RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Mar 29th 2009 at 07:02:51 AM by (logical123)
Posted under New Consoles, Zeebo, OnLive, Wii, 360, PS3

Every year, much like E3, there is a convention titled the Game Developers Conference. This year, it ran from March 23rd to the 27th. In that time, many new, innovative games (software) as well as hardware were announced. Two of which being new consoles, or perhaps better dubbed as pseudo-consoles, titled the 'Zeebo' and 'OnLive'. Now we shall look over these two "consoles" and examine what may or may not make them come out ahead of the competition, which is their (eventual) goal.

89181Onlive.png First, we are greeted by the OnLive service console thingy. I am hesitant to call it an actual console, because it completely does NOT meet the normal requirements for a 'console' designation, in any respect.

Slated for release sometime in the Winter of 2009, this console/system/thingy uses a unique method of playing games; it streams them, taking DLC to a whole new level. What do I mean by stream? Well, there will be 3 ways to play games: 1) On your PC, 2) On your Mac, or 3) On your TV. To play games via PC or Mac, you download a small plug-in for your browser, which you then access an "OnLive Server", which streams your games directly to your computer, never saving them directly to your hard disk. Supposedly, this method of streaming should work flawlessly, as long as your internet connection and computer meet the minimum requirements. To play on your television, you purchase what has been dubbed a 'Mini-Console', which acts like the small plug-in for your browser. According to the developers, the mini-Console will work with all Bluetooth accessories, so you will be able to use your 360 and PS3 controllers to play their competitor's 'console'.

My own impression? Well, to put it rather bluntly, crash 'n burn, unless the streaming works as well as they advertise it. If it does do what it is supposed to, and be able to play in HD (if you have a high enough bandwith), then it might have some potential. I guess all we can do is wait and see what the base price for the mini-console and the service will be. Only time will tell...

And up next, we have *drumroll*

89139Zeebo.jpgThe Zeebo! Now, what kind of name is that? Almost sounds suspicious... Like Swoopo... Alas! I am off topic!

The Zeebo was developed by more than 12 companies, and is released under the company TecToy, a distributor in Brazil. The console, dubbed as the "First Brazilian Developed Console", is designed to meet the needs of the ever growing middle class in the 'BRIC', or Brazil, Russia, India, and China. In the next decade, it is projected that over 800 Million will join these ranks, having more money to spend on entertainment. At a base price of only 199.99USD, the console is on par with the Wii in terms of price.

One must remember though, that a Wii in these nations costs a fortune. In fact, the Wii, or PS3, or 360 aren't even officially SOLD there! One must import one from Japan, etc. For example, a Wii costs a Chinese citizen about 1000HKD plus Customs. That's about 450USD! The basic reason for the high cost is because of rampant piracy in these countries. It isn't profitable to market in these countries.

However, the Zeebo is changing this. It will be marketed in these countries, and games will be exclusively DLC only, via a Zeebo specific 3G wireless network, like those used in Smart Phones. The perk is that you do NOT pay for this service. You get the 3G connectivity right out of the box. What you pay for is the games themselves.

While the Zeebo looks a lot more 'childish' than the OnLive, its technical specifications aren't that bad, with a 500+ Mhz Processor, 3D Graphics core, and so on. The console has had interest by many major developers seeking to place their games on the system's line up. To me, the Zeebo looks like a good deal for these people in the BRIC, and can introduce a new generation to gaming.

The verdict is... Well, I'd say the Zeebo swoops OnLive off the board. The OnLive has too much that can go wrong, with its streaming technology. The Zeebo has games that you actually download, and get to keep, even if they are digital. If the Zeebo is ever marketed outside of the BRIC, then I would probably purchase it before the OnLive service.


Posted on Mar 20th 2009 at 01:16:50 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Polls, Sonic, Mario, Zelda, Best, Game, Character, Ever

In the spirit of my "The Best System Ever" series, we, as a community, will choose the BEST video game character... EVER!!! "But, there are so many," one might say... Well, this is where the blog comes in.

YOU! The reader! You will submit 2 Nominations via the Comment box for the "Best of the Best" Poll/Tournament. You will say the character's name, the game or games that they are in (or the series, ie Final Fantasy), and submit. Done! Hopefully, everyone's nomination can get in, provided that we have at least a few duplicates (hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge). Then, rounds will consist of 2 or 4 characters each, depending on the number originally submitted. The poll will progress to the next round after 5 days. Each character that is in a specific poll on a specific day will also be paired with a bio. This bio will have information on the character, as well as a picture, etc.

