NES_Rules' Collection BlogNES_Rules' Collection Blog

Posted on Jul 3rd 2009 at 01:11:01 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collecting, Classic Gaming, Modern Gaming, Collection

It looks like it's finally going to happen. I'm finally going to move my game room again. Ironically, it's going to the same room it was originally. So, I thought I might as well do a blog on what's going on with the move and how it's working out.

But first, I'm going to give a little background on the history of my game collection and how it got to be where it is today.

Continue reading The Adventures of Moving a Game Room

Posted on Jun 29th 2009 at 07:38:11 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

Last week wasn't great, but this week was just terrible. The worst part is that I have no idea why it was so bad. There were a ton of garage sales open this weekend and the weather could not have been better, but I found virtually nothing the entire weekend. Usually I can attribute a bad weekend with bad weather or a holiday or just not being able to go saling. But none of that was the case for the garage sales on Friday or Saturday.
This week was so bad that I had serious doubts of whether or not I wanted to do a blog entry. As you can see, I decided to go ahead and do one anyway, but with a slight twist.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #12

Posted on Jun 22nd 2009 at 07:32:34 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

This week wasn't the greatest for me, in fact it was one of the slowest I've had all season. This was mostly due to not being able to go saling at all on Friday and there only being a few sales on Saturday. I didn't get a single system this weekend, which is kind of nice because I really don't need more extra systems laying around, I did manage to find some new games to add to my collection though.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #11

Posted on Jun 15th 2009 at 07:57:32 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

Once again, I had spectacular luck this weekend. Almost a 100 more games were added to my collection after the hunting was done for the weekend, and I got a system I've wanted ever since I first heard about it, but I never thought I would find one for a good price.

Also, I've made the images clickable, so you can click on them and view them in their full size so you can actually read some of the game titles now.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #10

Posted on Jun 8th 2009 at 07:54:16 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

Another spectacular weekend for finds. Judging from Friday's treasures I thought it was going to be a Sega heavy weekend unlike the last couple weeks which were primarily Nintendo games. But, it turned out to be more of a hardware heavy weekend, in fact, I got 2 new systems, one of which is something I never thought I'd find and is a true piece of gaming history.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #9

Posted on Jun 1st 2009 at 07:35:23 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

The past few weekends have been spectacular, a little too spectacular actually. My game room is a mess with stacks of games that need a shelf to call home and there is stuff in places where it doesn't belong. So I'm a little relieved this weekend wasn't so heavy with treasures as it gives me a chance to get caught up on organizing and stocking shelves. But it still wasn't a bad weekend at all, mostly thanks to one huge bargain at a garage sale on Friday.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #8

Posted on May 26th 2009 at 11:34:55 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

A spectacular weekend this turned out to be. I got a ton of games and the vast majority of them were for my favorite system to collect for, the NES. This weekend was a very busy one for me, I had a different party to go to for each of the 3 days this holiday weekend. The one from Sunday left me impaired Monday which is why I'm just now getting around to posting this.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #7

Posted on May 18th 2009 at 08:40:50 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

Another great weekend for treasure hunting. I was able to do some saling Friday again, but this time I was alone, so I was able to cover a lot more ground in a shorter amount of time. The sales weren't very good on Friday though, I only bought one thing the entire day. Luckily, Saturday was better, not a lot of stuff, but I got something that I never thought I would find, but had always hoped I would. Sunday at the flea market was freezing, Saturday was close to 80, but Sunday never went above 60 and was about 45 when we went to the flea market. Despite the cold weather, the place was packed and the deals were abundant.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #6

Posted on May 11th 2009 at 08:29:45 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds, Collecting

Friday was the last day of Spring semester so I got out really early on Friday morning and since my mom, sister and niece were going garage saling Friday morning, I tagged along with them. I learned a couple things that day, the most important is that women take a very long time at garage sales. We spent about 6 hours saling and only went to about 1/3 of the sales that me and my dad could go to in that time. I also learned that saling on Fridays makes the Saturday really short for garage saling. We started at about 8:30 on Saturday and were home by 10:00, which is about 2 hours shorter than what we've been doing lately. I did manage to get some pretty cool stuff this weekend though.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #5

Posted on May 4th 2009 at 08:32:01 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds, Collecting

It's been a while since the last installment, but for once this year, it's not because of a lack of sales, but because I simply couldn't go to many sales these last few weekends. Last Saturday, I was in Cleveland the entire weekend so I couldn't do any garage saling. I had planned on going to some gaming stores that were only 10 minutes from my hotel, but I had limited Internet connectivity in the hotel and had a tough time getting a map and directions so I wrote down basic instructions on a piece of paper, but it disappeared the morning I was going to go and then I couldn't get back online to get new directions, so I wasn't able to make it. This past Saturday, I spent the first half of Saturday volunteering at our new township park, so I missed the best garage saling times, but did manage to get in a few sales after 1:00, but I didn't find anything. Luckily, I was able to get to the flea market yesterday and found enough stuff to make a worthwhile post.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #4

Posted on Apr 13th 2009 at 06:53:47 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds, Collecting

