I don't know if there's anyone out there who waits fo this each week, but in case there is, I'm sorry it's late this week. I haven't quite gotten use to 40 hour work weeks yet, so this was on the back burner until now.
Not a bad weekend, much better than I was expecting it to be actually. On Thursday, my sister called me to ask if I would house/dog-sit for her while she and her husband went away for the night. I didn't really want to, but I agreed because their fridge is always stocked full of beer. Although, there was nearly no food in the house... Anyway, on Friday evening, I see a post on FreeCycle from a guy who is always posting good stuff that I never manage to get, this one entitled "Assorted Game Pads" I figured it was a bunch of dirty/broken Atari joysticks and paddles, but since I was at my sister's house, I was only a few minutes away, so I sent a reply and hoped for a response. As Saturday came around, the plan my dad and I had made for garage saling went to shit. He was supposed to pick me up at 8:30 and then we'd head out for the sales. By the time 10:00 rolled around he still wasn't there, so I called him and he said that he didn't think I wanted to go. He finally arrived at 11:00 and our first stop was to pick up the "assorted game pads." Once I got there, the guy showed me the box of controllers, I was content with it and agreed to take them of his hands. But then he tells me he has a box of disks too, and asks if I was interested. Of course I told him I was and he pulls out a huge box full of old computer games. I glanced through them and chatted for a little bit, giving him the limited information I knew about them. So I walked out of there with: Suncom Tac 3 joystick Set of Atari paddles 2 Gemsticks 500XJ Epyx Joystick Wico joystick Playstation power cord and AV cable RCA cable joiner [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9489.jpg[/img] Where in the world in is carmen sandiego Deluxe edition (CIB) Mac 6 3.5" floppy disks Super Bowl Sunday (CIB) Commodore 64 5.25" floppy The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (CIB) Commodore 64 5.25" floppy Invaders of the lost tomb/dark tower (CIB) C64 5.25" floppy Kids on keys (CIB) C64/Atari 800 cartridge Spitfire Ace (CIB) 5.25" floppy Q*Bert (CIB) C64 cartridge Gunship (CIB)C64 5.25" floppy High Roller C64 (CIB? It's like a folder, kind of similar to a record jacket) 5.25" floppy) The Bard's Tale (CIB? same as above) 2 5.25" floppies Music Construction Set (Missing disk, same as above) 5.25" floppy? Castle Wolfenstein (CIB) C64 5.25" floppy Blue Max 2001 (CIB) C64/Atari 5.25" floppy Battle Chess (CIB) C64/128 5.25" floppy Club Casine (box, disk only) Mac 3.5" floppy Kinder Comp (CIB) C64 cartridge Geoworks Ensemble (CIB) PC 5 3.5" floppies California Pro Golf (disk only) C64/128 5.25" floppy Karateka 5.25" floppy only L.A. Swat/Panther 5.25" floppy only The rocky horror show 5.25" floppy only The Hulk 5.25" floppy and paper sleeve only Spider-Man 5.25" floppy and paper sleeve only The fourth protocol 5.25" floppy and manuals only. Final Fantasy IX Online strategy guide Few dozen copied game 5.25" disks Dozens of 5.25" floppy files/programs, mostly copied stuff. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9490.jpg[/img] [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9491.jpg[/img] [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9492.jpg[/img] [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9493.jpg[/img]
Despite the fact that we only had a couple hours of saling time left and the scattered rain showers, the rest of the day didn't turn out too bad.
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9486.jpg[/img] Slim PS2 with hookups, DualShock, and Outrun 2006 Coast to Coast (no manual) for $10. The guy said make an offer so I just randomly said $10 thinking he would say "oh no that's not nearly enough", but amazingly he accepted. All I could think was "damn, should have said $5"
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9488.jpg[/img] Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace LEGO Racers Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Sonic Mega Collection Aquaman (This thing has a Gamestop, Pawn Shop, Game Crazy and garage sale price sticker on it, took 5 people for it to find a permanent home) Starfox Adventures All CIB and in excellent shape, paid $20 for them all. They had some PS2 games too, but they were beat up pretty badly, the kid must have like the PS2 more than the GC.
