RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Nov 20th 2007 at 07:36:44 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Heart Wrenching, Animal Crossing, Love, Modern Gaming

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/1342659547474245a680030Animal.jpg[/img]
There is this comic hitting the internet today. It tells a tale, and it is done in a rather moving manner. To say that it affected me would be a gross understatement. I really encourage you all to check this comic out. Cherish your loved ones, for they certainly love you.

There are two ways to check out this comic. There is the ytmnd that you can check out, or you can view the comic in its entirety here.

This is the most moving thing I've seen in a really long time, I hope you find it's story moving too.

Animal Crossing is Tragic
Comic Design: This is Game
Hosted Here via Kotaku

Posted on Nov 18th 2007 at 06:48:49 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Store, Ringer, Merch

[img width=468 height=60]http://logo.cafepress.com/nocache/2/2216302.jpg[/img]

You've asked for it, and after planning and design, here it is. The RF Generation Store, in it's fully mercheriffic(R) glory. Want a RF Geneation branded shirt, mousepad, or hat? Well, we have it here. Check out our wares, you may find something you want. You can find the cafepress hosted RF Generation store here. It's permanent link is found in the about section links and also under the community quick links.

We hope you enjoy our wares, and appreciate any patronage that you are willing to give. All sales will help to fund the betterment and operation of the site.


Posted on Nov 15th 2007 at 09:06:01 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Band Geek, Classic Gaming, Mario, Zelda, Pong, Music

I encourage you to check out this kick ass marching band routine put on by Cal. Band geeks doing video game tunes... what is geekier than that? It's too cool. I wish my high school marching band did a show like that. The only interesting theme we ever did was Halloween Themes. What is scarier than Thriller? I digress. Here is the video:


Posted on Nov 12th 2007 at 07:29:56 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Smooth, Monotony, Guitar Hero, Wii, Oops

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/4790319754737ba3ac4734old_TV.jpg[/img]
So, in between my Pavement Problems I've been playing Guitar Hero, but today I noticed something as I was up close to the game. Sound was only coming out of the center speaker of my sound system. Nothing in the subwoofer, rear, or front speakers, just the center speaker. I didn't think much of it, as my receiver does DSP, which I promptly turned on. How humorous then is it when Tondog sends me a link mentioning that the Wii version of Guitar Hero III was in fact shipped with only Mono Sound. For a game that touts the music, certainly this is a low blow, and this screw up should have been caught in the really stringent QA that I guess Activision really does not have. Here's to you, Activision. Charging $90 for a gimped product, I certainly hope that the money you saved on skipped QA time will cover the costs of this screw up.



Posted on Nov 11th 2007 at 09:10:54 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Microsoft Owns You, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Shaft

[img align=right width=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/538275589473727706723cred-ring-of-death-rrod.jpg[/img]
Well, some of you may be aware of the Spike TV Video Game Awards. It's pretty much a show of which games are the most violent, bloody games on the market, not necessarily the best, unless of course you thoroughly enjoy only violent, mature games. Certainly, this list is a reflection of our culture's Roman Tendencies. I thoroughly look forward to the day when I can watch prisoner's fight to the death against each other at the local stadium. I hope they are given random weapons, ranging from truly awesome to absolutely absurd. Who wants to fight to the death with a rubber chicken? Certainly, I do not.

So yeah, without further ado, here is are the nominations for the Game of the Year:

Game of the Year
BioShock (360)
Halo 3 (360)
Mass Effect (360)
The Orange Box (360)

Hmm... how, Microsoft skewed. Apparently Microsoft is kick ass in the violence department. The rest of the nominations are found after the jump.

Continue reading Spike's VG Award Nominees Are Up

Posted on Nov 6th 2007 at 08:35:36 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features, Rising Sun, Treasure, NO MISCHIEF MAKERS

[img align=right width=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/698338985472fde474de08flag_japan_naval.gif[/img]All hail our Nipponese Overlords. We know not where we would be if we did not have our PlayStation, Wii, or precious Sega (you know, the good, pre I whore out Sonic sega). We look forward to the day where like in the land of our Overlords, there is a Ramen machine on every street corner. Who needs crack anyways when you have ramen. Today, we celebrate our overlords and their interesting gaming culture.

