the video quality Ive been working on my computer and the new Video editing software that got auto upgraded is now saving everything as a MP4/ H264 file which I see when I upload or view it as a Audio only file ( I dont get it )..) Anywho heres the video recap. Grab some popcorn and enjoy.
PS There will be alot of extras going up forsale down the road on Atariage.com so feel free to check out the marketplace.
Episode # 41 recaps this great homebrew cut down in the prime of its life. My look back at this great title called Princess Rescue on the Atari 2600
Here is the link to the 4 Atari 8 Bit Prototypes I got in the mail this past week.
They include : River Raid, Mega Mania, QBert and James Bond 007
Episode # 39
Posted on Oct 18th 2013 at 12:58:31 AM by ( A8scooter) Posted under Atari |
This is the first box of goodies from Atari 181. Alot of nice stuff came in 54 items in all. Too bad the lighting just sucked but I think these were very nice finds and some hidden Gems.
Episode # 36 - A special deal with Atari Brian from AtariAge.com. ( Great guy to buy games from if you ever need video games )
Episode # 34 - This episode I show that some gaming moments are moments due to being a bad game. Also to talk about what happens when a video game is rushed to production just to "have a game for sale". Usually isn't a good outcome and the unsold copies in New Mexico is a good proof of that.
Episode 33 -
In this week's pick up video Atari 2600, Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo get a hold of the majority of my finds. Just in time for next weeks paycheck and big game finds no where else than right here. Enjoy.