Now, the clincher; I'm giving you, the reader, the ability to submit a bio to be included in the polls. Granted, it will probably be cut down and reformatted, but you will receive credit, and lot's of it. I do this to cut down on time out of my studies. Tongue Not all bios will need to be submitted, but if people are in a writing mood, then you can shoot me a PM with a bio in it on a specific character that is in any given poll. This will make the poll run a lot smoother, and it gets your name put out there! What a snazzy idea, right?! nod

So, to push the snowball down the hill, my two picks are... (drumroll):

-Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog series)


-Mario (Mario series).

Let's see those Nominations people, and may the best man (or rather, character) win!

Posted on Mar 13th 2009 at 05:00:00 PM by (logical123)
Posted under Website Overviews, Swoopo, Overview, satan, evil, stealing, PS3, 360, Wii

[img width=230 height=87]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/07362Swoopo_logo.png[/img] is Evil
Everyone wants things on the cheap. After all, we are going through some tough economic times right now. When you see an add that says "Playstation 3 sold for $32.50! Visit now!", you are immediately drawn in. A PS3, for less than list, and it looks legit?! Is this possible?! Well, my friend, I am here to tell you how...

You see, the site we are talking about is none other than Swoopo, which just so happens to be more vile and evil than e(vil)bay itself. Swoopo is a relatively new site, founded in 2005 for German bidders, with it coming to the States in September of 2008. It is not a normal bidding site, AT ALL. See, on a bidding site like ebay, each item is posted by another user. Then, you, the buyer, bids on said item. After that, you pay the buyer, who then pays fees to ebay and ships you the item. That's normal.

This is how Swoopo works:

You are you. Swoopo is swoopo. There is no seller other than swoopo. You buy from the company that is swoopo, not some other seller. Every bid you place raises the price of the item by $0.15, or $0.01, if it is a penny auction. It also, if there is less than 20 seconds left on the auction left, it brings the time back up to 20 seconds. Oh, and I almost forgot... Each bid costs you, the bidder $0.75!

So, we have all of these different factors, correct? What is wrong with this, then? Well, it's the basic fact that, if a penny auction makes it to $175.92, that's 17592 bids at $.75 each, on say, an Item that costs $899.99 for them to buy. That's $13,369.92 income on one item on swoopo's end, which figures to nearly 1400% profit! Meanwhile, 17591 or so people have been shafted because they all payed money to get nothing! Then, the winner has gotten truly lucky, because they managed to bid last and not have anyone else re-bid again, which resets the clock again to 20 seconds.

Well, the authorities in many places have caught on. In England, swoopo was investigated as an unregistered gambling site, and let off the hook. This is where you come in. What are your feelings on this evil, dastardly, bastardly site? Will you sign up, and see if you can nab a deal? If you think so, then you may be right. The chances are slim, but you might just get the deal of your lifetime, or at least, your day.


Posted on Mar 7th 2009 at 02:46:46 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Review, DS, Fire Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New, Review, Nintendo, IT PRINTS MONEY!!!

When someone says 'Fire Emblem', many Americans and Europeans may not know what you are talking about. The Fire Emblem franchise was introduced to North America and Europe not too long ago, with a Game Boy Advance release titled Fire Emblem, in 2003/2004. Prior to this date, NA'ers and Europeans had only learned of the series via either the import scene, or Super Smash Brothers: Melee, on the GameCube.

But, what many do not know, is that FE has been a long standing, and quite popular franchise in Japan. Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryū to Hikari no Ken or Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light in English, was released in 1990 on the Famicom, or NES to the rest of the world. On February 17th, 2009, North America was 3rd to recieve this original game (being released on December the 5th, 2008 in Europe) in an all new, remade format, titled Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.

Utilizing the DS's 2 screen interface, this (practically) new game is incredibly fun to play, and has a wonderful background soundtrack.

