RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Feb 28th 2008 at 01:54:38 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Collecting, Plug, no eBay

Let's face it, eBay sometimes might really grind your gears. You might even hate eBay and its evil empire. Perhaps you'd just prefer a place to auction your games that specializes in auctioning games. Perhaps you'd prefer such a site even more if it was run by a Digital Press member, and has affiliation with DP. If you're interested in such a place then I have good news, Gamegavel.com might just be your place.

Why should you be interested in gamegavel.com? Let the webmaster speak for himself.

Why is GameGavel different than eBay, and why should you use it? GameGavel.com has the DigitalPress seal of approval, Joe loves the idea and is backing  it 100% both with his word and the ability to use the Rarity Guide (integration into the GameGavel site is coming soon!) Further, all auctions feature free basic insertions! I don't believe you should be charged to list an item, then be charged at the end when you sell it! If you upgrade beyond the basic listing, the fees are modest, and the Final Value Fees are lower than ebay every time! Additionally, everyone at GameGavel is just as passionate about Video Games as you are! I am trying to cultivate a Community Feel, by incorporating your feedback at all the sites you enjoy! When a person clicks your profile to look at your reputaiton, they have instant access to your DP Feedback, Cheap Ass Gamer Feedback, and more! People instantly know that you are a good seller/buyer/trader!

Certainly this is a site that a collector could find great use in, and as such I highly recommend that you check it out. You never know what you might find or be able to sell.


Posted on Feb 23rd 2008 at 02:00:51 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Nintendo, Wii, Wifi, WTF

[img align=right width=250]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/107411104447bf29c519367NintendoWifi.gif[/img]
So, Nintendo Wifi Connection. It sucks, really, really hard. Don't kid yourself, if you are looking for a competent online service you certainly will not find it in the land of Nintendo. Just hearing the words "Friend Code" is like listening to a teacher use her fingernails against a blackboard. It simply is not a nice thing, I tell ya. For a company leading the pack in sales, they certainly have no idea how to capitalize on the burgeoning market of digitally distributed content.

So, what is this I am hearing about Wii Pay and Play? An upcharge for online? Perhaps, but right now we just don't know. What we do know is that Wii Pay and Play will be collecting money for "services that will adapt flexibility". What the hell does that mean? Kotaku speculated, so will I. It sounds as though Nintendo wants to print more money. More money that it does not need. So, perhaps they want to screw you, John Q. Consumer. Do you enjoy getting screwed? Personally, the thought of being raped by Nintendo does not entice me.

Perhaps Nintendo will wow us with something that is truly amazing. Show us what you mean, Nintendo, rather than being ultra cryptic about things. Show us that you are going to use this "system" for something awesome. Given your track record in the world of digital distribution and online gaming, I somehow seriously doubt it.

Nintendo Announces Wii Pay & Play [Kotaku]

Posted on Feb 22nd 2008 at 11:36:51 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Downloadable Games, Help Us

After a bit of a coding rest it's time for me to get the ball rolling on the next big project. This project encompasses tweaking the games database so that downloadable games can be added to the database. It seems as though digital distribution is going to be the future, and we want to continue to be the classic and modern video games database. In that sense, onward ho!

So, while we know that this is going to be the next project, we want your input regarding how you think we should actually do it. We want to do this tweak right, and I want to make sure that the tweaks are things that you all agree with. To accomplish this, I have created a forum thread regarding crafting the architecture for this project. We need your help! With your input, we can ensure that this project turns out great.

Downloadable Games Architecture

Posted on Feb 19th 2008 at 02:43:29 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, GDC 08, MEGATON

[img align=right width=250]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/187074676547b9edbd5a478GDC2008Logo.JPG[/img]GDC. Also known as the Game Developer's Conference, it is now one of the more, if not the most important gaming expo / conference now that E3 is a shell of its former self. All the major gaming outlets cover it intensely. We here at RF Generation wish to be just like those other outlets, and that is why we'll be posting news and information that we deem worthy. Certainly, no one on our staff is at GDC, but that doesn't mean we can't post the news as we hear it.

