Link: https://www.rfgeneration....20462.msg290824#msg290824
Hey, so RFGeneration, am I right?
This site has been decrepit for... a while now. I'll not waste my time going into the specifics, like how the copyright banner said "2008" for the longest time, how the latest episode of the Press Playcast will be two years old relatively soon, how there are many relics of the just-starting Web2.0 still found here, and the code that just keeps breaking, especially the images... oh wait. I just wasted my time going into specifics.
Let's not get ourselves down about the whole thing, though. slackur and some helpful tech-minded people have been working at giving the site a nice refresh (some of the aspects of which you can already see, such as HTTPS support, some fixed image code, and the removal of the "2008" in the copyright notice, among plenty of things going on under the hood). In the meantime (and hopefully continuing on into the refresh!) we need to breathe new air into the dust to get it living again. This breath happens to be video game flavored, due to how things work around here.
slackur put me on content creation duty when it comes to the refresh, and while I can certainly help with other things necessary (such as graphic design drafts; I am Gen Z), creating content is where I've found my best skillset for this website. This shows, since it's been a while since one of my articles HASN'T been on the Hot Community Entries list.
What better idea to both have new RFGen content and have something to do all year gaming-wise then stepping back in time to a console with a lot of very fun games known as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and trying to beat all of its (North American, officially-licensed) games?
What started as a couple of jokes on the #nes2019 channel in the RFGen Discord has now become a full community challenge that hopefully will have several interested people and a lot of fun to be had.
As previously stated, our goal is to beat all of the officially-licensed North American SNES games on official hardware. A secondary goal is to use the forums as much as possible, because the best way to drum up interest in a site is to use it.
If you don't have official hardware, that's okay! Emulators are fine, as long as you don't use save states or abuse emulator-specific functions.
I really think that this will be a fun event and will help drum up interest in RFGen. Signing up isn't necessary - you only need to be an RFGeneration forum member, and have the ability to play SNES games, and considering that most of us are collectors, we probably have an SNES or two lying around (...or a computer that can emulate it...)
If you want to contribute to the refresh but aren't able to code or anything that Those Tech Wizards can do, then beating them SNES games this year and using the forum while doing it is a great way to contribute. It drums up interest in RFGen, and you're actively doing things for the site on the site, something that hasn't been done in many a year. With this goal, I really think many people would be interested in RFGen, give it a try, enjoy it, become lasting members, and then we can have a bigger community of collectors. Let's get this site out of the grave. Clear out the cobwebs! Refresh the site! having actual content is a great way to contribute. SNES games for the win, baby!
(Maybe I got a bit too excited there...)
...so what are you waiting for? Go out and join us! Play some SNES games! Go conquer the world (of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System...)
...oh, uh, claiming games? Yeah. That's fair. Claiming games starts on the the 12th (1/12/2025 if you're from the US, or 12/1/2025 if you're from a reasonable country that doesn't use a different system of measurement from the rest of the world. I'm an American...)
Let's beat some SNES games, RFGen!

Link: https://www.rfgeneration....20462.msg290824#msg290824
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