And in non-gaming finds, I got this stuff. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9494.jpg[/img] All in all 75 .50 caliber muzzleloader bullets and a nice blaze orange sweatshirt (not pictured) for $10. The bullets on the left are nearly identical to what I use now, so they'll be for hunting, the others are for target practice. I was really excited when I saw the sweatshirt because it was marked $0.75 and fit me perfectly, and it was the first thing on a rack of nice hunting clothing. Unfortunately, it was the only thing on the rack priced cheaply. I was tempted to buy another pair of brush pants, but they weren't insulated and not that cheap ($15).
Also in the trash, I got a table-top air hockey table which I'll probably sell for a few bucks, and a 2 video cables from a pair of PC monitors and a power cord. I'll splice the VGA cables together, so I can use my LCD TV as a PC monitor.
On Saturday afternoon, my sister called to say they were staying an extra night, which meant I had to stay another night, but I planned on going to the flea market on my way home Sunday morning. But they ended up coming home at 11:00 that night, and they blocked me in the driveway, so I couldn't leave until they got up around 10:00 so by the time I got to the flea market it would have been around 11:00 which is really too late for good deals, so I didn't bother. However, my dad did go and he picked me up a PlayStation Mad Catz MC2 steering wheel he got from the trash. The cable that connects the pedals to the steering wheel is cut though, so I need to find out which wires go to which pins so I can solder on a new plug.
Friday was a hot and miserable day, I think it was over 90 for the majority of the day, but it was probably my last Friday to go garage saling this season (or at least for the next 10 weeks) so I had to go. In the end, the only thing I came home with was a wheelbarrow I picked up in the trash. It's actually in good shape, but not something I needed.
Luckily Saturday was a little better, although just as hot.
We started out by going to a somewhat large community sale, I didn't find much but my dad got some stuff. The only thing I brought home was this: [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9467.jpg[/img] It's complete, even has 3 extra plastic dots (yes, I counted all 71 of them) paid $0.25 for it. It actually came from a Sportsman's club I didn't know existed and I might end up joining because it was pretty nice.
Some other boring stuff: [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9466.jpg[/img] Paid $1 for it. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9465.jpg[/img] Just 2 more reasons I should get an Xbox. Paid $0.60 total, both CIB. I would have offered $0.50 for both but it was a kid selling them and he had them priced so cheaply anyway. And they're in really good shape for kid-owned games.
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9464.jpg[/img] The joysticks were marked $1 each, so I offered $1 for both, she accepted and then asked if I had seen the game in the garage. I told her that I did but wasn't interested in it but she told me I could have it and actually insisted I take it. It had a $2 sticker on it but was marked down to $0.25.
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9457.jpg[/img] The controllers are just about garbage unfortunately, they both have the grips on the sticks ripped off and the sticks are loose on both, one so badly that it really doesn't work. The system powers on and the game plays but the controller ports don't seem to work. The only good thing is that it has the digital video output (those are still in demand, right?) and it was $5 for it all.
Today was a good day at the flea market, despite the fact that the indoors part of it burned down Thursday afternoon. And damn, it was burnt all the way down, the only thing left of the 80-something year old building were the bent and twisted steel girders. In the end of the building where the fire started you could see some any of the metal stuff inside that hadn't moved, like the metal shelving, washers & driers, it was kind of creepy looking actually. They even had security guards posted around the remains to keep people from stealing the scrap metal!
Anyway, what I brought home: [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9458.jpg[/img] The SEALED Game Boy Rechargeable Battery Pack/ AC Adapter was $5. This is now the 4th sealed GB accessory I own, I wonder where they're coming from and why I can't find any sealed NES stuff. The Super Mario Galaxy (CIB) was $25, I'm very excited for that because I was going to get it for $40 at GameStop sometime this week.
