RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jan 22nd 2008 at 06:54:33 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Chat, IRC

Some of you really, really hated our previous chat client, so much so that you decided to create an IRC chatroom and lobby for the death of our previous chat client. Well, after some introspection and the prospect of having the chat server load not be ours, we now have our chat on IRC.

IRC, you say? Well, perhaps you're scared of IRC? Don't be! We've made it easy to join our chat! You could use a client to join our chat, or you could use the applet that we provide.

Interested in joining the chat? Check this page for more details and where you can find us! Hope to see you in chat!

Posted on Jan 22nd 2008 at 01:01:39 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Random, Coast to Coast, CRAZY, Humor

For those of you who are not from the states, Coast to Coast AM is a nationally syndicated talk show hosted by George Noory. They talk about stuff. CRAZY stuff.  UFOs, nanobots, Gnostic Texts, it's all covered on Coast to Coast AM. Certainly, if you enjoy listening to something that isn't meant to be humorous but is, this show is for you. Also, what else are you going to listen to while driving from 12 to 5 am? Bubba Bo and America's Truckin' Network? I certainly think not.

So, somewhere, somehow, Gordon Freeman got the guts to actually say a few words about his dealings with the G-Man with Gordon Noory. Always out of Gordon's Grasp, but always there... watching. Waiting... Brooding... anyways, it's a delightfully interesting conversation between "Gordon" and George, and the best part is that George totally believes everything "Gordon" says! And that, my friends, is why late night radio kicks ass. Check it out, listen for yourself.

Posted on Jan 21st 2008 at 02:39:33 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Collecting, Classic Gaming, Light Gun, Rare

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/20534560284793bd7fbc6097c95_1.JPG[/img]Check it out. It's a real MACS SNES combat sim light gun. This bad boy was used by the military to train soldiers back in the day. Certainly beats owning a Super Scope I presume?

Well, if this item tickles your fancy and is a must own for you, you have until January 26 at 5:23 PST to make your bids. Currently, the high bid is at $36, but you know, there is still six days left in the auction. It should also be noted that you'll need special simulation cartridges to use this light gun. Fortunately, the seller also has an auction going on one of those as well. Currently, the cartridge sits at $26.

So, if these two options are something you must have, poach away, and best of luck to you on your follies with eBay.

MACS  Light Gun (eBay, via Destructoid)
SNES MACS Moving Target Simulator (eBay)

Posted on Jan 19th 2008 at 02:38:14 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Portal, Valve, Weighted Companion Cube, Turret

As someone who has played, and watch someone else beat Portal, I have a strong love for the game. It's awesome, and hopefully they release a development SDK so that other people can create some awesome custom maps. For now, there is Garry's Mod, which allows for some pretty hilarious videos to be created. Take for example the video above. A day in the life as a turret. Who didn't love the turret? Creepily awesome. It sucked to have to destroy them, but it was completely necessary. This video is craftily done, and I encourage you all to check it out.

Posted on Jan 15th 2008 at 06:42:00 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Factor 5, Lair did indeed Suck, Wii, SECRET UNNAMED PROJECT

[img width=400 height=281]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/2027607695478c0ee73e35cLair-Wii.jpg[/img]

Julian, we Nintendo fans were crushed when you decided to jump ship to the PS3, and release the motion sensitive Wii. You delighted us with Rogue Squadron, but you just had to crush our hearts with the jumping ship to the PS3 front. Well, how did Lair end up doing, huh? I hear it was pretty bad, Julian. So, today we hear that you are officially developing at least one non Virtual Console game for the Wii? Given your last release, I don't know if I should be excited, but none the less here you are, back at the doorstep of Nintendo, developing some unnamed game. Hope it is better than Lair, but hey, that should be easy, right?

Well, I am sort of excited. Factor 5's games were, and are, visually stunning. Factor 5 also was a provider of middleware solutions for the Nintendo 64 and GameCube. Knowing this, I hope that Factor 5 puts other developers to shame with graphics. If anyone can push the envelope, it is them.

At the same time, they might be, like many other developers, in for the quick cash in. I certainly hope such is not the case, but I guess we'll find out for sure once we know what exactly it is that they are developing for the Wii.

Julian, please do not disappoint us. You've already done that once before.