So, it is likely that there will be plenty of news to come out of this year's GDC. Is there anything you want to hear? Is there anything you expect to hear? Certainly, for me there is, and perhaps there is for you as well.

Continue reading GDC Today through Friday: What do you Want to Hear?

Posted on Feb 17th 2008 at 05:08:42 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Guitar Hero III, Wii, Replacement Disk, No More Mono

Check it out. Activision comes through. Did you find yourself ticked off by your Mono Experience known as Guitar Hero III for the Wii? Did you fill out the pre-claim form on Activision's Website? If you did, start checking your mail. You might be getting the above form and a prepaid, address envelope in the mail. Send in the disc and the form (click the above image to see it in its full glory) and you'll have a not so mono experience in 3-4 weeks.

Have not yet filed a claim? Do so here.  Kudos to Activision for staying true to their word.

Posted on Feb 16th 2008 at 02:26:29 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Factor 5, Lair did indeed Suck, Wii, SECRET UNNAMED PROJECT, Julian oh Julian

[img width=250 align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/171605600847b5f52c93a4dIcarus.jpg[/img]You may have noticed that the average Wii game tends to... suck in the graphics department. How the hell is it that the most graphically taxing game for the Wii is Super Mario Galaxy? Certainly, that games looks nice, but they can do better. Too bad then that the Wii is land of shovelware and crap. Fortunately for those us that do own the system, there are a few diamonds in the rough. While they might not be the most graphically amazing thing out there, they do excel at one key thing - they are fun.

So, yes, Factor 5. They are working on [SECRET UNNAMED PROJECT NAME GOES HERE]. Some people think that it might be a new Kid Icarus. That would be pretty damn cool. Others though, think it might be on the level of Lair, which from what I heard is a graphically amazing, yet horrible experience. Things didn't turn out too well on their first outing on the PS3, but hey, perhaps could be better with their Wii outing, right? Right?!

Anyways, Julian Eggebrecht, the president of Factor 5, had a little chat with IGN. Turns out, we have some new, interesting information. Sure, it has nothing to do with what the game is, but everything to do with the graphics:

Whatever we're working on will at least blow you away in a lot of the technical aspects. We're really trying to do everything to squeeze the maximum out of the machine

My my yes, better graphics, better technical aspects? Neat, but what does that mean? Face it, from a technical standpoint, the bar is rather low. Will they blow the bar away, or will their technical advancements just surpass the current technical marvel, also known as Mario? Time will tell, but there is also this fun tidbit from Julian:

Although we're going to use everything for what we have in development, I think the pointing stuff is probably the biggest innovation which we're working on right now.

Again, the bar is quite low, but who knows, Factor 5 in the past made great games, perhaps they can pull off something amazing. Certainly time shall tell, and if we're lucky we'll know something more next week with GDC about to ramp up.

Update: Factor 5 Wii Project [IGN, via 4cr]

Posted on Feb 13th 2008 at 09:58:43 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, EA, Red Alert, PC

[img align=right width=225]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/202478642447b26a8b77893Red_Alert3.jpg[/img]It's possible that you may enjoy the Command and Conquer series. If you do, it's even more possible that you think that Red Alert is the best game in the series, like myself. Seriously, who didn't have fun playing as the Red Army, killing people with massive amounts of Tesla Coils and MiGs? Certainly, I did, it was a blast to play that game. Oh how better times have passed. Since that game was released EA has become an evil empire, and killed Westwood Studios. But fear not! I have good news! Red Alert 3 has been officially announced.

Unfortunately, not much is known at this time about the game, other than it has been announced via PC Gamer, but hopefully by the time March 4 hits, we'll know a bit more. Between this and a official release date for Spore, this has been a good day provided by the Evil Empire.

Red Alert 3 Announced in April 2008 issue of PC Gamer [PC Gamer, via Kotaku]

Posted on Feb 10th 2008 at 04:29:40 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Big Brother, Modern Gaming, Minitrue, You Know not what is Good For You, BBFC, Censorship

[img align=right width=225]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/202850710747ae286024acdBBFC-Big-Brother.jpg[/img]Bravo, Britain! We Oceanians approve of some of the latest developments regarding your suppression of video games! What our Minitrue did over 30 years ago in its infinite foresight, your government is now trying to replicate. They realize that like in Oceania, Britons are too stupid to be let to make their own decisions. Hence, Britons need an organization similar to our Minitrue to assist in making you informational and media based decisions. Luckily for you, Britain, you have your own beginnings of our Minitrue in the BBFC. These amazing folks do everything possible to ensure that what you all experience is in line with your party. Similar, the Party of Oceania approves of the recent moves made by your Party.

