Well this is gonna be a different kind of GMBIT video since well there isnt any video. The computer I was using got hit by another virus surfing a particular gaming site and yeah out for repairs as this time even I couldnt get it to reboot and recover it. I fear all my gaming info is now gone and Ill have to start over again . Anywho on to the gaming moment in time.
This week I chose to do an Atari 8 Bit Computer game that never got released by Atari ( it would later make its way out by an aftermarket company). This week's game is Jr. Pac-Man. What I like about this version over the original is the expanded game board that features scrolling action. As nice as that is the graphics have something to be desired. Knowing that this game wasn't finished by Atari in a way that would have been ready for market I have to give it some slack on that aspect.
The game play is pretty good. I'm nowhere near a good Pac-Man player but it's worth a play . On ebay this game brings between 15-30.00 depending when you catch the auction with most selling for 20 to 25.00.
This week I go ABC Wide World Of Sports up in here and break out one of the best bowling games Ive played in some time. Check it out.
Thank you to my secret santa these items will start me on a new area of A8 gaming that before I thought I wasnt sure I should get into. The games that keep on gaming.
In this week's edition I focus on Atari's last ditch effort to revive the Atari 8 Bit Computer line with the Atari XEGS ( 1987 ). This console came complete with 2 pack in games ( Flight Simulator 2 and Bug Hunt) along with a grey CX40 controller and XG1 Light gun.
This system who's game line was pretty well dated by 1987 ( with games dating back to the initial launch in 1979), just couldn't hold its own versus the NES, Sega Master System and the new 16 bit Genesis and Super Nintendo that would come out a few years. By 1990 Atari cut new game releases for this system and by 1992 discontinued anything for the system along with discontinuing anything for the Atari 2600 and 7800 line.
Episode # 41 recaps this great homebrew cut down in the prime of its life. My look back at this great title called Princess Rescue on the Atari 2600
Posted on Oct 18th 2013 at 12:58:31 AM by ( A8scooter) Posted under Atari |
This is the first box of goodies from Atari 181. Alot of nice stuff came in 54 items in all. Too bad the lighting just sucked but I think these were very nice finds and some hidden Gems.
Episode # 36 - A special deal with Atari Brian from AtariAge.com. ( Great guy to buy games from if you ever need video games )
Episode # 34 - This episode I show that some gaming moments are moments due to being a bad game. Also to talk about what happens when a video game is rushed to production just to "have a game for sale". Usually isn't a good outcome and the unsold copies in New Mexico is a good proof of that.