So this guy Matt is pretty awesome. He goes by the name Kimoosabi and almost three years ago got married to me. That was cool. So Matt's really sweet and nice to me. But if you're not me, he'll make fun of you. If he really likes you, he'll REALLY make fun of you. That's just the kind of guy he is. I'd just like to say that he's the super bestest guy ever. He's also Canadian and yay Canadians! Okay, thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: I still have no clue what Froggin Ashbowl is yammering about.
Super Disclaimer: This blog post is suppose to be a silly one and was more of a joke between Matt and I because I had said I was making a review for a game and he said "Do one about me!" so I did and again, Froggin Ashbowl, what the freaky deaky were you talking about?