RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Oct 6th 2009 at 08:08:57 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Thanks, Submissions

I told you this was going to be a monthly thing, and I wasn't lying. I may lie to my grandmother, but never to RFGen members. So here is another RFG Thanks, this time for September of course.

In September we had 3 members submit over 100 entries, those members are ga5ket, ApolloBoy, and TigerHandheld1989. A huge thanks goes out to these members. But we can't forget all the members that made less submissions that are just as important to the database. Rounding out the top ten submitters for September 2009 we have Duke.Togo, NES_Rules, itatton, Sirgin, Donkey Kong Kid, OatBob, and Darth Sidious.

Of course, without a very dedicated approval team, all those submissions would just sit in queue forever, so I'd also like to thank the staff members that approved the most submissions last month. With 100+ approvals we have ga5ket, NES_Rules, and ApolloBoy.

Thanks again for all the contributions everyone has made in the past, each one is truly appreciated. Now let's try to get even more this month!

Posted on Sep 28th 2009 at 10:47:00 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

Last week I said that I would be making this a bi-weekly thing unless I had an amazing weekend for the rest of the season. And this was an amazing weekend, so here it is just one week after the last installment.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #23

Posted on Sep 21st 2009 at 08:00:00 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

It's been a slow couple weeks, garage sales are getting few and far in between, and school has been getting in the way of getting of weekend treasure hunting. So, unless I come across some huge find this season, I'm going to be making this a bi-weekly blog until the season comes to an end. Hopefully, I can keep up the finds until the season ends and those posts are worth reading. Anyway, here's two weeks worth of treasure.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #22

Posted on Sep 13th 2009 at 06:29:36 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Thanks, Thanks, Submissions

It's been quite a while since we've done one of these, and really it's a shame it's been so long. We really don't have much of a site without submissions, and we depend on YOU, the members for those submissions. Without submissions, the site doesn't grow and that certainly isn't a good thing. So, as a small token of appreciation, I'm bringing this segment back to give thanks to those of you that have donated your time and efforts in providing scans and information to help expand THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database.

While we appreciate each and every submission, there are always some that go above and beyond to provide tons of information. In August alone, these 6 members made over 100 submissions: Ga5ket, Funk_Buddy, Madir, Fuyukaze, ApolloBoy, and NES_Rules.
And to round out the top ten submitters, we have Tynstar, qbit, Sirgin, and Den68.
Thanks also goes out to the other 40+ members who made submissions last month.

The site needs submitters, but it also needs people to approve all those submissions, so a special thanks goes out to all the staff members that approved all those submissions; ApolloBoy, NES_Rules, Ga5ket, Madir, Fuyukaze, and Funk_Buddy.

Thanks again everyone, and if you didn't see your name listed, just be sure to make some more submissions this month, and maybe, just maybe you'll have your name on the front page for September.

Posted on Sep 1st 2009 at 01:47:25 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

After several weeks of mediocre finds, I finally have some really good stuff to report on. I didn't get a lot of sales, two all weekend to be exact, but one was great and the other was absolutely amazing. I even managed to find one of my personal "Holy Grails" although, I have to admit, I kind of had forgotten I really even wanted one since I've been looking so long for it and haven't seen it at a good price in the years I've been collecting.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #21

Posted on Aug 25th 2009 at 12:14:39 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

This was a very slow week for me. I started working out at the county fair on Wednesday to get our building ready for the fair on September 2nd, so I didn't get to a chance to go to the flea market on Thursday or to go garage saling on Friday. Saturday was a slow day as well, but also rather strange as everything I bought was new, but nothing very recent. Sunday's flea market was bad, very little other than the regular vendors, but I did manage to pick up a couple games there.
Sadly, school started today for me, so my treasure hunting will be limited almost entirely to weekends for the rest of the season.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #20

Posted on Aug 23rd 2009 at 12:32:27 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Milestones, Scans, Images

Those of you who are a little more observant, may have noticed that little box over there on the right side of the home page that keeps track of the database stats. See it over there? Pretty neat isn't it? Well, you might notice that the total number of scans is just over 50,000. That's right, in a little over 5 years, RFGeneration has accumulated FIFTY THOUSAND scans.

This is obviously a momentous occasion for THE Classic and Modern Video Game Database, but we couldn't have done it without the hundreds of dedicated members who put in hours of their own time to scan these games. I've done my share of scanning, and I know how much work it can be to scan several games at once, so to those of you who have done thousands of scans, my hat goes off to you.

Some of our top image submitters since October 2006 include:

  • Tan
  • ga5ket
  • Fuyukaze
  • Y2richie
  • Pop Culture Portal
  • Rajaat the Warbringer
  • Belgarath
  • Funk_Buddy
  • Madir
  • James
  • Mezmoron
  • sharp
  • Tynstar
  • Lios

These are not the only users that deserve applause, however. There are hundreds of you that have submitted anywhere from one to hundreds of scans, and each and every scan is truly appreciated.