Learning Curve:
Quite Easy to start with, but as you approach Chapter 5 - 7, it gets progressivly more difficult. It jumps up to this quite difficult-ness very quickly, instead of slowly getting more difficult.4.5/5

Awesome! The story is very fun to read, and you feel as if you are actually part of the game, in a way. I won't spoil it for you, but you basically take on the persona of Prince/King Marth, commanding your forces and Leveling up, to save your kingdom.5/5

Replay Value:
Since I haven't actually beaten it yet, I can't say much on the topic of replay value yet. It seems to me, however, that this would be a game that going back to after you beat it makes it really easy. 4/5

Brilliant. The music fits the tone of the game amazingly, and the composer did a wonderful job. It also makes great use of the DS's fairly high Audio Quality, sounding very nice even through the speakers. 5/5

To sum it all up, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon is a great game. It has many qualities that make it highly addicive the moment youy begin to play. For the normal DS game price of $29.99, you can get more than your money's worth out of this game.

18.5/20 or 92.5%

Posted on Feb 26th 2009 at 06:26:28 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Askablog, How, did, you, find, RFgeneration, askablog

Welcome to Ask-a-Blog Numero Dos! Today's question: 'How did you find rfgeneration?'

Fairly simple, but again, let's here those answers! Cheesy

My story is *drumroll*:

I spend a lot of time on Google. A lot. A lot a lot. A lot times a lot. You get the idea. The year is 2006, and I am perusing the following search query: "Video Game Collection Organizer". At around, oh, I dunno, page 7 or so, rfgeneration.com caught my eye. I clicked it, looked around, and decided it was nice, and something I would come back to. Bookmarked.

Fast forward to 2007, April of '07. I'm organizing my bookmarks, when I see a logo that I'm not too familiar with. 'RFGen'. Out of curiosity, I click the bookmark, and actually LOOK around the site. I missed a great site, and knew I should join up immediately, and promptly so. My official register time stamp is April 22, 2007, 10:31:31 AM, user number 1263. And I have been hooked ever since. The spring/summer of 2008 is when I really got hooked though, and became an active member in many aspects of the site, including the Forums, Blog, Blog Commenting, and Database...

So, there's my story. How's about your story (if you pardon the colloquialism...)?

'How did you find

[img width=234 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/left.gif[/img] ?'

Posted on Feb 21st 2009 at 07:05:00 PM by (logical123)
Posted under Gamerfuel, Caffiene, Gamerfuel, LAN Party, All, Nighter

What's your prefered Gamerfuel?

Getting poll results. Please wait...

monster_energy-logo.jpgIt's late. You glance at the clock on the wall; 1:47AM. You and your online 'pals' are deep in a game of Call of Duty 4. Throwing a grenade, you have what has plagued all of us, all of our lives, tiredness. You cry out to your teammates "Back in 5, I need some instant energy!"

Stumbling through the darkness, you are greeted with the age old task, how to stay awake...

So yeah! How do all of you take on the big bad tiredness monster? Do you ignore it completely, and play until passing out? Do you submit and go to sleep? Or do you use one of the 'age old' methods listed here?

What's your favorite caffeinated soda or energy drink, if these methods are used?

Do you regret having caffeine ever? Why?

Just some questions that I want to here from You, the reader!!! This is the first in a (hopefully) ongoing so-called 'question' blogs, where I ask you the question. A sneak peak of the next question is 'How did you find rfgeneration in the first place?'

So, whadda ya say? Let's here some responses! Cheesy


Posted on Feb 17th 2009 at 08:24:34 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Review, Sega, Game, Gear, Handheld, Console Wars, Nintendo, Atari

Rob's First post as a Blog Writer! Be nice to him!
The Sega Game Gear was, as most gaming products of the time, a response to a competitor's product. The Game Gear was no different, it being Sega's response to the Nintendo Game Boy.

The Game Gear's development began in 1989 under the codename 'Mercury', sticking with the Sega tradition of naming things after Roman gods. A year later, on October the 9th, 1990, the Game Gear was released in Japan, with a North American and European release a year later (Australia would get the handheld sometime in 1992). Comparing the GG and GB is fairly easy: the Game Gear is technically superior. With a higher color palette, higher resolution, larger & backlit screen, one could ask, why did the Game Boy remain on top? The answer...

Cost, as well as bulkiness and battery life. Oh, and you mustn't forget the fact that the Game Boy was already established as a market leader, with many games already out for it.

The Game Gear is a mammoth, even larger than the Sega Nomad. Weighing in at over 400 grams, it could give you a workout just holding the thing. In addition to weighing an extraordinary amount, the thing was as thick as a textbook! Size (and non-portability) mixed with horrid battery life (6 AA's would get you 5 hours, according to Sega. I've never gotten that much) is what killed, or rather, never let this system live out a proper span.

