Review The PS2

Posted on Jun 27th 2021 at 12:00:00 PM by (ErbBetaPatched)
Posted under dbz, ps2, review

Budokai is one of the first games I remember playing on the PS2. It has to be at least one of the first 5 games I saw on the system.  I played a bunch of it with my brother and my cousin and we are all big DBZ fans.  A couple years later we got Budokai 2 and I was amazed at the improvements. Along the way we rented Sagas and I remember him hating it while I was fine with it. Eventually we got Tenkaichi 2 and played a ton of it and after my brother moved out I was lucky enough to find Tenkaichi 3 for $20 at a Gamestop and played way too much of it for the rest of my high school years.

Needless to say I have a lot of history with these games.

This video took longer than it needed to make. Most of that was laziness but once I got back into editing I was quite pleased with my pacing. I also had to buy a new capture card and had to get more footage before I could finish it, which was super annoying and its also why the borders on the footage changes occasionally. Sagas just looks ugly when you record it. Its ugly when you play it but for some reason the game letterboxes whenever you enter a boss fight.

Anyway. I adore the Tenkaichi games and Budokai 3. The first Tenkaichi game is kinda clunky and playing it after playing the third one I was kinda negatively biased towards the game, but its still good. The amount of content in these games is impressive and as a fan you just appreciate the effort the developers put into making them. So hats off to you developers. I love your games and I also love Xenoverse 1 and 2, which are kinda like the Tenkaichi games.

Reader, you should definitely play Budokai 3 and Tenkaichi 2. They're great games and Budokai 3 has an HD remake on PS3. Super DBZ is also great but I feel like FighterZ makes it outmoded, because its just so much fun to play. Here's to great future DBZ games.


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That was a well done video! I'm not a DBZ fan in the slightest, but your appreciation of the franchise is apparent, and it helps make the video more enjoyable, due to your enthusiasm. I have managed to pick up several of the PS2 DBZ games over the years, finding them on the cheap at Goodwill and pawn shops. I didn't realize the Tenkaichi games had so much depth, or that Sagas was such a boring game.

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I'm on a quest to review every PS2 game, because its my favorite console. All of the reviews are uploaded to Youtube and I'll make a post for them when they come out.

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