Lair Developer Goes to Wii [Kotaku]

Posted on Jan 14th 2008 at 06:34:11 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Feature, PS3, PlayStation, Sony, Microsoft, 360, Modern Gaming

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/1905459161478ababbd43edPS3360.jpg[/img]
People have been sneering at the price of the PS3. They say it is expensive. You know, this statement is correct. However, I find it troubling that many of these people that say the Playstation 3 is overly expensive have no problem laying down the money for Microsoft's 360. I find such actions humorous. Let's analyze what I perceive as the true costs of these two systems, in terms of what they have to offer and what hidden costs lie with the system. Perhaps, we'll be enlightened after this discussion. Perhaps you'll be enraged. Chances are though that my arguments are pretty decent, and perhaps it will make take a second look at which system you ultimately end up purchasing.

Continue reading PS3 or 360? Why not Make an Informed Decision?

Posted on Jan 13th 2008 at 02:45:26 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Bioware, Sonic, DS

[img width=400 align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/16635149954789349d7b290SonicMassEffect.jpg[/img]
So, it has been known for some time that Bioware was going to be working on a Sonic RPG. Today, we have more news about the Sonic RPG that is sure to make fans of Sonic and Bioware squeal with excitement. A couple of highlights are as follows:

  • Watercolor Style of Animation
  • 4 Members in you Party at once, 11 party members total.
  • No random battles, in a definite homage to Chrono Trigger
  • Turn Based Fighting
  • Special Moves play like Elite Beat Agents

If you wish to see more than a few highlights, perhaps scans hosted at Jeux France will tickle your fancy. Those scans are bright, colorful, and look as good as graphics seen in Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. I'm certainly impressed by the graphics... are you?

Certainly, this game has the potential to rock one's socks off. I am predicting pure awesome. We'll find out for sure when this game is released later in 2008.

Lock up your daughters: New info on Bioware's Sonic RPG [Dtoid]
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood info [GoNintendo]

Posted on Jan 12th 2008 at 04:40:49 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Feature, Music, Modern Gaming, Classic Gaming, Retro

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-027/ss/ex/U-027-S-00510-A_05.jpg&sizex=174[/img]
As I sit hear, listening to the Future of Rock and Roll, I was pondering what my next article should be. I sit hear, enjoying the music, listening to the smooth melodies of the indie rock scene. Feel the emotion, the magic, the rhythm. Music is a powerful medium. Music can be one of the best ways to convey emotion and mood without saying a word. Truly, music is an important part of games. From the 8-bit era to today, music has been an integral part of games. Think of the classics. The Mario Theme. The Zelda Theme, and many more, they're all great. Let's take the time to reminisce on the past, and identify the history of game music as it is today.

Continue reading Game Music through the Ages... Why is Game Music so Popular?

Posted on Jan 8th 2008 at 06:10:50 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Weekly Features, Site News, Dark Cloud, Playstation 2

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/PHP/watermark.php?collection=gorez/mini-gamec5.jpg;sizex=200[/img]
So, it's simple, I guess. Almost too easy. Want your collection to be featured? All you need to do is upload some collection photos and voila! You're instantly in the running for a featured collection. That said, let's talk about gorez's collection. As we can see from his photos and collection profile, gorez is primarily a Genesis collector, followed by the PS2. He also owns both the Featured Game and the greatest hits version of the Featured Image. Now only if he owned the Featured Hardware, or as we like to call it, the George Foreman Grill. It's black, it's beastly, and unlike the current models this PS3 has not be neutered. Or spayed. Hell, we'll just call the new models castrated. Such a strong word. That said, gorez has entered the current generation in the Microsoft camp, with his 360. I bet his favorite game is Sneak King. That or Viva Pinata. Who knows, certainly not me.

So, the featured game is Dark Cloud 2. It apparently is a good game. I couldn't tell you though, as I have not played it, but my brother has, and he has a wonderful review written. Check that out.

So, features. Huhzah! Stay tuned to see what new features we have next week.

Posted on Jan 6th 2008 at 07:10:11 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Random, Feature, THE FORMAT WAR!!!, HD DVD, Blu Ray

[img align=right width=250]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/268794616478035c6c0147hd_dvd_bluray.jpg[/img]
So, Format War?
HD DVD is going to totally win
Blu Ray has just put the nail in HD DVD's Coffin
DVD will remain the dominant format for years to come
This war is just a facade for the inevitable transition to Digital Distribution
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Well, it seems as though the format wars are possibly reaching a conclusion, with Sony's Blu Ray format beating out HD DVD. Depending on how you look at it, either this conclusion is vindication for Betamax or something that you wish mirrored Betamax. So, after years of fighting, bickering, and backhanded deals, the future is looking rather bleak for HD DVD. I guess the question then is- was the future ever looking bright for HD DVD? I don't know if I can say yes. It seems as though one of its principal proponents (Microsoft) seems to be rather preoccupied with its own download service. Do they really care about HD DVD? Perhaps we'll find out soon at CES with their rumored Ultimate Xbox announcement. But, I bet that even if the Ultimate 360 has a built-in HD DVD drive Microsoft will still have its agenda entirely on its download service. I wonder if it even matters any more. Let me tell you why.