U-045-S-00610-A.jpg&sizex=350As for the system, in terms of games and gameplay, it does not fall too far short of the Game Boy. With having amazing sound and full color, the games did pop off of the screen, before smearing into a blur as the game scrolled by. Another plague of the system, screen smearing, this is incredibly evident in all fast games, and makes classics like the GG Sonic's almost unbearable to play. Games are fun and simple, much like the Game Boy. But again, you are presented with a dellema, $149.99 or $89.99, and the Game Boy is smaller, more portable, has more games, etc, etc. You choose which one you want. I'd pick the Game Boy.

After you get through all the bad aspects of the Game Gear, the ones that caused it to not fail, but to not do as well as it should have, you see a system that isn't so bad after all. With a car AC adapter, and a couple great games (Columns, Dynamite Heddy, Sonic 1, 2, Triple Trouble, etc), you would be set for those long car rides to wherever they may be.

EDIT: Wow, aren't I an idiot. I completely forgot to mention the Master System add-on. See, the Game Gear was basically just that, a Master System in a portable form, with a few extra colors. Sega realized this, and released a converter allowing SMS games to be played on the GG. This brought over such classics as R-Type and Phantasy Star to the Sega 'Handheld' table.

To sum it all up, the Game Gear isn't the best hand-held out there, but it definitely is not the worst. Bogged down by a list of problems and hassles, Sega could have done a better job on this system (as well as a few others!). However, if you were ever to come a crossed an example of this system for $20 or lower, snatch it up. It will make a nice addition to your collection.

Even with its share of problems, the Game Gear gets a well earned score of:

17.5/20 or 87.5%

And, as a quick after thought, thanks to the staff for choosing myself and Nionel to contribute to the blogs. I know we'll do a fine job. Smiley

Posted on Jan 19th 2009 at 10:20:48 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Review, Sega, Sonic, Hedgehog, 2, Review, Classic, Gaming

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was the turning point in Sega's history. Released roughly one year after it's predecessor, Sonic 1, on Nov 21, 1992 in Japan, and Nov 24, 1992 in North America and Europe, Sonic 2 can be designated as the spark that ignited the major console wars between Nintendo and Sega. Only mere months after its release, Sega's market share had skyrocketed to an astonishing 50+%. This review will tell you why.

In the beginning of the game, we are greeted with the familiar chorus of 'SEGA', followed by a Sonic Team logo. After this fades out, the Sonic 2 logo begins to fade in. But wait! What, or rather who is that?! It is none other than the latest addition to the then young Sonic franchise, Miles 'Tails' Prower. In this game, you are given the ability to play as Sonic, Sonic & Tails, or just Tails. Whether or not Tails was a good addition to the game is a matter of much debate. You will find out my opinion later.

Learning Curve:
Come on... It's a Sonic game! Press A, B, or C to jump, and down A, B, or C to spindash. Easy to learn, difficult to master. 5/5

Gameplay in this game is great if you are playing as the Sonic & Tails duo, and brilliant if you are just Sonic. Why? Tails is just an idiot, plain and simple. He tends to botch up what you are doing, and when you actually need his help, he doesn't give it to you! However, the little 'Tails' problem will not detract from the gameplay. What makes the score rebound is what all Sonic fans know and love, Spindash. Introduced in Sonic 2, the Spindash is an iconic symbol of Sonic's speed. Overall, gameplay is quick, quirky, fun, and simple, just as a Sonic game should be. 5/5

Level Design/Replay Value:
Sonic 2 greets you with all new levels that are more zany than his first installment. If we look ahead a few years, to Sonic CD, I personally say that if Sonic CD has THE best levels of a Sonic game, Sonic 2 is a close second. Twists and turns will get you lost instantaneously, and the fun just never quits. Hidden passages and more points will keeps you playing again and again. 5/5

There are many songs in the video game world that you just can't forget. SMB: Overworld Theme, Metroid, Kirby, Legend of Zelda, the list goes on and on. Well, add Sonic 2 to that list. After a bout of Sonic 2 gaming, you will catch yourself humming these 'catchy' tunes! From Zone 1 to Zone 7, they're all great! 5/5

In conclusion, Sonic 2 is one of THE best Sonic games out there, and definatly deserves the official designation of a Classic Masterpiece.

20/20 or 100%

Posted on Oct 5th 2008 at 05:17:35 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Store Review, Game Stop PS3 Wii 360 Review Chain EVIL OHNOES1!

