's Blog
Barely skimming the surface on how cool Matt is, I thought I'd write a second review of how super awesome he is. As much as I hate most people, Matt doesn't seem to mind that I hate people, which is pretty awesome of him. Since really, I hate a lot of people and have very little tolerance of them. Not only is he just super rad, but he's actually very smart. The smartest guy I know.
Throughout the last 7-8 years, he's imparted a lot of wisdom and patience with me and my anger problems. I've had LOADS of anger explosions but he's always there to calm me down and now that I've been living with him for almost 4 years, he's now bought me treats to help me relax.
Matt also has a super, duper awesome sense of humor and he's introduced me to a lot of comedies I might of passed. This is Spinal Tap, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Arrested Development are just the few he's introduced me to. I've found that my personality and taste in things have changed (for the better) just being around him.
Matt's my super, duper BFF and I love him super lots. Hi honey!
So I love ice cream and it saddens me to say that Canada is missing out on delicious flavors of ice cream. Now I've just had Ben & Jerry's Stephen Colbert's Americone Ice Cream and its really delicious. I also bought Ben & Jerry's Ginger Snap flavored ice cream and that was delicious too. But Canada doesn't have these flavors. ALSO its super expensive in Canada. I also really wish I can buy green tea flavored ice cream. Since its one of my favorites. Also being lactose intolerant DOES NOT stop me and my love for ice cream. ... The End.
P.S. This is my birthday cake. You can see the love I have for ice cream now. It's a beautiful thing.
[img width=700 height=525]http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/4862/yume.jpg[/img]
So this guy Matt is pretty awesome. He goes by the name Kimoosabi and almost three years ago got married to me. That was cool. So Matt's really sweet and nice to me. But if you're not me, he'll make fun of you. If he really likes you, he'll REALLY make fun of you. That's just the kind of guy he is. I'd just like to say that he's the super bestest guy ever. He's also Canadian and yay Canadians! Okay, thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: I still have no clue what Froggin Ashbowl is yammering about.
Super Disclaimer: This blog post is suppose to be a silly one and was more of a joke between Matt and I because I had said I was making a review for a game and he said "Do one about me!" so I did and again, Froggin Ashbowl, what the freaky deaky were you talking about?
I'm not sure what I'd be talking about but I think this is a satisfactory post.
[img width=468 height=344]http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/4852/heartkun.jpg[/img]
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three