Hello RF Gents and Jens,
A few new variants have been discovered recently. Variant collecting isn't as clear as we thought it was! Anyways, all game variants known to date are detailed
here. The somewhat new ones are UPC stickers on
Fighting Force 2 and
Monaco Grand Prix, as well as misprints for
Marvel vs Capcom and
ChuChu Rocket.
Recently I made a few purchases on ebay, and they include some curious items that are poorly documented online. Much appreciation would be given to anyone who can clarify some of these mystery items. So, show-and-tell time!
First off are the Web Browser discs that we know and love.
a) Are any more browser discs out there besides the ones pictured?
b) Did Web Browser 2.62 ever have a case or sleeve?I've seen a few copies of
Web Browser 2.62 floating around recently, and it is always loose. Here's a pic for comparison with 2.0

Now here's a new find. I found what seems to be Web Browser 2.0 in a sleeve. The sleeve version (II) also has demos listed on it.

...and a back view.

Surprise! The disc in sleeve II isn't Web Browser 2.0, but is actually the Dreamcast Magazine vol. 6 GD-Rom demo. It makes sense, the demos printed on the sleeve are a perfect match.

Pictured here is a third version of the Web Browser 2.0 packaging. III is also in a sleeve.

... and a back view

I don't wish to reveal what is inside because I would like to confirm with other collectors if it is the correct disc. So here's another question concerning item III pictured above.
c) Does anyone else have the Sega/Net version of the Web Browser 2.0 sleeve? What is inside?That's all for browser discs. It is time to move on to the next find. For reference our colorful buddies, the Generator demo discs, are pictured here.

These discs have an annoying tab that makes it difficult to get inside.

The exception is when that tab goes missing.

At first I thought someone cut it off. But then I examined it closer. The front is identical, and the back is all text.

When you see it...

...you'll do the Sega Swirl!
That's all for the picture show. I think I've found a new alternate sleeve for
Dreamcast Magazine vol. 6 GD-Rom and
Generator vol.1 demo disc. Once again, I would appreciate any help on my browser disc questions. Please comment below or on the
DP forum thread.
a) Are any more browser discs out there besides the ones pictured?
b) Did Web Browser 2.62 ever have a case or sleeve?
c) Does anyone else have the Sega/Net version of the Web Browser 2.0 sleeve? What is inside?
Fighting Force 2 is something I documented a LONG time ago: http://www.rfgeneration.com/cgi-bin/getinfo.pl?ID=U-071-S-00790-B
The original (not sure if it's all printings or not, feel free to look into it) printing of Fighting Force 2 had the UPC for Toy Commander on it. They had to put the sticker over it so that it wouldn't come up as Toy Commander in POS systems.
SegaAge thread if you're ever interested: http://segaage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?StartRow=26&catid=42&threadid=66330
Thanks, I first learned about it from your update to the RFG database. I always had the original print one so I never knew about the sticker correction.
Monaco Grand Prix has a similar sticker variant too.
Yeah, I brought it up originally when I was lurking on Digit Press. I didn't know about the rest, but I remember hearing that Monaco had a sticker. That one's just due to a malformed UPC with the "."
When's Pier Solar HD out? 
Watermelon hasn't given a date. I think April was the expected date, but I expect summer. I don't mind waiting. Every single update blows me away by their attention to detail. I don't think a company has given such care and craftsmanship since the Lunar games. I'm not a big RPG player, but I'm quietly excited about this one.
Leona's Tricky Adventure is floating around out there somewhere.
Ghost Blade is due at the end of the year, but with the lunacy going on with DUX, I expect it to be bumped to Spring next year or later.
Oh, there's supposed to be an announcement at MGC 2014 next month. I think the GOAT Store is formally going to announce Hypertension.
We can finally solve the mystery of the yellow 2.62 Browser disc. It only came in a plain white sleeve with a circle seal sticker on the back. It was only available directly through Sega / Sega.Net.
We were able to track down it's source thanks to Google-Fu'ing the Dreamcall feature. A random fan site discusses the disc here: http://mobotropolisalley.tripod.com/id112.htm
With the site you were supposed to order it from here: http://web.archive.org/web/20001206213800/http://newbrowser.sega.com/