Blogger Archive: slackur 
[img width=550 height=760][/img] My dad was not a gamer, video or otherwise. He played me at chess exactly twice, handily winning both times and had no interest in playing again as he said he had nothing else to prove. When it came to the fairly new invention of video games, it wasn't as if computers and technology were foreign to him; he was one of the punch-card programmers who set up terminals for the Army's ARPANET, laying the backbone for what became the internet of today. His purchase of a Commodore 64 during my youth was completely transformative for me and shaped my future in many ways, including my introduction into the burgeoning world of video games.
Continue reading Gaming Generations Lost and Found
[img width=420 height=351][/img] Image from Wikipedia I distinctly remember in 1998 when the G3 iMac, or what was usually then known simply as the iMac, was announced in a variety of colors. I had grown up on a C64, and later the X86 and Pentium line, and what I could not wrap my head around at the time was how Apple was making a major selling factor out of the ability to pick out a translucent color scheme for your new expensive desktop. At the time (and honestly, still to this day) I thought it was a completely absurd marketing strategy and I simply couldn't imagine buying a computer based upon the color. Yet I was baffled by how many people around me, even the tech-illiterate, suddenly had to have this new computer, as if the gumdrop shape and selectable pigmentation was all they ever needed to suddenly understand my youthful nerdy passions.
Continue reading A Reflection on Games as Events Instead of Consumables
[img width=700 height=393][/img] Over the years, I've mentioned the co-op adventure/survival/shooter as one of my favorite modern game genres. I'm not naturally very competitive, but I do have a strong enjoyment and desire for playing with friends and building comradery. I must not be alone, because there has been no shortage of new experiences for playing through a co-op game with two or three friends over the last several years.
Continue reading Thoughts On Aliens: Fireteam Elite
[img width=700 height=525][/img] It was two years ago that we had our inaugural 'Test and Repair Table' at the 2019 Cleveland Classic Console and Arcade Gaming Show. One thing I think most can agree on, that in-between block of time has been unusual and the time before it seems long ago. Finally, thankfully, this year's show came around and it was as excellent as we all hoped!
Continue reading The CCAG 2021 Test and Repair Table
[img width=480 height=360][/img] Wow, has it been two and a half years since the last Gaming Apologist article? http://(http://www.rfgene...logist-Volume-1-3841.php) Ah well, it only takes two to be a series, right? If the title or previous article was tl:dr, the idea is simple; here are a few titles that don't have the greatest reviews, and I'd readily admit have faults, but I have found well worth my time and I fully enjoy.
Continue reading Thoughts from a Gaming Apologist, Volume 2
[img width=450 height=546][/img] No, nothing on a Threshold Reboot/Remake. One can dream.
If memory serves (and at my age, sometimes memory drops the ball and just kind of wanders aimlessly) I think the first "shmup" I ever played was Threshold on my C64. It was on a combo diskette with headliner Saboteur, and I only got to Threshold out of curiosity after clearing Saboteur a few dozen times. When I finally did, I was hooked! Something about Threshold still really clicks with me. There are plenty of other favored games of its ilk from the early eighties, from granddaddy Space Invaders to other favorites of mine such as Spider Fighter. Yet there's always something about your first, right?
Continue reading An Amateur Shmup Fan's Thoughts On Some Recent Releases
[img width=700 height=393][/img] For us gamers who grew up between the 70s and the 90s, arcade machines often have a special place in our hearts. Fast forward to now, and there's never been a better time for fans of retro arcade games! For years (in some cases, even decades) some of these were only accessible to a few surviving arcades and those with decent computer know-how. As a teen, I couldn't imagine that my adult self would be able to literally go to a Walmart and buy a slightly scaled-down version of the four-player Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cab.
Continue reading Thoughts on the AtGames Legends Gamer Pro
[img width=200 height=318][/img] As I was staring at the computer pondering ideas for this article, I was contacted by a trucker buddy of mine. He had stopped after a long day and wanted to hop online and play, only to be greeted with the need for a significant download patch on the game. Between inconsistent internet availability, slow download speeds, and a limited window in which to play, his gaming was thwarted. It is sadly a common occurrence for him.