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9460.jpg[/img] The woman selling this stuff wanted $3 each but said she'd give a better price if I got a lot of stuff, so I made up my own little pile of Genesis games and asked for a price, she was thinking about it, so I offered $10 and then she said $8 at almost the same time. So I picked up the PS1 game and gave her $10. She had a Japanese Soul Calibur II for GameCube also and I thought about buying it but I've got no way to play it so I didn't and I'm not sure if it was her or another guy looking, but one of them had really bad BO and I had to get out of there.
Overall, this was a great weekend for treasure hunting. Hopefully now that June is here, the bargains of summer will continue non-stop until Autumn.
I only had a couple garage sales lined up for Friday, but it turned out to be an awesome day. There was a small street sale that they have a couple times every year, but it's always junk and I wasn't going to go, but I had to drive right by it anyway, so I stopped. Nothing video game related but I did get some great music stuff. The Beatles' Second Album and Ratt - Dancing Undercover, both marked $0.50 each, and I was happy to pay that when I see a CD entitled "Rockin' Down The Highway" marked $0.25. It's a compilation of driving/car songs. Anything with Foghat is worth a purchase. I offered $1 for everything, she accepted. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9409.jpg[/img]
The last sale of the day didn't look too good, but I notice an old guy looking through a box and asks about some Playstation games. The woman says $0.50 each, he looks through them, most have the game and case separated, he picked out all the ones that had the discs in the case. It took him a good 20 minutes, meanwhile, I'm waiting patiently to look over his scraps and see a Mario Kart 64 on the table for $0.50. When he finally finished getting the good games, he goes to pay and the woman says "oh, how much did I say these were?" he responds with a "$0.25" He pays that and is on his way, the asshole was obviously a reseller looking for easily sold games, because he didn't notice the best thing in the box. But I did. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9406.jpg[/img] Absolutely Complete Green Hose Game & Watch - Manual, Styrofoam, warnings, even the little stickers to seal the battery compartment to keep babies from eating them - it's all there and in excellent shape. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9405.jpg[/img] DK Jamz - DKC Soundtrack - CIB Mario Kart 64 Driver 2 - case, manual, Disc 2 - Perfect for the loose Disc 1 I had. Splinter Cell - case, manual GTA: VC - case only Ape Escape Demo - CIB Playstation Magazine Demo Issue #68 Metal Gear Sold disc 1 Mortal Kombat 4 GH box, manual Syphon Filter 2 disc #1 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 box, manual - Perfect for my loose copy. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 box, manual WWF Warzone box, manual Itchy & Scratchy Comics #3 Simpsons Comics $25 Simpsons Illustrated Summer '91 Beavis & Butthead Comic - Special Summer Fun Issue Grand total: $5.
Saturday was a damn good day, for the first time this season, we came home with a truck full of stuff. My dad got a vanity, medicine cabinet, a bag of mortar cement, and some bathroom accessories for $10 for the rental house, he was pretty happy about that since it was all stuff we needed.
For me, the day was also quite good, not a lot of stuff, but very good prices. One of the first sales had a large Rubbermaid box full of NES stuff and an N64 organizer, so asked how much it was, she said to make an offer. I said $5, she accepted. I should have said $1, she probably would have taken it. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9412.jpg[/img] Adventure Island Super Dodge Ball Burgertime Ghostbusters II SMB/DH Solomon's Key Skate or Die Willow 6 dust sleeves NES with hookups, 2 controllers, Zapper Link's Awakening DX (GBC) manual "System 3" N64 organizer, the top opens up to old the system and 13 carts, the bottom is a drawer to hold controllers and other stuff. It was all dirty, definitely stored in a basement or garage, but cleaned up well.
Another sale had a ton of GameCube, PS2 & Xbox games, most were marked decent, but I only picked up a couple, I think these system's games are going to hit rock bottom prices this and next year. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9411.jpg[/img] Thunder Strike:Operation Phoenix (PS2) $3 Bionicle (GC) $2 For being kid owned games, they're in very good shape and complete.
