RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Mar 27th 2021 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Under Defeat, Shoot the Corecast, podcast, Shmup Club, G.rev, Shinji Hosoe, Dreamcast, NAOMI, STG, shooting game, shooter, shoot em up

[img width=380 height=380]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2021-03-25_stcc_episode_032_under_defeat.jpg[/img]

In Episode 032, Addicted and MetalFRO dive into discussion about a shmup celebrating its 15th anniversary, Under Defeat! Developed by G.rev, and published by Sega in arcades, then later for the Dreamcast, this game puts a fresh spin on an old formula, and shows that the genre's roots aren't dead yet.

Grab the episode right here at RF Generation:

Or check our Linktree page to find us on all your favorite podcast services!

Check out the original discussion thread for the game here:

Thanks for listening!

Posted on Mar 7th 2021 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Review, Scanner Bin, Smartphone, photos, scans, RF Generation, Submissions

[img width=500 height=500]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81PGWEskNqL._AC_SL1500_.jpg[/img]

Before I start this review, proper, I need to give credit where credit is due, to Shadow Kisuragi, a fellow RF Generation member. He's the one who brought this item to my attention, via the RF Generation Discord (shameless plug). The image you see at the top of this article is a scanner bin, that allows you to use your smartphone as a scanner. I had been looking for a solution to take good pictures of items in my game collection, as a way to start submitting items to the RF Generation database. I had been hesitant to do so before, because I haven't had a flatbed scanner for years, and I've never had a good lighting setup for taking pictures, not to mention a way to stabilize my phone to take good pictures. This scanner bin has finally put me in a position to do just that!

Continue reading Smartphone Scanner Bin Review

Posted on Mar 3rd 2021 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Battle Garegga, Shoot the Corecast, podcast, Shmup Club, Raizing, shmup, shooter, shooting game, STG, shoot em up

[img width=500 height=487]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2021-02-27_stcc_ep_031_battle_gregga.jpg[/img]

In Episode 031, Addicted and MetalFRO take a look at a classic from Raizing that is often considered among the best shooting games ever made. To attempt to help us dissect this game properly, we enlisted the help of Plasmo and Mark_MSX, both fans of the game, and knowledgeable of STGs in general!

Download or stream the episode right here at RF Generation:

Or find Shoot the Core-cast on your favorite podcast service:

Check out the original discussion thread for the game here:

Thanks for listening!

Posted on Feb 7th 2021 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Nostalgia, Video games, memories, family

[img width=700 height=380]https://www.funstockretro.co.uk/news/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Atari-2600-Article.jpg[/img]

In December 1982, over the holiday break, from my 1st year in school, most of us on my dad's side of the family gathered at the home of my grandparents, to celebrate Christmas. Like any year, it was a time filled with candy, kids playing in the living room, while the adults sat around the dining room table, regaling stories new and old, and of course, Christmas presents. And like every Christmas, though grandpa and grandma didn't have much money, their gifts were thoughtful, and their house full of love. Those times were always magical. Little did I know the magic I was to discover during this particular holiday gathering.

Continue reading Tribute To My Uncle David

Posted on Jan 28th 2021 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Shoot the Corecast, Flight of Pigarus, Sega, Master System, Homebrew, Caravan Shooter, STG, Shmup Club, shoot em up, shooting game

[img width=468 height=513]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2021-01-24_stcc_ep_030_flight_of_pigarus_and_top_5_of_2020.jpg[/img]

In Episode 030, Addicted and MetalFRO look at our December Shmup Club selection, Flight of Pigarus! This SMS homebrew surprised us in a good way. We also take a look back at the shmups we played during 2020, and choose our top 5 games we played, out of all the games for the year!

Download or stream the episode right here at RF Generation:

Check out all the feeds where Shoot the Core-cast can be found via our LinkTree page:

Check out the original discussion thread for the game here:

Posted on Jan 8th 2021 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Hyrule Warriors, Age of Calamity, Legend of Zelda, Nintendo Switch, prequel, sequel

[img width=275 height=490]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-231/bf/U-231-S-05960-A.jpg[/img]

On October 20th, 2016, Nintendo revealed what was to be their next console. Known up to that point as the 'Nintendo NX' in gaming media circles, the Nintendo Switch was officially unveiled to the world. The very first game to be revealed was The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Not only had it been in development for some time, to be the final hurrah for Nintendo's flagging Wii U console, but was also to usher in their new console, as part of the launch line-up. As we know now, not only did the Switch change Nintendo's console fortunes around, after the market failure of the Wii U, but this latest entry in the storied franchise has also turned out to be the biggest selling game in the entire series. Nintendo revealed a direct sequel to the game in June of 2019, but in the interim, details were revealed about a forthcoming Hyrule Warriors game, focusing on the events leading up to The Great Calamity. On November 20, 2020, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity was released.

