Hello. This is my first post in my RF Generation blog. So, I'll start off by saying just a little about myself. I enjoy collecting retro games and consoles at thrift stores and yard sales. however, being 16, my methods of transportation are very limited. Also, my area thrift shop has seemed to run dry; and their gaming-related goods they have for sale have become extremely pricey. The garage sales around here aren't so great, either. But, i still eventually find some good deals/rare items now and again.
It may not seem like it, but for me, this was a GOOD weekend. i managed to snag a few pretty sweet deals.
The first stop out of two this weekend (i said transportation was limited) was at a nice record store near my grandfather's house. They sell whatever games they are given, retro, new, handheld, whatever. Their prices are generally really cheap. However, i noticed that they recently started to dramatically jack up NES cart prices- which sucks for me. This week i was VERY pressed for time (i was in the store for like 5 minutes!). But, i did manage to pick up a copy of "A Bug's Life" for ps1 foe $1.99, and a copy of "Mirror's Edge" for Xbox 360 for $12.99. No spectacular deals, but, i was pleased.
My next and last stop was at a garage sale less than a block away from my house. i went in with low expectations, due to the abundance of clothing and antiques. Just as i was ready to leave i spotted a little blue handheld on a table where it looked like kids had been selling lemonade. i knew right away what it was: a NeoGeo Pocket Color. Very nice! however, i thought it may have belonged to one of the kids selling lemonade. But, to my surprise, it had a price tag on it. $3! yea! And it was minty; absolutely no scuffs or scratches anywhere. It also came with a copy of "Sonic Pocket Adventure". Without hesitation, i bought it and walked home with a smile on my face.
Thanks for checking out my blog. i will try to post weekly, or whenever i find something good.
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three