First off, we have a game to talk about. It's called Radiant Silvergun. It's a shooter. Apparently, it is damn good. I also hear that it was developed by Treasure. I hear that so long as we forget around Wario World, Treasure is a damn good company. Sin and Punishment, Mischief Makers... thank our Overlords for affording us the opportunity to play games by this development house. Next, let's talk about the featured image. Look at it. It has a GUNDAM. Who doesn't like the GUNDAM!? You should be careful of how you answer that, your overlords may come and whisk you into nothingness via this behemoth. Worship our Overlord and their mightly GUNDAMS!

Next, we talk of the past of the company that prints money. You know, Nintendo. There was an add on for their hugely popular and enslaving piece of hardware we affectionately call the SNES stateside, or as they call it in the land of our overlords, the Super Famicom. Check out this add-on. Worship its might.

Lastly, we honor the collector that is truly devoted to our overlords. This one goes out to you, Fuyukaze. Our overlords command for your continued devotion. WORSHIP THEM!

As a friendly reminder, do not forget to thank your overlords for this wonderful day before you fall asleep. You never know when they may be listening.

Posted on Nov 2nd 2007 at 05:50:25 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Stats, Submissions

No one should be forgotten. Such was the statement of the first webmaster of the site, and such is our ideology today. To help people get a grasp of those who contribute to our site, I have made submission stats available to view.  They can be found under the submit menu as Submission Stats. Please note that these stats only are valid back to about November of 2006, when we began logging submissions. I apologize if you made a lot of submissions prior to November of last year. I wish I could say that we have logged your submission, but we just have no feasible way to determine when you made submissions. Your submissions though will always be documented on each game or hardware page.

I hope you enjoy the new toy, and stay tuned... more is to follow when you keep it on channel 3.

Posted on Oct 18th 2007 at 05:59:55 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Music, LittleBigPlanet, Cool

I'll admit, I really dig the idea of LittleBigPlanet. If Sony wasn't so keen on dicking over consumers with each new iteration of the PS3, I'd almost be tempted to buy one. The game is so damn cute.

Asides from the innovative gameplay and graphical style, the thing I tend to have embedded in my mind is the really catchy theme that plays during the previews. It's mesmerizing. Well, I was listening to my favorite internet radio station when I heard the LittleBigPlanet theme playing, in all it's mesmerizing glory. I thought that was pretty damn cool.

Well, it turns out that the LittleBigPlanet theme is actually Get it Together by The Go! Team, based out of Briton England.  I recommend that you check out the theme if you have not done so already. I've embedded it for you listening pleasure.


Rock On, rock on.

Edit: Changed from shitty embed to decent embed.

Posted on Oct 16th 2007 at 08:08:30 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-074/bf/U-074-S-01880-A.jpg&sizex=150[/img]

The Game Boy Advance, and more particularly the Game Boy Advance SP, brought me back into the wonderful world of handheld gaming. With great games like Golden Sun and Metroid Zero Mission, the GBA was a leviathan of its time. Today, we celebrate the GBA with this latest round of features. Truly its sales speak volumes about its popularity, and while the DS may be Nintendo's bread and butter now for the longest time the Game Boy line kept Nintendo happily in the black.

So, let's salute the Game Boy Advance. From the featured game of Game and Watch Gallery 4 to the Featured Image of Metroid Zero Mission, we hope that you enjoy the GBA-centric features. Also, we hope that you will check out the featured collection of TH14Arsenal. He may not have the largest collection on the site, but a collection is still a collection, and we look to feature collections ranging from small to large. Thanks for showing off your collection on our site! We appreciate it.

Stay tuned to RF Generation, more is still to follow when you keep it tuned to channel 3.

Posted on Oct 6th 2007 at 09:08:05 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

Another month, another round of submissions made! This post is intended to thank those members who have helped to grow our database. This last month saw 2992 submissions. Of those submissions, 2295 submissions were for the games database and 697 were for the hardware database. In addition, 391 images were added to the database last month.