Continue reading Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - First Look

Posted on Dec 18th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Jamestown Plus, Shoot the Corecast, podcast, Shmup Club, Final Form Games, shooter, STG, shmup, shooting game, shoot em up, indie game

[img width=500 height=420]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2020-12-17_stcc_ep_029_jamestown_plus.jpg[/img]

In Episode 029, Addicted and MetalFRO explore an alternate take on the British colony of Roanoke, but this time, set on Mars! Jamestown+ was developed by Final Form Games, and is the full realization of the original release from 2011, with extra content and tweaks. Does it warrant your time this holiday season? Hopefully, we can shed some light on that for you!

Get the podcast from on your device via your favorite service:

Or stream/download the episode right here on RF Generation!

Check out the original discussion thread for the game here:

Posted on Dec 7th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Christmas, Gaming memories, retro gaming, old school

[img width=410 height=380]https://warmowski.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/excited_about_atari.jpg[/img]

Christmas is a holiday that many of us have fond memories of. Not everyone celebrates Christmas, but most of us, as kids, got time off from school for a winter break of some kind. As kids, growing up in a burgeoning age of technology, many of us wiled away the wintry hours in front of the family TV, playing whatever video game we got for Christmas, or whatever the latest thing was we had access to. When it's cold outside, and you can only spend a limited amount of time out in inclement weather, most of us preferred to stay warm, and hunker down with some good old Nintendo or Atari. Here are a couple of my holiday gaming memories, that I hope you'll enjoy.

Continue reading Christmas Gaming Memories

Posted on Nov 23rd 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Darius Twin, Shoot the Corecast, podcast, Shmup Club, Darius, Taito, STG, shooting game, shooter, shoot em up

[img width=500 height=452]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2020-11-19_stcc_ep_028_darius_twin.jpg[/img]

In Episode 028, MetalFRO and Addicted tackle the first console-exclusive entry in the Darius series! Taito brought the aquatic-themed series home after 2 entries in the arcade, and brought a 2-player experience to the SNES, when most shmups of the time were still single-player experiences. Is this game still worth playing in 2020?

You can download the episode directly, or stream it on the website, right here:

Check us out and subscribe (and rate!) on Apple Podcasts!

Continue reading Shoot the Core-cast Episode 028 - Darius Twin

Posted on Nov 5th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Backlog, Game collecting, retrogaming, video games

[img width=640 height=853]https://preview.redd.it/cc2oxpgmlts31.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c64b5250335944cfba7a6471729ac4832ad3d3c0[/img]

I've been inspired, over the last few months, to play more video games. I assume my participation in the RF Generation Community Playthrough through the year has been a bit of an indication, at least in part. I would hope my articles through the year have signaled that, as well. One thing I haven't been spectacular at over the years is time management. As a more task-oriented person, I tend to focus on one thing, and then move on to another. But with anything in life, setting goals is important to getting ahead. As many games as I own at this point, I have more than I'll realistically ever really play through. But at least I can make some plans on how to begin evening the odds.

Continue reading Chipping Away At The Backlog

Posted on Oct 12th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Kamui, Shmup Club, Shoot the Corecast, Siter Skain, doujin, indie, STG, shooter, shooting game

[img width=500 height=500]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2020-10-10_stcc_episode_027_-_kamui.jpg[/img]

In Episode 027, Addicted and MetalFRO pick apart a Japanese doujin title that borrows heavily from Taito's RayForce, as well as its sequels. Siter Skain's Kamui originally released in 1999, and hit Steam 15 years later. Does is blatant plagiarism detract from the game's own original elements? And is this game fun? Listen to the episode, and we get into all of that, and more!

You can download the episode directly, or stream it on the website, right here:

Check us out and subscribe (and rate!) on Apple Podcasts!

We're listed on Google Play - subscribe and review the podcast over there!

We're on Stitcher Podcasts now, as well, so if you use that service, have a listen to the show from there!

