Blogger Archive: NES_Rules 
As you've probably noticed, we are now Android Generation. We feel this change will make us better suited for the future of gaming and technology in general. We're confident in that in a few short years, everything will be Android powered, so we're jumping on board sooner rather than later. Soon, our entire database and collection tools will be optimized for Android devices. However, since all of our development time will be going into that, we will no longer have the time or resources to update the current versions, the ones designed for your PC, whether you use Windows, Linux, or Mac, you'll soon be unable to visit Android Generation, or use our collection tracking tools. So, if you don't already have an Android device, you better go get one ASAP.
We'll also be mandating all members have our current App installed in order to continue to be registered here. So, if you haven't already download it here now so you won't be deactivated after this transition is complete.
And remember to keep it on Channel 3 your Android Device!
I'd like to officially announce three new staff members to the RF Generation team! First off, we have two new DB Contributors, Bildtstar and Raffa1985! These guys have been a submission storm the last few months, with hundreds of images and page edits, and they have been great assets in our fight toward cleaning up the Euro sections of the DB. So take a look at the Euro sections, especially the PS1 and PS2, there's still a lot of work to be done, but its going to get there a lot faster with these gentlemen on staff.
But that's not all for staff additions, we have one more, this time its an entirely new staff position. TheGrue will be joining the RFG team as a Programmer. This position will allow him to take his already wonderful Android App to the next level, making it run smoother and faster. He'll also be helping out with normal site programming in the future, allowing us to roll out new features and fixes even faster.
Last but certainly not least, we have the promotion of Shadow Kisuragi. Shadow's been excelling at every staff position he's been at and has shown he is devoted to RF Generation, so the other Directors and I thought it would benefit everyone to have him be a Director. His main responsibilities will be overseeing the Technical/Programming aspects of the site, so he'll be the one mainly in charge of making sure the site continues to run smoothly and keeping the staff on track to rolling out new features.
So give these gentlemen a round of applause, they definitely deserve it for all the hard work they have already done and all the hard work they will be doing in the future to making sure that RF Generation continues to be THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database.
Keep it on Channel 3!
Important note: As most of you reading this now know, we were hacked in February and had our databases deleted. And thanks to our fantastic staff of programmers, bickman2k, TraderJake, and St0rmTK421, we were able to recover most of our DB info. Unfortunately, we still lost two entire month's worth of submissions. Which in the grand scheme of things isn't a ton of information, but I know everyone that added anything to our DB in that time feels the pain of losing it. And I apologize for this loss and everyone should know that we're taking measures now so that a loss of information like this won't happen again.
So, thanks to dsheinem's blog post on how to recover our lost blog entries, here is December 2011's RFG Thanks. Now, keep in mind that everything mentioned here is now absent from the DB, but we still appreciate the hard work you put in in not only in December but also January for which an RFG Thanks had not been written when the site went down.
Can you believe that not only has another month come and gone, but another year? Time is just flying by and we're trying our best to keep up with all the submissions this month and year. December 2011 saw an excellent 3,491 submissions, which just goes how many of our members would rather spend time working on our DB than spending time with their families during the holiday season. The biggest of our submitters in December was Bildstar with an incredible 1,476 submissions, almost half of the month's total! Rounding out the top five submitters, all with over 100 submissions were Shadow Kisuragi, blcklblskt, raffa1985, and NES_Rules. Thank you guys for making this a great end to 2011 and thanks to everyone else who submitted during the last month of 2011. And of course, we have to thank our excellent staff of dedicated reviewers, especially our top reviewers, Shadow Kisuragi and Paully3433 with 1648 and 737 approvals respectively.
Now, you've seen what our staff and members have been up to month to month, but you're probably curious what we've done all year long. And its nothing short of amazing. Our group of members and staff from across the world have made 52,058 submissions this year! That's an average of one submission every ten seconds!
Of the 236 people who made a submission in 2011, there are obviously some who stand out from the crowd, in all, there were 13 people who made over 1000 submissions. And they are Tynstar (12,102 submissions), Shadow Kisuragi (4,517), Izret101 (4,029), aeroc (3,783), blcklblskt (2,996), Bildstar (2,583), NES_Rules (2,444), y2richie (2,254), raffa1985 (2,100), ApolloBoy (1,884), Necron99 (1,390), Fuyukaze (1,085), and ixtaileddemonfox (1,009). Thank you all, you are what makes RF Generation so special!
If you don't see your name up, why not try to get it up for 2012? As long as the world doesn't end before 2013, you'll get to see your name up here on the front page if you make enough submissions. And even if you don't make the list, you can still know that your submissions are appreciated and your name will forever be listed on the game's page.