We see that your Party wishes to impose the same trials and tribulations levied against movies in your country against games. We certainly approve of this idea. In fact, we feel that your government should go one step farther and censor every form of media, just like our own Minitrue. Such actions will only prepare you for your inevitable entry into the unending war.

Proper censorship will ensure that only the most violent of games will be available to the populous. Your future Minipeace will certainly appreciate that. You don't need games like Barbie or I Can Remember. Your evolving Minitrue can censor those unnecessary titles out. You need proper exercises like Call of Duty 4 or Manhunt 2. Such games are guaranteed to prepare Britons for their entry into the unending war, a war we've fought in for very long.

You need training exercises for the unending war. Eventually war will find you. And when it does, you need to be ready. Lest we not remind you of the mantra of Oceania's own Party:

Blindly accept what your government thinks is right for you. You certainly do not have the mental capacity to make that decision for yourself. Your Party knows what they are doing, and will do everything in their power to ensure that your county's into the unending war is as seamless as possible. Hail Big Brother. That is all.

The Author of this Post assumes no responsibility for any thoughtcrime that may have occurred while reading this article. Hail Big Brother. That is all.

Posted on Feb 10th 2008 at 03:31:52 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Thanks, Submissions

First off, I'd like to apologize. I meant for this type of post to be a reoccurring feature on the site, of the monthly variety. As you may or may not have noticed, that really hasn't happened in a while. Well, such is a new year, perhaps we can get this article back in the groove. Submissions keep the site growing, and without your continued submissions this site would be just another place on the web. But instead we are RF Generation, the Classic and Modern Gaming Databases, and we couldn't be where we are today without your continued support.

January, 2008. Sort of a down month. People are still getting over their post-holiday comas. But, you guys kick ass. Collectively, you all managed to make 2788 submissions, of which about half were new images. Also, you all overwhelmingly made the majority of your submissions for the games database. Awesome everyone! You guys totally kick ass, but don't forget about our hardware database! It wants to be loved too.

So, who do you think was the number one nonstaff submitter? Why, it was lovable! He/she made 318 submissions in the last month! Kudos to you! We certainly appreciate all the submissions. NES_Rules was our second highest member submitter, with 260 submissions, while Donkey Kong Kid was third with 107 submissions. Congrats to you three for being the top three member submitters! Keep it up.

Similarly, we have a group of dedicated staff members who do their part to make sure that the site runs smoothly, and they also do a significant number of submissions in addition to reviewing any submissions that you guys make. In terms of staff submissions, Tan leads the pack with 575 submissions. Belgarath was our second highest staff submitter with 217 submissions, while bum-man was the third highest staff submitter with 183 submissions. Excellent job guys! Keep it up. As mentioned previously, staff members also review any submissions made by regular members. The top reviewer this month was also Tan! Marriott_guy and Magewout also did their parts reviewing submissions, as did many other staff members! Thanks guys!

While many of you are not top three submitters or reviewers, we still want to recognize everyone who did their part in keeping our databases growing! A special thanks goes out to those members who made 50 or more submissions:

Tan, lovablechevy, NES_Rules, Belgarath, bum-man, sharp, Apolloboy, Donkey Kong Kid, Yurf, James, Pop_Culture_Portal, Funk_Buddy.

Thanks to everyone for their submissions! We certainly appreciate it. If you are interested in seeing the full list of submissions stats, they can be found here.  Here's hoping for an awesome February!

