Blogger Archive: wildbil52 
[img width=700 height=263][/img] For this year's RetroWorld Expo, we wanted to have a good mix of games for our first year of tournaments. We wanted to choose games that anyone could walk up and play, but also those that have a good enough following that we could see some really heated final matches. We came up with 4 games from the 16 bit era that everyone can play but only few have mastered.
Continue reading RetroWorld Expo: The Tournaments
[img width=700 height=933][/img] So, you finally picked up an arcade machine and you are trying to figure out what to do first. Let me take you through some of the things you should check and some of the options that you have.
Continue reading So You Picked Up an Arcade Cabinet
[img width=400 height=533][/img] I recently spent two days at the RetrowareTV table at Too Many Games 2015 in Oaks, PA. I sold a few things, bought a few things, and helped spread the word about our upcoming RetroWorld Expo this coming October.
Continue reading Too Many Games 2015
[img width=450 height=456][/img] Nobody is saying that the game, system, or toy that you have isn't cool or that it isn't in decent shape. All I'm saying is that it isn't "Rare" and it most certainly isn't "Mint".
Continue reading Your Thing is Probably not Rare or Mint
[img width=700 height=525][/img] When my parents took us to Toys R Us to buy a new Nintendo game when we were kids, one of my favorite parts of that trip was the drive home. Holding the game, looking at the label, exploring the detail and nuance of the box and label art, reading each page of the manual, and even checking out the Nintendo Power special offer cards were all part of the experience of getting a new game. That experience has changed quite a bit over the last 30 years.
Continue reading Why Doesn't it Come With a Manual?
[img width=500 height=500][/img] RFGeneration has long been a place where both retro and nowtro video game players and collectors can come together and share their love of the games. However, there has always been a little bit of overlap into action figures, toys, comics, beer (I'm lookin at you nupoile), and Table Top games. I thought it would be fun to talk about one of my favorites that I am always trying to get people to play with me.
Continue reading Please Play Arkham Horror With Me
We have all seen it. The Sell Off. Whether it be a relative newcomer to the hobby or a lifelong collector with rooms filled with decades of gaming memories, at some point, some people make the hard decision to sell their collection off.
[img width=700 height=525][/img] This is done for various reasons, but it usually boils down to three categories (and there is even some overlap between them):
Continue reading The Sell Off - Foreshadowing
[img width=700 height=525][/img] Unless you live in a sparsely populated area or one that just doesn't have that many collectors, you are going to need a decent network of connections if you want to get anywhere in this hobby.
Continue reading On Having Connections
[img width=350 height=500][/img] Now that tickets are on sale for the RetroWorld Expo ( we need to focus on booking the best selection of Exhibitors that we can. It sounds easy, right? Get together a great big list of all of the best video game, comic, tabletop etc, stores in the area and let them know what we are all about. But, as a group of retro enthusiasts who attend these kinds of events, we wanted to broaden the scope a bit.
Continue reading RetroWorld Expo: The Exhibitors
[img width=700 height=933][/img] We all have about a billion games in our collection. I hesitate to call it a backlog because it makes it sound like work. Though, if you are playing games just to get through them, checking them off a list (proverbial or otherwise) it CAN feel like work instead of fun. How do we decide what to play next? A better question would be: How SHOULD we decide what to play next?
Continue reading What to Play Next?
[img width=465 height=347][/img] Now that RetroWorld Expo is official, we have kicked everything into high gear. The pre-planning phases have shifted into live planning and things are moving very quickly. Throughout the process, it's important that we keep everyone informed about what we are planning and all of the work that goes into the show. In this entry, I'll talk about our tickets, why they aren't on sale yet and when they will be on sale.
Continue reading RetroWorld Expo: The Tickets
[img width=700 height=437][/img] It has been a long time in the making but I can finally announce the news that I have been teasing on the Collectorcast:
The RetroWorld Expo will be held on October 3rd, 2015 at The Toyota Oakdale Theater in Wallingford, CT
It feels good to finally say that out loud. We made the announcement at the RetroWare TV panel at Magfest and now we are spreading the news to the rest of the world. Tickets will go on sale very soon.. I'm happy to announce as a primary sponsor of the RetroWorld Expo. The other 2 primary sponsors are RetroWareTV and Retro Games Plus.
Continue reading The RetroWorld Expo
[img width=700 height=525][/img] What do Royal Dansk cookies and Ferrero Rocher have to do with the best games of the year? Nothing. They are delicious and this is my article This time of year the internet is flooded with Game of the Year lists. Many mainstream media outlets end up with lists full of heavy hitters like Smash Bros and Call of Duty. Lots of smaller sites try to show you how hip(ster) they are with lists full of decent but forgettable Indie titles. By the way, Mountain isn't a game. For a long time, I avoided most of these lists because I honestly couldn't care less about some stranger's opinion on what the best games were. More often than not, I would just get frustrated that they liked a game that I thought was bad or didn't like a game that I knew to be great. As I've grown older, I like to think I've matured a bit (like a fine dark Belgian Ale left in a dry 50 degree cellar) and I look at these lists differently now. I now read lists like these to discover games that I may have missed out on. That is my hope with this list, that someone will realize how great one of these games is and give it a try.
Continue reading WildBil52's Top Games of 2014
[img width=640 height=400][/img] Terminal Velocity, a game I would imagine most people have never heard of, is still a blast to go back and play if you enjoy arcade style flight combat.
(Before you go any further open this link in another tab and listen to it as you read this article. )
Continue reading Dust Off Your DOSBox and Play Terminal Velocity
[img width=700 height=525][/img] In last month's installment, we talked about Cosmic Carnage, a bad game with a really cool and interesting premise. This month, we will dive into T-Mek which is the opposite, a pretty good game with a really generic and uninteresting premise.
Continue reading T-Mek 32X - A Good Port of a Great Arcade Game