One of the last sales of the day was a guy that has a sale every couple months, but always has video games. First I notice a "free table" with a Colecovision and several Gameboy carry cases, so I snatched them up. But I didn't see anything else I really wanted, but felt guilty about taking the free stuff without buying anything so I picked out a few Genesis games I didn't have. After I had those, I saw some things I really did want, so I got those too. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9413.jpg[/img] NFL Football '94 (CIB) College Football's Nat'l Championships (CIB) Greatest Heavyweights LOZ: MM & Banjo Tooie preview video Hot Newz 64: DK64 & Jet Force Gemini video Intellivision with 1 controller and no hookups, I really only wanted it for the controller anyway. 2 Joysticks for Intellivision 3 GB carry cases. Total: $2.75
In non-gaming finds, I found the following records for $0.25 total. John Ono Lennon & Yoko Ono Lennon - Wedding Album, there's no jacket, but disc is in a sleeve and has the little pictures of John and Yoko and a photo of a piece of cake. The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour, disc only Mike Oldfield - Ommadawn, I never heard of this guy, but it looks interesting. The Beatles - "The White Album" It's got some water damage, but the vinyl is good and the poster is there, I want to frame it so bad, but I need a frame. Pete Seeger Sings Little Boxes & other broadsides My dad made me buy this one, I'm not against Folk, but the jacket is also water damaged. Stephen Stills - Manassas Also water damaged jacket. I also got a 7.5VDC 1Amp AC-DC adapter and a hole puncher for free at that sale.
At another sale I got a set of Optimus Pro-100 Wireless headphones with all hookups for $5.
I don't know why, but I also got a camo hat that says "This is my gun jamming, dog losing, deer missing, hunting cap" for $0.25. It's also got an anti-smoking pin on it.
Today was an alright day at the flea market. Tons of people and a lot of people selling games at decent prices, nearly every game I saw was priced at $4 each for some reason. The only thing I picked up was a sealed ECW Hardcore Revolution (N64) for $4. The box has a puncture on the top, but it's brand new, I couldn't pass it up. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9414.jpg[/img]
Well, the site was down last weekend, and coincidentally, so was I. Friday evening, my dad and I went to work on the rental house, but I couldn't leave right when he did, so I left an hour or so later and rode my bike since it's only 4 miles, we did all we wanted to and I loaded the bike into the truck and rode home. Now is when the trouble began, I rode the bike from the driveway to the porch, and I was feeling energetic so I thought I would jump off the bike instead of getting of like a normal human being. I cleared the bike fine, but I landed kind of weird and my knee went sideways and the rest of my body went the other way. Next thing I know I'm on the ground and I know that I've twisted my knee AGAIN (this is the third time now). After laying on the porch for a while in pain and waiting for help (which never came) I hobble inside and hope I'll feel better for garage sales in the morning. But I didn't feel better at all Saturday or Sunday (so no flea market either). So I had no finds whatsoever that weekend.
Luckily, this weekend was a little better, but didn't start off well. I woke up at 8:10 to see my dad driving out the driveway, so I get up and ask my mom why I was left. She said he said he was going to a couple close ones because I apparently take too long to get ready. At around 9:30 I'm getting pissed and call my dad to see where the hell he is. He says he's at a garage sale and they have a GameCube for $20 and wanted to know if he should buy it. But, we get horrible cell phone reception here so I could only hear every other word and he could only hear every other word, so I just told him to come get me NOW. Basically, he went to an entire neighborhood sale without me. I ended up buying the Gamecube and when we were on the way to another sale, we passed a sale he had been to but it looked like a box of PS2 games sitting there but he said there wasn't anything good there, so I dropped it. We ended up going by again and I made him stop, sure enough a box of probably 50 PS2 games. After that, the day was normal, except he actually drove for once instead of me.