Posted on Feb 5th 2008 at 07:21:07 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Random, Music, Gems

[img align=right width=250]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/123506823647a7b9ad9d0f5midna.jpg[/img]Some things seem to get lost in the woodwork when it comes to games. Clever things, hidden, or things plainly out in the open that are simply glossed over. Today, I found something that I'd call a gem. It comes from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, a game with a lot of expectations which depending on if you are a diehard Nintendo fan was either God's gift to humanity or something that while a good game, missed the Zelda bar. What is it that could possibly be glossed over yet be so engrossing? It's a song. I have a certain affinity for game music. Perhaps you do too. But, there is one song that simply blows me away found in Zelda: Twilight Princess. Certainly, the Zelda series has had its own memorable songs, but I never found any songs from Twilight Princess memorable, until now.

Midna's Desperation Hour is rather simple. Listening to it makes me wonder if it belongs in a Zelda Game. When I hear it, I want to think it is from one of the monolithic SNES RPGs, most particularly Chrono Trigger. But, it's not. It's in Zelda. And I am captivated by it. Simple strings and piano, but it's moving. If you play through Twilight Princess, you may agree that it does an excellent job describing who exactly Midna is. Such sorrow. Such despair, perfectly described in sound. It truly is a work of art. Want to listen to it? , as found in Brawl. 

You may disagree with my view of the song. That's alright, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The point here however is that at times there are gems in games that simply get glossed over. Have you ever found yourself awestruck by something that you simply missed the first time you experienced it? I know I have, and I bet that you have too.


Posted on Feb 3rd 2008 at 04:51:41 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Collecting, Rare, eBay, Whatever IT is

[img width=300 height=207]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-044/bf/U-044-S-01090-A.jpg&sizex=300[/img]
Chrono Trigger. What an amazing game. The pinnacle of SNES RPGs, possibly even the best RPG ever made. Seriously, what a treasure. Turns out that this game is up for grabs on eBay. Even more so, the game is factory sealed. Such things, shall we say, are expensive.

So, who wouldn't want to fork over $400 for a copy of Chrono Trigger, sealed? If you are crazy, and would like to bid on this rare item, then go ahead. But, isn't the purpose of games to be played? What would you do with it? Place it in protective casing? Worship it nightly? Play it? That's for you to decide, I only will provide you with the link.

Better hurry up. Bidding ends tomorrow at 3:14 PM PST. Get your bids on, if you dare.

[via Kotaku]

Posted on Feb 2nd 2008 at 03:17:49 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, In Memoriam

Two years. Two years since RF Generation lost a friend, and its leader. On February 1, 2006, Michael Collins, one of the founders of RF Generation, tragically passed away. He left behind family, friends, and projects, including his baby, RF Generation. Today we pause, pause to remember our departed friend, and share the memories and feelings we since have.

Some of us knew Mike for a really long time. His death hit us especially hard. In the two years since Mike died, I think we've all had time to cope with his passing. The pain may be less, but it is still there. Gone are the days of the three amigos. Gone are the trademark statements such as "Shut up Dave." Gone is the person who was a friend to many. At the same time, we take solace in who Mike was while he was alive. Mike was a selfless individual, and many of us were touched by his life. You could almost say that he helped to shape some of our personalities and ideologies. Mike was our friend. I can't imagine what life would have been like if I never knew Mike, but certainly something would have been missing.

Last year we unveiled a memorial to Mike. If you never knew Mike, then I highly recommend that you check out the page to see who Mike was and how much he is missed. If you wish to add a memorial than Mike, certainly go ahead and send me it via email or personal message, and we'll add it to the page.

We miss you Mike, we really do. You may be gone, but you are never forgotten.

Posted on Jan 31st 2008 at 06:10:17 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Cynical Gamer, Feature, Waggle, Wii

[img width=200 align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/135696246747a14ac385facAntisthenes.jpg[/img]Hey there, name's Dave. I run this here site. I am generally a bright cheery fellow on this site. However, if you know in me in real life, I am the ultimate cynic. Doom, doom, and doom.  So, I've decided on occasion to treat you to my brutally honest, cynical side. Friends that personally know me may get a kick out of this, while others may be infuriated with the statements I have to make.  So, sit back, relax, and enjoy my spin.