As the newest Site Director, I would like to personally thank each and every one of you that have contributed to the 50,000+ scans the site now has.

Now, let's see how quickly we can get to 100,000 scans!

Posted on Aug 17th 2009 at 07:10:44 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

Another slow week for me. I didn't get to do much saling on Saturday because my uncle was having a huge cookout so I had to go over and help set up around 10:30 in the morning, so I only got a couple hours of saling in. On Sunday I had to help my mom setup for a "Slovak Fest" and then help clean up from the party before going to the flea market, so I didn't get there until after 11, and there was a huge crowd with very few good deals left.
However, I did get a couple good things, so make sure to read on to see what they are.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #19

Posted on Aug 10th 2009 at 07:41:53 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

This week wasn't spectacular in that I didn't have any really big finds, but instead, I had a lot of little finds, each one a great find in their own right. For once, my first treasure of the week didn't come from Friday, but on Thursday for a change. But I didn't get much garage saling in on Friday or Saturday and then I didn't go to the flea market on Sunday at all. The majority of my finds all come very early on Saturday this week.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #18

Posted on Aug 3rd 2009 at 08:51:52 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

Another fairly slow week, but not bad really. It was definitely a heavy Sony week, in fact, everything I bought was for all three generations of PlayStation. I didn't go to any sales on Friday due to the fact that it was monsoon like in the morning and I had to meet my sister at noon without my dad knowing about it (it was to work on plans for my parents' surprise retirement party) so I skipped the garage sales altogether Friday. There wasn't much left for Saturday, but I managed to get a couple good deals that day. Sunday also brought a rainy morning, so I didn't bother going to the flea market, since it is generally deserted if it even looks like it might rain. I did get nice little surprise in the middle of the week though.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #17

Posted on Aug 2nd 2009 at 05:39:08 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collecting, Classic Gaming, Modern Gaming, Collection

It's been about a month since I started moving my game room, and well, it's done. For the most part anyway. I wanted to have my game room moved within a week, but the carpet store we got the new carpet from had a hard time scheduling the installation, so I had to wait much longer than I wanted to. However, the carpet store didn't tell the carpet installers that they were supposed to do the hallway as well, so they didn't have a piece to do the closet so Room of Doom 3.0 isn't quite ready yet, so no "after"pictures quite yet. Those should be ready next week or so.
But for now, I'll give a final look at Room of Doom 2.5 via a video tour and a sneak peak of what Room of Doom 3.0 will look like.

Continue reading The Adventures of Moving a Game Room Part 2

Posted on Jul 27th 2009 at 05:20:15 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

Another slow week, not terrible, but just really slow. For some reason, there just wasn't as many garage sales as there usually is, and what ones there were, were mostly all junk. Kind of ironically since I got a Space Invaders Deluxe arcade cab bezel last week, I almost bought a Space Invaders Deluxe cocktail cab. But when I asked how much it was, he said it was his neighbors and he wants "big money" for it. And then proceeded to tell me that it was the very first arcade game ever made, and that it was very rare etc. He never did give me a price on it. It was in sad shape anyway, the top was heavily scratched and the pain was flaking and the sides were warped and chipped and dirty.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #16

Posted on Jul 20th 2009 at 09:58:13 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

After several weeks of slow sales and meager finds, I'm finally back into the swing of finding treasure after treasure. The weekend started out pretty slow, but picked up on Saturday and ended amazingly on Sunday.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #15

Posted on Jul 13th 2009 at 06:35:55 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

This week was full of garage sales. On Friday we went to around 6 neighborhood/street sales in addition to a ton of regular garage sales. It took until 2:00 before we ran out of sales to go to in the area. Saturday was very much the same thing, but it started to rain about 1:00 and we didn't bring umbrellas with us, so we called it quits a little early. Despite the fantastic amount of sales, I didn't find much. It was better than the last couple weeks, but it still wasn't a great weekend.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #14

Posted on Jul 6th 2009 at 06:03:09 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Treasure, Trophies, Collecting, Deals, Finds

This week almost turned out to be a complete bust. There were a total of maybe 40 garage sales listed for Friday, only about half of those being close enough for us to go to. I didn't buy a single thing that day, I didn't even see much that looked interesting. Saturday was pretty much the same, we went to another 20 or so sales and I only found one thing during the day. Sunday's flea market was also slow. My current trading partner wasn't there, but the guy I used to trade with was, but he didn't have any games. I did manage to find one game at the flea market. I was severely disappointed with the results but kind of relieved because it will make moving the game room that much easier. However, on our way to another flea market (we used to go to it every week, but it's been getting smaller and smaller every year and is out of the way for us) and a garage sale in the area that was to start on Sunday,  we passed another garage sale and that sale had the treasure that saved the weekend for me.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '09 - #13

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