And on a final note, I'd like to announce a new member of the staff. You can bet he was on of our top submitter's in 2011 and has a special knack for that 64-bit Nintendo console. That's right, none other than blcklblskt is now on staff as a DB Contributor. His first mission is to get that N64 section of the DB fleshed out and squeaky clean, so wish him luck, or better yet, why not help him out and make a few submissions for the N64 section!
I hope everyone survived their Halloween night and didn't get too scared. While yesterday may have been frightening, October certainly wasn't scaring away our submitters this month. Not only did we have a good month here at RFGeneration, we had a record breaking month at RFGeneration! That's right, in October 2011, we had more submissions in one month than any other since we starting tracking submissions in November 2006. Our previous record was in May of this year with an amazing 9,587 submissions. So you better believe this month was OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!! In fact, RFG members made an astounding 12,790 submissions in just 31 days. Thank you to all of you who made that happen.
Now, we normally try to not single out any particular member for their submissions since they are all important in their own way, but this month special credit is due to Tynstar. Because, you see, 10,000 of the monthly submissions were made by him. That's right, in one month he alone submitted more than our entire community in any other month. He even celebrated his 7th year at RFGeneration this month, so its especially nice to see someone who has been around for so long still so active in the database. So if you see Tynstar around on the forums or in person give him a pat on the back, he really deserves it.
For the rest of you, you won't be overshadowed by Tynstar's accomplishments. There were 72 other members who made submissions this month, so thanks goes out to all of you. The rest of members who made 100 or more submissions in October was Shadow Kisuragi, Izret101, Necron99, ixtaileddemonfox, NES_Rules, douglie007, and raffa1985. And of course, we have our dedicated team of submission reviewers, who have to sift through the thousands of submissions every month. Our top reviewers were Shadow Kisuragi, Tynstar, and Paully3433.
If you're wondering what all these fine people were making so many submissions for, they were adding 884 images, adding 222 games, adding 50 hardware pieces, and editing 11,418 game pages.
Thanks everyone who made this record breaking month happen.
Good news everyone! The drought is over, and even though it wasn't broken by a monsoon of deals, its still a break, and for that, I'm happy. The deals I got this past week were a little above "average" for me, but compared to what its been like for the past 4 weeks, it feels like some amazing deals.
And not only is that great news, but my GameGavel auctions are doing better than ever, despite all of last week's auctions being relists. The Genesis lot that didn't sell for $10, is now bid up to $20 for example, which is still a great deal IMO. Be sure to check out that auction and the others right HERE
Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #8
I'm beginning to wonder if its time to retire from garage saling. You may have noticed there was no Treasure Hunt Chronicles last week, that's because I found next to nothing, and this week was no different while out saling. That makes it four weeks since I've had a good weekend. But, I did have a couple trades this week that give me something to post about this time. Check it out after the break to see what I bought over the past two weeks.
But first, why don't you take a look at what YOU can buy from me! Check out this link to see what I have on GameGavel right now. There's nothing new this week, as I still have some good stuff to sell before I get into listing new stuff. This week I have a total of 4 PlayStations, 3 Genesis systems, two Atari 2600's and partridge in a pear tree. Oh wait, skip the partridge, I sold that yesterday.
Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #7
Good news for everyone that takes joy when I strike out while saling. Yeah, I know you're out there! This will be two weeks in a row without a massive haul of awesomeness. But, I do have a good excuse this time. Once again, I had other obligations that interfered with treasure hunting. The only day I got to do much hunting was on Friday, which is generally the slowest day anyway. You see, Saturday I had to quit saling at 11 AM to go to a great party (two-vehicle-accidents-two-head-injuries-and-one-trip-to-the-emergency-room great) and on Sunday I was just too tired from drinking all day to get up early for the trip to the flea market.
But before we get into this weeks deals, be sure to check out my GameGavel auctions, there's only one new auction, and its a relist for this week. But there's plenty to look over from last week that are still going on and at low bids.
Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #6
Another week has come and gone, so its time for a giant list of treasure, right? Well, not this week. You see, I did a different kind of hunting this weekend. Instead of hunting for games, I was hunting for fish. Early Saturday morning, my brother-in-law, his dad, my dad, and I went fishing and stayed there until about 9:00 at night. The fishing was awesome, with the crappies biting like crazy, we kept 40 fish total. The largest was caught by yours truly, a nice big 26 inch catfish that put up one hell of a fight. I fought the thing for a solid five minutes, and my arms were burning by the end of it.
But, I know you're not here to read my fishing stories, so you are in luck, I did manage to get a few nice games on Friday. Though it wasn't as much as I would have liked. Because of the fishing, I didn't get to the flea market on Sunday, so no scores from there either. After spending 13 hours on the water the day before, I was exhausted and slept in until 10AM, it felt like I had drunk a case of beer the night before.
