Blogger Archive: russlyman 
I got a request to make a custom Mortal Kombat themed NES system. Although the game never officially came out on the NES, there is a ROM of it. I mean, it did come out on the Game Boy, so why not on the NES? I think this one came together nicely and it was a lot of making it, especially sculpting the Mortal Kombat dragon.
Posted on May 14th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by ( russlyman) Posted under atari |
I take the Toony Terrors figures Micahel Myers (Halloween) and Leather face (Teaxs Chainsaw Massacre) Series 2 Toony Terros by NECA and rePaint them to look more like their Atari 2600 counter parts. Both had games on the Atari system, so with the limited graphics of the system, the color palette will also be limited
Some people have had issue with their joy cons drifting, or maybe they got tired of the look of them. There are plenty of ways you can modify them. I custom painted my whole switch to look like the new turquoise Switch Lite, only thing, I still had black thumbsticks. I ordered a set of white ones to make the look compete and I show you how I installed them. Enjoy
I love getting custom orders from people who have a favorite game. This one was for my buddy Joe and he really loves the Metroid series. He told me that he also enjoyed the bad guys a lot. I wanted to try something new for this project and make it really stand out. I used Apoxy Sculpt, acrylic paints, and hot glue to make this system. Oh....and a lot of time and hard work. Check out the video to see the process and the two custom controllers I did for the system as well.
Mega Man is as classic as it gets when it comes to Nintendo. I was contacted by someone who also shared the love that I have for Mega Man, and wanted a custom NES controller showcasing that. With this design I wanted to push my creativity. I was going for a mechanical/robotic look on the controller, adding real bolts, screws, and exposed circuitboards. I think the end result speaks for itself. Also not only did I make this controller, but I made Two Mega Man custom controllers, each a little different.
Hey guys Russ Lyman here, and I'm excited to share with you another custom controller I made. I love DIY stuff, and creating something new out of something old. My friend MegaDan29 reached out to me to make him a controller themed to his favorite NES game Punch Out. I brainstormed for a bit, and released the simplest solution. Lets make it look like a boxing glove. I used a two part clay called Apoxie Sulpt to shape most of the controller, and YES it still functions. Its a little awkward to hold, but you can still use it. If you want to see a more detail build of the controller check out my full YouTube video on it here. ____________________________________________________
**Please join us in welcoming our newest staff member to the front page, Russlyman. Russ is a long-time member of RF Generation and we are looking forward to all of his awesome video gaming DIY content! - singlebanana**