Platinum Game Cube with the Game Boy Player, bought mostly just for the GB Player. GameCube games Time Splitters Future perfect (no manual) NFL Street (CIB) Def Jam Fight for NY (CIB) True Crime New York (no manual) ATV quad power racing 2 (loose) 4 Mb InterAct memory card All for $20. I tried getting it for $15 and the kid was going to take it but his mom stepped in and gave the "that thing cost hundreds new" and I didn't feel like explaining the games were scratched to hell (they did end up all working though) and the systems were nearly worthless with the Wii's backward capabilities. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9384.jpg[/img] That sticker on the GC was one hell of a pain in the ass to take off. I spent nearly half an hour getting it off.
PS2 games (all CIB) Star wars battlefront II Cabela's dangerous hunts (GH) Godzilla Save the earth Driver Parallel Lines Jak II Paid $20 for all 5. There was an entire box (maybe 50) for $5 each but I just picked out the ones that looked the best. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9386.jpg[/img]
I also picked up this really weird plug n play, the system looks like a penguin and it comes with 111 in 1 Famiclone cart, the label shows games like DK64 but in reality, it's all NES era games, but there is actually 111 different games, which really surprised me. Also comes with a light gun and something I'm not sure what it is; it's a set of 2 LEDs on a little plastic bracket connected to a headphone-like plug. But there is no place to plug it into. The system also has a wireless controller which is nice. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9389.jpg[/img]
That's it for gaming stuff, not much, but much better than last week.
CDs Neil Young - Decade Michael Stanley Band - Right back at ya (1971-1983) WASP - Double Live Assassins Double albums were priced $2, singles were $1. But she didn't realize WASP was a double album, so I got them for $4. I debated getting the Neil Young album because I already have it on vinyl, but it was worth $2 to not do the digital conversion. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9387.jpg[/img]
Records $0.50 each for: J. Geils Band - Freeze Frame Meat Loaf - Dead Ringer U2 - under a blood red sky
All for $4: Poison - look what the cat dragged in Kansas - Power Cinderellla - Long Cold winter John Cougar - American Fool David lee roth - skyscraper Heart - Heart Fleetwood mac - tango in the night bruce springsteen - tunnel of love david lee roth - eat 'em and smile [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9388.jpg[/img]
We also stopped at this new store called ReStore which is basically a GoodWill for building supplies, to look for stuff for the rental house we're remodeling. It's a really nice place with good prices, but they've got a free section run by my school and I snagged me some 3 ring binders for next semester. What was funny though is that they have you sign a paper saying that you won't hurt yourself with the stuff you take.
Flea Market was terrible, many people but no deals. There are now 3 vendors selling video games, one guy I like because he trades with me and his prices are reasonable and always has new stuff, the other two charge at least eBay prices and have the same sun faded crap week to week, but they also walk around buying anything of value before I can get there. The only thing remotely interesting I saw was a CIB Mattel Electronic Football game, the box was a little beat up, but not bad. I turned over to see the price sticker: $45. I offered $1 but he ignored me.
This weekend was very bad for garage sales, I only found a couple gaming related things at garage sales and nothing at the flea market. So I was planning on postponing this until next week and do 2 weeks at once, but I got a little surprise when my cousins came to visit last night.
I don't know why the garage sales were bad, but they were, we went to maybe 30 garage sales and this is all I came home with. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9375.jpg[/img] A football PS2 skin and a Naruto demo DVD. I didn't even want them, but that's how desperate I was to buy something. I thought the Naruto DVD was a playable demo, but its not. They were $0.50 each.
In non-gaming finds, I did get this really nice bike, [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9376.jpg[/img] It had two flat tires when I bought it, one just needed air, the other had to be patched. Other than that it's like brand new, almost like the kid rode down the drive way, hit a nail and didn't want to get the tire fixed. Paid $10 for it. It's not the type of bike I was looking for, but it shifts through all the gears unlike my current bike and I'm sure I'll be able to sell it for a profit when I find a good road bike.
I also got a box of around 50 records plus some odds and ends for $2. It's mostly junk records but some good stuff as well as stuff that I don't recognize the band's name, so those are always interesting to get, discovering new bands is awesome.