Now, since looking at just one deal might be a little boring, and my into would be longer than the meat of the blog, I thought I'd add in some more info on this week's auctions! And there are a bunch of them coming up this week!
Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #5
This weekend was a little slower than the last couple weeks, but I'm glad it was as it gave me a little break to sort through the haul from last week. Still, it wasn't a bad week at all, the quantity wasn't great, but I think the quality of the treasure I found was pretty great.
There's only one new auction this week. I spent the better part of the week going through the Atari systems, only to realize I didn't have any boxes large enough to ship them in once I had finished. But I did have time to list the PlayStations! Bidding starts at $10, and the winner gets 4 systems, 4 games, and 3 controllers.
And don't forget about last week's auctions. There's an NES with 20 games for $30. And there's a Genesis with 4 games for $8.50.
Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #4
You may have noticed that swell little section over on the right side of the front page, the one titled Site Statistics, well look at what it says for Total Scans. That's right, over 70,000! That's way more than nine thousand.
Of course, that wouldn't be possible without the thousands of members who have helped by submitting scans of their games. If you've added one of those scans, pat yourself on the back and then thank anyone else who has added a scan. And if you haven't added a scan yet, what are you waiting for? Its very easy to do and your name will be forever immortalized on that game's page here at RF Generation. Everyone who looks at that game page will be looking at your item. If you don't have a scanner, no problem, we also accept photos of items as long as they're high quality.
It looks like the 70,000th scan was for Crusader: No Remorse submitted by y2richie. Congrats y2richie for making history here at RF Generation!
Thanks again to everyone who has made a scan submission.
It's been a while, and for once its not because of a lack of deals. In fact, the deals kind of became a hindrance of getting this written. I know, I know, I'm either not getting enough deals or I'm getting too many, whah whah whah. Maybe some day I'll get just enough bargains to make a worthwhile write up will not overloading my game room with boxes to sort through. Actually, a nice sealed Stadium Events sounds like a good thing to look for in that regard, maybe I'll pick one up next week while I'm out.
But, enough about what's going to happen next week, you want to know what I found this week. Well, I'll get to that in a moment, but first, a change and an addition to Treasure Hunt Chronicles. Which do you want me to explain first? It doesn't matter what you want, this was written days before you read it, and the order in which I explain them is already set. But, if you said "I want to read about the change first" then you're in luck, because that's what I'll explain first. Its a simple change, but Treasure Hunt Chronicles will now be posted on Thursdays. This gives me a few more days to write them up, and it allows room for the addition to the series.
That addition is actually a pretty big one, and involves all of you out there. Starting with this installment, the stuff I buy at garage sales from now on will be available to you for the prices I pay for it! Here's how it works. When I buy a lot of systems/games, I take out and keep whatever I didn't already have, the remaining stuff gets put up on with the starting price being what I paid for the lot. Now, if I buy some massive lot, I'll split it up into manageable size lots with appropriate starting bids (most likely the price I paid divided by the number of auctions I make it into). And if I buy a lot and keep most of it or the valuable parts of it, I'll lower the starting bid to a below reasonable price or add some other items to it. The auctions will run 10 days and have no reserve price. I'll generally be auctioning off items from the previous week's hunt, so what you saw last week will be available this week, and what you see this week will be available next week. At least that's the plan, we'll see if it actually works out.
Now, onto the deals!
Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #3
It was seven years ago today that a group of wonderful people put this site on the Internet for everyone across the world to use. While a lot has changed in the past seven years, I bet we have more variations now than there were total game entries when the site first launched, the mission of the site has not changed. We're here to serve YOU, the community, this is your database. The site may have been started by Michael Collins, Eddie Herrmann, Mark Hartholt, Laurel Settee, Mike Leon, and Rick Kuethe, but its been you guys and every member for the past seven years that has made this website what it is today.
And to celebrate everyone who has made this site so awesome, we have a contest every year that starts on April 28th and ends today, June 8th. During this contest, we challenge you guys to PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS and submit as much as you possibly can in an all out war against empty game pages.
And boy, did you guys answer the call this year! 8,622 images alone were added to the database. Imagine if those images were printed out as 4" x 6" prints and laid side by side, they'd stretch out over 0.8 miles. There were also more than a thousand entries added to the DB, and almost 2000 entries were edited. All this in just over a month, its truly astounding.
Now, there is the matter of announcing a winner to this contest. Is the winner blcklblskt who added over 200 entries? Or was it Shadow Kisuragi who made over 800 page edits? Maybe it was Izret101 who approved nearly 4500 submissions? Perhaps it was Crabmaster2000 for making 43 blog comments? Even though these gentlemen all kicked butt in those categories, it was actually Aeroc who won it all! During the contest, he added more than 3500 images which when combined with his other contributions, earned him 53,543 points.
