So I'm still waiting for my SNES to be shipped to me. It should have been sent today, but I still haven't received any update on my order's status, so I'm still waiting on that. Anyway to pass the time and to get myself hyped up over my new console I've been browsing the internet for everything SNES. I've found some stuff that might interest some of you so I decided to share it here on this blog.
First of all and most urgent is this auction over at GameGavel for an SNES SNS-101 (which Zagnorch over at the comments said is pretty rare) or as the auctioneer and videogame are calling it an SNES mini, which I have to say is a much better name and the one I'm going to be using from now on.[img width=700 height=525][/img]
The console comes with a copy of Super Mario World and at 45$ + shipping, it's an ok bargain compared to ebay.
Over at Racketboy, the great Princess-Isabela made the entire forum go wild with her awesome sales thread She has a bunch of SNES NTSC games and some Super Famicom games for sale which are worth checking out.
[img width=640 height=480][/img]
Lastly I was browsing Deviant Art and found this lovely piece of fan art by Murasaki-Hoshi and I felt like sharing it with you guys here.
[img width=700 height=990][/img]
Well that's it for now. Hopefully my SNES will come soon so I can start posing about games.
Also I would like to say that I'm interest in buying a loose cartridge of Robotrek (the Enix RPG), preferably with the manual. If anyone is selling a copy at a reasonable market price, please contact me. Thank you for reading.
[img width=99 height=56][/img]