Bastion's Blog

Posted on Aug 12th 2011 at 08:57:41 PM by (Bastion)
Posted under Videogames, Backlog

Hysteria Project started out as an iPhone game that also got released last year for the PSP Mini brand. I downloaded it shortly after it came out and learned that it was a FMV game similar to many of the Sega CD games back in the day. This will contain spoilers so stop reading now if you plan on playing this game.

[img width=186 height=320][/img]

I finally played it for the first time yesterday after finding out that Hysteria Project 2 will be coming out later this month and came away slightly disappointed.  It is a survival horror FMV game if I had to describe it's genre.

You start out tied up in a shed after being kidnapped(presumably) and find a way to escape. The rest of the game is pushing the X and O button at the right time or choosing to go straight, right or left. Check the images below for an example:

[img width=250 height=167][/img]

[img width=480 height=320][/img]

[img width=160 height=120][/img]

As the games goes by you get chased by a guy in a black hoodie carrying an axe for whatever reason. If you choose the wrong option, it's game over and you go back to the last checkpoint. At one point he recaptures you and you have to start over from the beginning. It's really quite bizarre.

[img width=200 height=100][/img]

While I was disappointed overall, it was still a unique experience for the whole 20-30 minutes that the game lasted. The game left me wondering "what in the world is going on here?". Supposedly Hysteria Project 2 is going to explain why the character was kidnapped among other things.

I will be buying Hysteria Project 2 when it comes out later this month just for the unique experience and to see what the first game was all about as it did leave a lot of questions in my mind.

[img width=450 height=196][/img]

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That looks kinda cool

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