To round out the top ten points gainers, we have
- blcklblskt with 30,406 points
- Necron99 with 10,958 points
- y2richie with 10,737 points
- Crabmaster2000 with 9,553 points
- Shadow Kisuragi with 6,821 points
- Izret101 with 4,742 points
- raffa1985 with 4,311 points
- ixtaileddemonfox with 3,529 points
- douglie007 with 2,547 points
Congratulations Aeroc! You're now the winner two years in a row! You'll be receiving a PM shortly regarding your prize.
As for the rest of you, thank you for participating, you all did an excellent job and really gave Aeroc a run for the contest this year. He only had 21,000 points last year, so the competition was much stiffer this year! Let's keep that spirit going the rest of the year, and make RF Generation's 7th year the best one yet!
Number 2 already? Yeah, this year has been going slow, very slow. This time last year, I was up to . . . 2? Wait, last year started out slow too. The year before that, I was up to six by this time, yeah that sounds better. So this year has been slow, very slow in fact. I fully blame the weather though. We were in a near constant freeze through March, and as soon as the temps got above 40, it started raining and has only stopped a few times since. But luckily, I was able to get some game hunting in during those precious dry days.
Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #2
Another milestone here at RF Generation! We now have over 4,000 registered members! To put that in perspective, there are six countries on this planet with a smaller population, truly this is cause for celebration. What I find is especially amazing, is how long ago we reached 3000 members, which was on June 1st 2010, less than one year ago. Its simply awesome that we've gained another 1000 members in less than one year.
So I'd like to personally thank each and every one of you who have registered, and all of you who have recommended us to your friends and fellow collectors. Without you guys, we wouldn't be here.
And if you're reading this, but aren't a registered member, what the heck are you waiting for? It only takes a minute or two, and doesn't cost a penny, ever. And you'll forever be a part of THE Classic and Modern Video Game Database!
 RFGeneration is getting old, seven years old in fact. That's right, way back in 2004 this fantastic site was founded. And while a lot has changed in these seven years, one thing has remained the same - its all about YOU, the members. Without all of you, we would be nothing and our database would just be an empty desolate place.
So, as a token of our appreciation, we like to have a little huge contest for you guys. We call it the "Pain Yourself with Submissions" contest, because to win the fantastic prize, you'll have to pain yourself with submissions. It wouldn't be any fun if it wasn't challenging.
Of course, this contest has some rules. Basically, you win the contest by submitting and being active in the community. Just about everything you do on the site will garner you points, the member with the most points at the end of the contest wins! This is how the points will be gained:
Title Addition: 4 Points Variation Addition: 4 Points Page Edit*: 2 Points Review*: 30 Points Overview*: 10 Points Image Upload: 15 Points Submission Review**: 1 Point Blog Post*: 30 Points Blog Comment: 1 Point Forum Post: 1 Point Forum Karma: See Explanation
*Regarding the asterisk: For page edits, if it is noticed that you are consistently only adding one field per edit multiple times for a single ID just to up your points, you will be disqualified. Any review or overview completed will count as a page edit as well the points for an overview or review. To get the points for an overview or review you MUST contact me via Personal Message so that I can keep a tally. In addition, the review or overview must be on the actual game / hardware page. A review or overview of poor quality could result in less points than stated being granted. The same statement holds true for blog posts.
Because we want the forum to be a lively place of fun and interesting posts, we're enabling Karma during this contest. Karma rewards members that make good posts and smites those who do not. Your Karma will play a wildcard role in posts. Positive Karma at the end of the contest will increase your point total by a factor, while negative karma will decrease it.
As with any contest, there is fine print. Any submission that you make must adhere to the RF Generation guidelines / policies. We wrote these policies and guidelines for a reason, and well, we'd like everyone to adhere to them. Failure to adhere to the guidelines could result in a disqualification.
Any point reduction or disqualification can be contested. In the event that you wish to contest, you must explain why the reduction or disqualification is unfair. If you win the contest, we’ll restore your greatness, but if you lose, you shall be pelted with figurative rocks and garbage.
**KICKER! Everyone, except for the directors of this site, is in this contest. There is a catch though for staff members… their final score will be halved. So, that should lead to a lively competition. I think halving their scores is fair, and I hope you do as well. Oh yeah, there is that 1 point for a submission review, that unfortunately only applies to staff members because they are the poor souls who must review your submissions.
What do you win? Well, we're a poor bunch here at RF Generation, but we've got a lovely prize for the top winner:
Gaming swag not to exceed $60 and an RF Generation Ringer T***
If you want to win, you better get to it, the contest ends at MIDNIGHT, JUNE 8th, 2011 (Wednesday 12:00AM Eastern). And it started when this blog post was posted, so you've already missed at least a few minutes.