Continue reading So there is this HD Format War... Do you Care? Should you Care?

Posted on Jan 4th 2008 at 09:13:02 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Classic Gaming, Mods, Hacks, Mario

You may remember a previous post about a cool hack called Extra Mario Bros. In case you missed that post, here is the video again.


So, I have received confirmation that this game does in fact exist. Since I wish not to be sued, all I can say is yeah, look in the right spot and you might find it, and that's all I got to say about that.

Thanks for the tip!

Posted on Jan 3rd 2008 at 12:09:55 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Kids, Random, Wee, Wii, HA!

[img align=right width=350]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/792620377477c87120f933WiiWii.jpg[/img]Look at them. Cute kids, huh? Look at the one holding the Wiimote. An angel, I bet he is? Right? Maybe not. Maybe so. But look at the other one, the older brother. He looks angry. Not quite HULK SMASH angry, but pretty peeved. Note the Wii. Such an elegant system. Absolutely no scent of urine... whaaaaat???

Turns out the older brother was being a jerk. That's strange, normally older brothers are nothing but a ray of sunshine. I should know, as I am the oldest of my brothers, and I am nothing but a ray of sunshine. Somehow, that kid must not have gotten the memo about being a good brother. See, his parents got he and his little brother a Wii for Christmas for 250 pounds. Grats to the parents for finding a Wii for their beloved kids for Christmas.  Months searching, according to the article. Really, months to find a Wii? In Britain? I thought you guys were Sony Fanboys. Guess the exorbitant price of the PS3 has converted you from that path. Anyways, the older brother was being a jerk once they finally got the Wii from Santa. Seems he was hogging the Wii. Not letting his brother playing the Wii, apparently. Certainly the little brother didn't like that, and by golly, he had to do something about that. Tell his parents? Nah, that's to mature for his age. What he did was more classic.

And that's were the headline for this article comes into play. Hilarious. Wee on the Wii. Genius. One hell of a way to get back at your brother. Certainly, if my little brother did that to my Wii, he'd be dead. Figuratively, of course. But the truth of the matter is that my Wii is not broken thanks to urine, while that pissed off older brother's Wii is. Ha!

Boy pisses on Wii in Revenge Attack [via Kotaku]

Posted on Jan 3rd 2008 at 04:15:05 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Image Search, Back From the Dead

After being gone for over a year, the image search now works like it did prior to our switch to mySQL. Hopefully you guys will enjoy its return... it's been a long time coming.

Additionally, we've created a less crappy watermark for our images. It now includes transparency. It may or may not be tweaked a bit in the future, but for now enjoy the less intrusive nature of our watermark. We hope you enjoy it.

Posted on Jan 2nd 2008 at 06:07:01 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Feature, Modern Gaming, 2008, DO WANT

2007 is dead. Long live 2007. Looking back, there were some nice games. Bioshock, The Orange Box, Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Mass Effect, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters- certainly, there were some good games that came out. But yeah, such things are now in the past. The question now becomes what are you looking forward to in 2008? I've got a few games that I am looking forward to, read about them after the jump.

Continue reading What games are you Looking Forward to in 2008?

Posted on Jan 1st 2008 at 03:23:11 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, 100000 Posts, Forum, Community, I am Humbled

December 31, 2007, 4:57:30 PM, Eastern. That is the date and time that will go down as the date we hit 100000 posts in our forum - our community. From 0 posts on June 8, 2004 to 100000 posts today, certainly, today is a day of celebration. Check out the stats bar as captured for this momentous occasion:

Certainly, I am humbled by the mark, and by the success of our forum. I am humbled by the community that we have. Without our community, there is no way that we could have hit this mark. We are nothing without you guys. Thank you all for fostering our community, and we hope that our community remains vibrant for years to come.

I'd like to specifically congratulate the person who made the 100000th post, Bad Enough Dude. I can confidently say that Bad Enough Dude is the oldest member (with respect to join date) on the site that is not or has not been on staff and still actively posts. That's really cool. He even joined before me, at 4AM on the date that the site launched. How cool is that? Check out the post that made 100000:

Congrats, and congrats to everyone! May the forum continue to be a success and a place for interesting musings and thoughts!

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