We'd like to thank everyone for the submissions that they make. A special thanks goes out to those members who submitted more than 50 pieces of information. Those members are Tan, Tynstar, James, eaglebeak99, Funk_Buddy, Pop Culture Portal, OatBob, ApolloBoy, NES_Rules, and Mezmoron. Tan also had the largest number of submissions made, with 874. Congratulations on taking the top spot! It certainly is appreciated.

Any submission made by a regular member must be approved by a staff member, and this month, Tan also took the top post for approving submissions, with 540 approvals. OatBob and Tynstar round out the top 3 approvers, and we are thankful that they and all other staff members helped to approve your submissions. Thanks!

Lastly, I'd like to thank Tynstar for all the items that he helps to fix in the database. Scott, has been great, fixing errors and inconsistencies that can not be fixed using the edit scripts. We are appreciate for that!

Thanks for the submissions, and let's try to submit many new submissions this month!

Posted on Oct 1st 2007 at 04:37:20 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Keep on Truckin, Donations

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/204325269947003e9e076a6141427082v7_240x240_Front_Color-BlackWhite.jpg[/img]

RF Generation is a community of gamers, collectors, and generally good people that make this place truly special. With this site though there are costs associated with it, whether it is domain registration fees, server costs, contingency budgets, or contests. Well, these costs add up, and for poor college kids such as myself it is a cost that we would love to be shared amongst the community. As such, today we start the 2007 "keep the site running" donation drive.

Any donation made during this drive will be used solely for server costs and contingencies. Over the past year, we've seen readership grow immensely, and we want to make sure that we have the funds available to ensure that the server and site are always running properly. With your help, we'll have the funds to keep the site going for another year. This year, we are looking for a goal of $500 to be raised.

The question then arises - what is the incentive for donating? Well, don't you love the site? Wouldn't you hate it if it disappeared? Well, while the site will never disappear, you certainly would make the poor college kids (and Scott) happy if you helped defray the costs of running the site.  Additionally, there are perks. Anyone who donates money this year will get to be given donor status, which let's everyone know that they helped to keep the site running. Additionally, we have something new this year for donors - freebies! If you donate $20, you will get RF Generation Logo Magnet, and if you donate $50, a cool RF Generation ringer T is yours to keep! That's our way of saying thanks for donating! Please note that to get your shirt or magnet you will have to provide an address to us via PM, and while we're pretty sure we can deliver our merchandise anywhere, we can't guarantee it. If we find out that you live somewhere where we can't deliver the shirt we'll make every effort to make things right, including having the shirt delivered to our house and then out via UPS, DHL, or Fed-ex rather than having it shipped directly from the manufacturer.

To donate, click the donate button located in the navigation area of our forum, or click here. We certainly appreciate any donation that is made, and with your help, we'll reach our goal. Thank you!

Posted on Sep 29th 2007 at 12:57:55 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Damn, Rock Band

[img align=right width=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/180407488746fd6a4042c40Rock_band_cover.jpg[/img]

Joystiq is reporting a price point and release date for the Harmonix developed Rock Band. Who wants to take a stab at the price and date? No one? Well then, there it is:

PS3, XBox 360 - November 23, $170

PS2 - December 10, $160

I could have sworn that they said that the prices would be manageable, not nearing the price of a PSP! Holy crap! Certainly my desire to get this game has significantly dropped off, even if it promises me a harem of women I will not be purchasing this game at that price point. What's even more fun is that November 23 is a special day in the US. It would be... Black Friday. Who wants to fight hordes of shoppers for their copy of Rock Band? Certainly not me.

Sorry EA, but you just killed my interest in your Guitar Hero killer.

Ed: It should be noted that this price is for the Rock Band Bundle. The game is still listed to be $59.99 for the PS3/360 and drums / guitar look to be $80.