Continue reading Another Angle on History and Gaming Compilations And Rereleases
[img width=600 height=359][/img] Collectors of retro video games, as collectors of all media, stand against the ravages of time's arrow. Said arrow only goes in one direction and as it inexorably pushes all forward it simultaneously leaves all behind. As the the grand philosophers in Spaceballs once posited:
Col. Sandurz: Now. You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now is happening now. Lord Dark Helmet: What happened to then? Col. Sandurz: We passed it. Lord Dark Helmet: When? Col. Sandurz: Just now. We're in now now. Lord Dark Helmet: Go back to then! Col. Sandurz: When? Lord Dark Helmet: Now! Col. Sandurz: Now? Lord Dark Helmet: Now! Col. Sandurz: I can't! Lord Dark Helmet: Why? Col. Sandurz: We missed it! Lord Dark Helmet: When? Col. Sandurz: Just now! Lord Dark Helmet: When will then be now? Col. Sandurz: Soon.
Continue reading The Early Television Foundation and Museum
[img width=550 height=688][/img] Happy New Year! As we head into 2021, we all know it is a different world than even a year ago. Most brick-and-mortar retail, including for video games, has taken a very rough beating. Somewhat surprisingly, even online stores often had a short supply of many new games. If ever there were a catalyst to speed up our medium's transition to primarily digital download, it was 2020. Conversely...
The retro game market spiked in prices, as would be expected. Even PS4s and XBox One systems became hot commodities in some areas, not to mention the Switch. The massive increase in at-home workers using programs like Zoom meant less bandwidth for online play and slow download speeds. If anything, for me the last year was another reminder of why I enjoy collecting physical copies of video games.
Continue reading Thoughts on Gaming and Collecting Going Into 2021
[img width=200 height=445];type=hw;number=00;sizex=200[/img] As a guy who has stood in long lines more than once for a new console, the impending release of the new gaming hardware generation this time around just had not lit the same fire. A combination of more strained finances, a gaming backlog of comical proportions, and a lack of day-one gotta-have-'em games meant while I would like to eventually own the new hardware, I was fine waiting. But it just so happens, I have a wonderful Beloved (and also several now-spent gift cards and rewards points) and after a sudden opportunity we now have a shiny PlayStation 5. As the title suggests, I'd like to offer my initial impressions.
Continue reading Initial Impressions On The Playstation 5 and Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch
[img width=700 height=393][/img] It is interesting when I reflect on action movies; once a perpetual staple of the entertainment diet of my youth, as I got older I wasn't as interested in them as much. Ditto the buddy-cop genre; I have fun with a good movie but over the last couple of decades I enjoy a video game version much more. Given my affinity towards co-op gaming in general it is a natural fit, and one of my recently discovered favorites is Door Kickers: Action Squad.
Continue reading Door Kickers: Action Squad
[img width=700 height=394]$native_lg_nt$[/img] All pics taken from the official site I don't play many open world games. My weekly gaming time is usually spent in multiplayer or in one-hour sessions during bike workouts. Thus a vast, open gaming experience (that often includes tons of mini-quests and various collectibles stretching for dozens of hours) is just not for me in this particular phase of life. There have been exceptions; I think Horizon: Zero Dawn is one of the best games of the current generation. Even when I decide to sit down with an open world game it takes a lot for me to be able to see it to the end. Tsushima has been out for almost two months, and although I've played it pretty much since release, I just now finished it. This means such a game must have really been worth it, and I do definitely recommend Ghost of Tsushima, though with some caveats.
Continue reading Thoughts on Ghost of Tsushima
 Bonus points if you recognize this OG save state device. Any gamer who has played for a few decades knows the moment; you pick up a favorite from your childhood, a game you put a ton of time into long ago, and now you seem to have lost all skill you once possessed. Maybe your reflexes are strangely different from half a lifetime ago, or you've spent so much time playing other types of games that a particular skill-set has just withered. Either way, gamers my age and older likely know the sad realization of trying to replay an old favorite and just hitting a brick wall.
Continue reading The Saving Grace Of Save States
[img width=700 height=218][/img] I've had time to give this new system the full run-down at this point. While I'm somewhat philosophically opposed to giving an outright 'review,' I thought it may be worth sharing my take on it. I'm not delving too much into the technical aspects (which are widely available and the nuances debated) but rather sharing my impressions and thoughts. I hope this write-up helps those interested!
Continue reading Thoughts On The Evercade and The First Ten Carts