I wrote this lovely review of No More Heroes. It's a nice game. Seriously. However, reading through comments I see comments belittling the game because it has "waggle". Well, la de da. I hate Halo because of its control. No thanks. There is one difference though - I've played Halo.  Sure, you may not enjoy the "waggle" motions that get old (see Zelda), but trust me, this game is nothing like Zelda. The game makes "waggle" fun and rewarding. Finishing moves are completed via the "waggle," and to be honest, it's executed well. As are throws and wrestling moves initiated by "waggle." Never before has the "waggle" felt so good. I may even go so far as to say that the waggle of No More Heroes is better than that of Zack and Wiki. But, I digress.

I can't help but think that people who attack the motion controls of the Wii have some type of ulterior motive. Motion control, if executed properly, can be done really well, such as in No More Heroes or Even Mario Galaxy. It can also be piped into a shovelware title, and made to exhibit behaviors inherent of crap. Similarly, the same can be said for other systems. Do I look to play sims or RTS's on a console? Hell no. But look, there are games like the Sims or Theme Park World, and soon to be Halo Wars. Give me a computer to play these genres on. Even games with "normal" control can suck. Do I need to start naming shitty games with normal control? Nah, you're all smart, I bet you can think of your own.

Don't get me wrong - the Wii is currently the home of shovelware and crap. However, there are those gems in the landfill. In time, the frequency of these gems may increase, but who knows. Certainly it is a worrying thought for anyone who owns a Wii and also wishes for more than Casual Crap. The DS eventually became great, I certainly hope the same for the Wii.

So, those who dismiss motion control as "waggle," why? Did you get burned out on the Wii by playing too many crappy games, or do you possess inherent fanboyism? Maybe you're just getting old. I hear that as you age you get more resistant towards new ideas, perhaps that's it? Can you hear your bones rattling? That might be it.

Do yourself a favor. Take a deep breath. Think about why you hate or love motion control. Can you change your view of motion control? Are you willing to change your view? Perhaps you will as more good games are released with motion control. There might be a few you enjoy. All I know is that I feel bad for people like Suda51. Great concept and execution, dismissed for its "waggle". Certainly, a shame.

Posted on Jan 29th 2008 at 07:16:41 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Weekly Features, Suda51 is God, No More Heroes, Killer 7, Tondog

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-132/bf/U-132-S-01640-A.jpg&sizex=225[/img]Look to the right. Why, it's the box for No More Heroes, the Suda51 game of pure awesome. Think I am lying? Why not buy yourself the game? In fact, in the RF Generation realm, this week is now known as "Go Buy No More Heroes Damnit!" Week. Seriously. Stop reading this newspost,  drive to your favorite video game seller, and buy the game. If you don't own a Wii you may want to consider purchasing one to go with No More Heroes. Not sure what a Wii looks like? If you said yes to that last question, where the hell have you been? It prints money! We forgive you though, and we've made the Nintendo Wii our featured hardware to ensure that you know what to look for when you buy a Wii to accompany No More Heroes. Still reading this? What is wrong with you? Seriously. Go buy the game. Play as Travis Touchdown, be the best damn assassin in the world. Good times to be had.

So, if you are still on the fence about getting this game, then I suggest you talk to the person who currently has the featured collection. His name is Tony, and he really likes No More Heroes. Furthermore, he really likes Grasshopper Manufacture, and has a man crush on Suda51. Who can blame him though? Look at our featured image, for Killer 7. Certainly, another Suda51 masterpiece. Tony certainly has great taste, except for his Sony fetish. But, look at the pipeline. LittleBigPlanet. Echochrome. A possible price drop. Perhaps his fetish is not so bad. Perhaps you might be joining in his fetish in the not too distant future. Regardless, check out his collection, and be sure to bombard him with questions regarding No More Heroes if my Overview and Review are insufficient.

FEATURES! BUY NO MORE HEROES! BUY IT FOR YOUR FRIENDS! And that is all, until next time, keep it tuned to channel three.

Posted on Jan 28th 2008 at 10:28:18 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News

Well, we wanted some added functionality, so we switched servers, however, we are on the same host. But, for now, expect some nice new perks like lower load averages (for the time being). Of course there are server changes as well (new versions of mySQL, Perl and PHP), but we doubt you care about the nitty gritty.

If anything seems bricked after this server change, do let us know.


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