We also have a presence on SoundCloud now, though it's just the most current episode at this time:

We're also finally on Spotify! Check us out there, and subscribe, if you're so inclined:

We're on Amazon Music now! Check us out there, if you use that service:

We have t-shirts! Help support the podcast, and rep the shmup community by buying a Shoot the Core-cast tee - now with Gaiden design!

Check out the original discussion thread for the game here:

Posted on Oct 8th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Video Games, gaming, choice paralysis, variety

[img width=660 height=390]https://www.gamedesigning.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Is-Game-Collection-For-You.jpg[/img]

One of the things that I've been thinking about lately is variety. As the saying goes, "Variety is the spice of life." As I've gotten older, and have less time to game than I used to, I want to make sure that I'm still having new experiences, and not getting stuck in a rut. Being a podcast host, focusing on a single genre, it would be easy for me to fall into the rote exercise of playing that one type of game, and make my gaming life pretty shallow. Thankfully, I haven't (yet) succumbed to such a fate.

One way to alleviate that potential  fate is to jump into mobile gaming. Already, some have stopped reading after the last sentence, but I don't mean you should play terrible phone games. What I mean is, do something different. I don't play a lot of mobile games, but I enjoy the occasional match-3 type of game. It exercises my brain differently than the types of games I play on console or PC. I also play Words With Friends, to help continue to develop my vocabulary, and I often fire up some version of Solitaire on my phone, when I only have 5 or 10 minutes to play, and don't otherwise have access to something else. Besides that, Solitaire makes a great distraction while you're sitting on the throne, so to speak.

Continue reading Keeping Your Gaming Fresh

Posted on Sep 16th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under ZeroRanger, Shoot the Corecast, RF Generation, Shmup Club, System Erasure, vertical scrolling, STG, shooting game, shooter

[img width=500 height=500]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2020-09-13_stcc_episode_026_zer0ranger.jpg[/img]

In Episode 026, Addicted and MetalFRO cover a game that's just 2 years old, but in that short time, has already garnered wide attention from the shmup community. ZeroRanger, from Finnish development duo System Erasure, is a game that wears its influences on its sleeve, along with wearing them everywhere else. And yet, the game still carves enough of its own identity, to not be consumed by the games that it homages. What makes this game special, and why has it got so much attention? Have a listen, and we'll try to quantify that!

You can download the episode directly, or stream it on the website, right here:

Continue reading Shoot the Core-cast Episode 026 - ZeroRanger

Posted on Sep 8th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under game collecting, game collection, video games, game hunting

[img width=700 height=457]https://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1179/11799911/2683188-collection.jpg[/img]

This is a game collector's website. That seems like an obvious statement, but I feel it's important to frame this article immediately. After all, one of the first rules you learn about writing, performing, etc. is that you need to know your audience. Most of you who visit this site, and decide to make a home here, do so because you collect games. I collect games, as well. Over time, however, the way I collect games has changed. My tastes haven't changed, so much as other factors I'll delve into here. Ultimately, what I want to accomplish with this write-up is to instill the need for you as a game collector to have a plan.

Continue reading Curating a Game Collection

Posted on Sep 2nd 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (MetalFRO)
Posted under Shoot the Corecast, Shmup Club, Capcom, UN Squadron, Area 88, shmup, shooter, STG, manga, anime, arcade game

[img width=500 height=448]http://rfgeneration.com/podcasts/shmupclub/images/2020-08-30_stcc_ep_025_un_squadron.jpg[/img]

In Episode 025, MetalFRO and Addicted bring in another voice, to help discuss a Capcom classic, based on a Japanese manga property. Ser Flash, aka Serraxor of Bullet Heaven fame, jumps in, and we have some lively discussion on U.N. Squadron, known originally in Japan as Area 88. This horizontal shooter was brought home to the Super Famicom and Super NES with some major changes, and we compare the 2 games, and decide which is our favorite between them.

You can download the episode directly, or stream it on the website, right here:

Check us out and subscribe (and rate!) on Apple Podcasts!

We're listed on Google Play - subscribe and review the podcast over there!

We're on Stitcher Podcasts now, as well, so if you use that service, have a listen to the show from there!

We also have a presence on SoundCloud now, though it's just the most current episode at this time:

We're also finally on Spotify! Check us out there, and subscribe, if you're so inclined:

We have t-shirts! Help support the podcast, and rep the shmup community by buying a Shoot the Core-cast tee - now with Gaiden design!

Check out the original discussion thread for the game here:

Thank you for listening, and any feedback you have for us would be greatly appreciated!

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