[Read on Joystiq]

Posted on Sep 22nd 2007 at 06:57:01 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under All You Need is Love, Promote, Banners, Site News

Deep within the depths of this site, we hid a page that perhaps some of you are not aware of. This page possibly has some things of interest for you... it is our promote page.

Why might this page interest you? Well, we know that you all really love RF Generation. Some of you practically live here (I am looking at you Scott). Well, why not express your love elsewhere! Want a promotional banner of microbar to use? We got plenty of them that you can use! You might even find some personalized content made just for you, provided that you are a member with a collection.

[img width=468 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/banners/generated/collection/den68.png[/img]

So, check out our promote page. You'll find some cool things there. Perhaps if you are not into the images you can still help to make the site known. Word of mouth works miracles, and without this word of mouth we'd be a really small site with a tiny community. But, you guys have all done a wonderful job promoting the site, and we hope that you keep it up. Tell your friends, and we hope that you'll keep it tuned to channel 3.

Posted on Sep 4th 2007 at 05:25:54 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

Hello readers and members, I hope you've enjoyed the last weekend as much as I have. For those of you not in the states or Canada, it was Labor Day weekend. In Cincinnati, we have a big party. I, along with many of my friends were there. Hopefully your weekend was as awesome as ours.

Anyways, I digress. Last Friday was the last day of August, and so it is time for me to reflect on the last month and commend you all for the submissions that you have made. In case you were wondering, 3016 submissions were made last month. Of those, 1700 were games submissions, 1316 were hardware submissions, and 583 submissions were for new images. I'd like to thank you all for helping to grow our database with these submissions, it's you guys that allow our site and database to grow, and we are truly thankful. This month's top submitter was Mariott_guy! He bested the competition with 1231 submissions. The next highest submitters with more than 50 submissions last month are, in order, Funk_Buddy, Belgarath, NES_Rules, Oatbob,  Tan, eaglebeak99, and Alabama-shrimp. I'd like to thank all members, including those who made less than 50 submissions for their submissions. We truly appreciate it.  Some people also have to approve submissions, and I'd like to thank Tan and Tynstar for approving a bunch of submissions. Tynstar narrowly beat out Tan for top approver spot last month (148 vs 146). Congrats on that, and try not to rub it in too much. 

I believe that I failed to do this post for July, and I am truly sorry. In case you were wondering, July saw 4351 new submissions. Of those, 4150 were for the games database and 351 were for the hardware database. July also saw 1675 new images, an impressive number indeed. In July, Funk_Buddy was the top submitter, with 662 new submissions. The next largest submitters over 50 submissions are in order: Tan, Belgarath, Oatbob, Speedy_NES, Tynstar, marriott_guy, Fighter17, Donkey Kong Kid, Magewout, NES_Rules, sharp, James, Mars, Apolloboy, Alabama-Shrimp, Malgyris, Rorschach, Fuyukaze, cverz2, and JWKobayashi. I'd like to thank everyone for their submissions.  In July, Tan schooled Tynstar in the approvals category, with 722 aprrovals versus Tynstar's 258 approvals. I'd like to thank everyone who approved submissions in July and August, thanks for keeping the show going.

Thanks everyone, and as always stay tuned, you never know when new features will be showing up.

Posted on Aug 13th 2007 at 01:17:30 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, One Million Visits

I'm surprised I even caught this stat, but as of yesterday RF Generation officially broke the one million visits per year mark. That doesn't mean one million unique visitors in the past year, but still its an impressive feat. Essentially, a visit is a session that a user spends on a site. I know most of you probably won't understand the notion of a visit, but for those of you who do and those who don't, we are certainly touched by the statistic. Just to give you an idea of how much the site has grown, in September of last year we had 14621 visits. In July of this year we had 209662 visits. You all must certainly love us, and we are touched. This site is nothing without its community, and it's nice to know that our community is so strong. For this fact, we are truly grateful.

Thanks for your readership, and thanks for being a part of our community. We hope that you enjoy the direction we've been going, and if you wish for something new or unique we're always certainly willing to listen. Thanks for being there with us, and we hope that you will all continue to keep it tuned to channel 3.

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