And now, for what made me make this blog today. Some free Genesis stuff! This has a kind of interesting story behind it too. Last summer, I went to a garage sale next to my aunt's house and while I was there she stopped by. She asked what kind of stuff I was looking for and I told her old video games. She said her son had an old Sega somewhere in the house that I could have, but she had to find it first. Weeks went by and I never heard anything about it again, but I was expecting it to be a small group of sports games and a bare console and didn't really care. Now, a few weeks ago, I find out she gave the Sega stuff to my cousins. Luckily, they come over my house often and enjoy my game room a lot, and since they didn't want a Genesis, they decided I could have it. I still wasn't very enthused about it, but willing to take it off their hands. Several weeks went by but every time they came over, they forgot to bring the goods, so I was starting to think I'd never get it. But last night they surprised me and walked in with a box with a picture of a Genesis on it and a box of CIB games. I was amazed when I saw the Genesis box and games, much more than I expected. I immediately let them in my game room and let them play Wii Sports and their favorite, Warlords, while I sifted through the stuff. [img width=599 height=800]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9368.jpg[/img] [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9374.jpg[/img] 2 Genesis 1 units Genesis 1 AC cord Genesis 2 AC cord RF Switch 2 3-button controllers 2 6-button controllers 6-button High Frequency controller 2 Jurassic Park posters Toejam & Earl poster Sonic 2 poster Sonic (Not For Resale, CIB) Sonic & Knuckles (boxed) Castle of Illusion starring mickey mouse (CIB) Contra Hard Corps (CIB) Ecco the Dolphin (CIB) Shadow Blasters (CIB) Aladdin (CIB) Madden 95 (CIB) Eternal Champions (CIB) NBA Jam (CIB) WWF Royal Rumble (CIB) Sonic 2 (CIB) I think this is by far the most interesting thing in the lot because it is the Mega Drive version, I have no idea how it ended up here in the States, I guess this is my first import. Will this work in my US Genesis or will it need a mod to work?
Friday wasn't all that great in terms of finds, mostly because of a threat of rain kept people from having a lot of sale. But I did have a somewhat unusual find. While at a garage sale looking through a stack of $1 NES games, the guy selling the games is talking to his buddy about Nintendo. And basically, the guy said he was looking to buy an NES but was having a hard time finding one for sale, so I stepped in and told him that I had one I'd sell. I told for $30 I'd bring it on Saturday because I knew I'd be in the neighborhood again. Unfortunately, when I went back on Saturday, he didn't have the money to pay for it. I gave him my email and told him to let me know when I could drop by with it next Saturday because I'll be in the area again, so we'll see what happens. I did buy some games from the guy though, a little dirty, but for $1 each, I won't complain. Rampart Guerilla War Base Wars Star Wars Championship Bowling Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land Days if Thunder (I forgot my lists and I didn't think I owned it, but I do. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9364.jpg[/img]
3 PS2 games for $2. I talked them down from $2 each. Corvette (missing manual) American Chopper (CIB) Ultimate Spiderman (CIB) [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9363.jpg[/img]
Today, it was little bit cold this morning and it kept a lot of people away from the flea market, but I managed to find a couple things. NES games: Orb 3D Trog! Yoshi Donkey Kong Classics Airwolf I traded a loose DKC2 + $10. Maybe not the best deal, but I'm sure I only paid a buck or two for the DKC2. [img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9365.jpg[/img] The guy also had a Deluxe NES in the box with everything but the Gyromite cart for $100. I almost had it for $50 though. He was trying to call his son to get a price on it, but he wouldn't answer so he was going to give it to me for $50, but just then his son called back and he upped his price to $100. That kind of irritated me, because he didn't know what the DKC2 sold for and didn't call to get a price check on that. I didn't want to bitch about it though, because he's normally good to me and likes to trade.
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Welcome to my blog. I started off my blogging career in 2008 with my weekly Treasure Hunt Chronicles which was a huge success. So it's become a staple of RF Generation during the garage sale and flea market season. So be sure to check back each Monday to check out my newest treasures.
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