Well, this week I didn't go out at all, there were a total of 3 garage sales listed for the entire area, and they all looked crappy from their descriptions or were perpetual sales that I've been to already. But, luckily, I've got treasure from last week I didn't have a chance to post, so that's what I'll show you now.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #3

Posted on Mar 6th 2009 at 02:19:52 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

Well, it's been over a month since my last entry in the Treasure Hunt Chronicles, and I blame that solely on the weather. There just are not any garage sales or flea markets in the frozen tundra Northeast Ohio this time of year. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it's in the 50's today and 60's the next couple days so garage sale season will be here before we know it. Luckily, until then though, I've still got some awesome treasure through some online trading I did through RFGen, Digital Press and GameTZ. So that will be the focus of February's finds.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - February

Posted on Feb 4th 2009 at 01:07:25 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

It's been almost 3 months since I ended the Treasure Hunt Chronicles series for the 2008 season. And I honestly wasn't expecting to start the 2009 season so soon, but I feel it's time to get it going. And no, garage sale season has not started yet, I'm not that lucky, there's still more than a foot of snow on the ground. I haven't bought much since November, but I have received quite a lot of stuff through trading, and that will be the focus of this post.
So without further ado, the stuff I've received the last couple months.
Oh, and thanks to Dave, I've tweaked the formatting a little. It's probably nothing any one will notice, but the coding is much more simple for me.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2009

Posted on Dec 31st 2008 at 10:49:31 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collecting, Classic Gaming, Modern Gaming, Collection

Another awesome year has passed, another 12 hours or so and it will be 2009. This year, I obtained a ton of games, somewhere between 600-800 games. Not bad, not bad at all. But as most of you know, buying that many games isn't cheap, so I thought I would share what I've spent this year.

Continue reading My End Of Year Collection Stats

Posted on Dec 19th 2008 at 09:58:54 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Club Nintendo, Modern Gaming, Collecting, News

[img align=right][/img]
Japan has know the sweet loyalty program known as "Club Nintendo" for years, Europe has had "Nintendo VIP 24:7" since the Gamecube launched over 6 years ago and "Club Nintendo" since the launch of the Wii. But, Nintendo wasn't nice enough to give North America a Club Nintendo just yet. In fact, even South Africa has had a Club Nintendo for six months already.

But, in October 2008, it was revealed that Club Nintendo was coming to North America. And to the instant relief of millions of Nintendo fans, was launched December 15. But, as anyone who tried to sign up already knows, the site was rather buggy, in fact it didn't really work at all. Many who tried to sign up for the first time couldn't get it to work and nearly everyone who tried transferring their "My Nintendo" information found that the system just wouldn't let them log in.

I know I was one of the first to be elated and aggravated with the system in the same 5 minutes. I tried at least twice a day to log in, but was always met with a "your username or password are incorrect" message. Finally, today I tried and was instantly logged in, and was given the opportunity for my first survey. I promptly gave "World of Goo" a glowing review and received my 10 coins.

So, now that I've mentioned "coins" you may be wondering what they are. Well, they're points that you use to "buy" stuff from Club Nintendo. Many people out there feel the prizes right now are terrible, but I think there are some very nice things to be had.
For 800 coins, you get the Game & Watch Collection for DS.
For 600, you get a White Nintendo DS Game Card Case.
For 800, you get Hanafuda Cards. The picture shows a huge stack, but it doesn't say how many you actually get.
500 coins get you Mario Party Playing Cards or Animal Crossing Playing Cards.
600 gets you a Mario Nintendo DS Game Rack.
600 gets you either a Black, Super Mario Bros. Theme, or Animal Crossing Theme Nintendo DS Game Card and Stylus Set.
400 gets you a Nintendo DS Lite Case (Silver).
And 300 will get you a Wii Remote Holder.

As you can see, the prizes are heavily geared towards the DS, with only one item for the Wii. Many users are complaining that Club Nintendo isn't giving North America the same awesome prizes that Japan gives away, such as a Super Famicom style Classic Controller for the Wii and unreleased games such as Tingle's Balloon Fight DS and Exclamation Warriors Sakeburein. But I feel the prizes they are offering are very good, for a program that has just started up. I know I really want three of the available items, and I'm confident Nintendo will be adding new stuff after not too long.

The only major drawback to the system I see is that only first party Nintendo games can be registered, and only new ones at that. So all the GameCube games you have won't get you any points.  I think that is a big mistake for Nintendo because they should give their loyal customers something for their years of money, not just people jumping on the Wii/DS bandwagon. Wouldn't is be amazing if we could register our hundreds of NES, SNES, and N64 games drool

So Nintendo fans, head on over to and sign up to start receiving your free stuff. A word of advice I noticed with the site, before you register games, it looks like you can add games to a "Intend to Buy" list first and then register them to receive 10 extra coins.

This is NES_Rules's Blog.
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Welcome to my blog. I started off my blogging career in 2008 with my weekly Treasure Hunt Chronicles which was a huge success. So it's become a staple of RF Generation during the garage sale and flea market season. So be sure to check back each Monday to check out my newest treasures.
I'll also have other blog entries popping up occasionally, so make sure you keep it tuned to Channel 3!
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