I know Rob (Logical) or Dave (TraderJake) usually does these, but I want to feel special too. So here we go. Hilarious chat dialogue. Go see for yourself... I dare you. No... I super dare you times four!
what about enough english to get yourself killed Yeah Lemme tru *try if we were all deaf mutes the world would be a wonderful place I is a foreener, I has not is no American money no point firearm at I. Seconded because the bears would have eaten us all a long time ago Bears? Fuck BEARS! and wolves and panthers We'd be eaten by panthers! Woah O.O What I was gonna say. HIVE MIND SPOOKY! I am so scared I'm hiding under a desk!
As you can see we are quite awesome and talk about many topics on our humble chat. Usually video games or the latest decree by the Good King of Waffle James. But sometimes we go off topic like that. So please join us. It's night, I'm scared, and I think I hear panthers.
(Go find the link yourself because I'm simple and don't know how like that)