You are strolling down the walkway when you see a gleam in the distance... "What is that?", you begin to wonder. You quicken your pace, and the thing comes into view: a store front. Jogging now, you begin to hear a courus of Angels Singing "Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!". An aura encompasses the place! You are crying because you haven't seen the place in many years!! FUNCOLAND! Ahh... The memories. You fling the door open... And...

You wake up. It is raining outside, and the clock reads 10:04 in the morning. You look outside, and see what was once holy ground, FuncoLand. Now there, is an evil, desolate place. GameStop!


AHHAHAHA! Okay! So! Story telling aside, as you may have noticed, I have had some really bad experiences at GameStop. A few (not many...) have been great, but these 'good times' are overpowered by the 'bad' to even 'horrid' times. So even though the title says "Good Game Stores", GameStop may or may not be such. Let's see why...

  1. Selection: Meh. They have all the new games, and some of the older ones as well. Also, they usually have lots of used games too. They don't always get their games on time though... 3.5/5

  2. Organization/Product Quality: I have NEVER seen a GameStop in which the games were alphabetized, or even remotely organized (ex facing the same way, etc). And their used product quality is horrid. Out of every 5 games that I get there, 1 will freeze and or NOT EVEN WORK. Can't they check to see if a game works? I give this section a 1.5/5, and I think that is VERY generous.

  3. Prices: Good to Great actually... They have some great sale deals that happen every once in a while, as well as just normal prices that make up for the abysmal customer service and crappy game conditions/playability.4.5/5

  4. Customer Service: Blarg... (Yes I said Blarg...) Not the WORST, but far from the best. I ask them if I can check the disks (visually) before I buy them. What do they say? "They are FINE man... Just trust me." Trust you? I think NOT!!! I trusted them, and I got a copy of Guitar Hero 2 THAT DID NOT WORK!!!!2.5/5, because I can always trade their faulty games back without much hassle.

GameStop manages to scrape a 12/20, or 60%. All in all, I will continue to shop there, but there are MANY alternatives that I usually try before I patronize them.

Have any of you guys (or gals) ever had a success story with them? Probably a horrendous one?? Leave a comment, post a blog, PM me! Thanks!!! And keep it on channel 3!!!! Smiley

Posted on Sep 27th 2008 at 07:15:29 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Online Stores, Online Stores trading ebay evilbay video games sega atari nintendo sony microsoft

This is now my second online selling/buying/trading review, and I have a great site for y'all; gameTZ.com!


GameTZ is not your everyday game site, in that it isn't an actual store, much like the dreaded e(vil)bay. But that is where the likeness stops. Due to this 'non-storelike' nature, I will not be rating this site on a point system.

Simply put, the site is designed for the trader, with ease in mind. You can add games you want to the creatively named Want List, you can add games to your Trade List, and you can even compile a Collection List!

After signing up and adding games to their respective lists, you then can search for matches, or other people that have things you want, or you have things they want. You can then start a Trade Offer, in which you write out the exact terms of the trade. The other party then can accept, or deny the trade offer. The trades don't necesarily have to be 'trades' to be trades. Example: You want Super Mario Bros. They want $6 + Shipping. That is done all the time. It doesn't have to be a trade.

Another neat feature is their 'Star System'. Depending on certain criteria, you can earn a Bronze, Silver, Gold, Double Gold, Triple Gold, etc, etc. Also, If you do international trades, you can get a Normal Globe and a Gold Globe. Some of the criteria are such things as: How many trades you have, when the last time you logged on was, etc. This star system, again, is in great likeness to ebay's star system.

Now many may be reluctant to use any other site other than ones that they are familiar with, and ones that have a firm, rooted background. Gametz has been online since October 20, 1997, and to date, 177197 completed trades have gone through.

All in all, gametz.com is a great website. They also have a great forum community. I give them an all around 'THUMBS UP'! "The best part?", I bet you're wondering... It's all free. laugh

EDIT: I am logical123 on gametz.com, if you were wondering. My profile is here.

Posted on Sep 25th 2008 at 06:48:59 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Gaming, History Gaming Weekly Features Sony Atari Sega NTY

While reading Nik the Communist's great blog post about Myst turning 15 today, I got an idea (see his post here); A weekly historical blog!

Every week, on Saturday evening, or Sunday morning, I will do some research on meaningful historical occurrences within gaming history. Sounds like fun, right? Well, that is what I thought. But then I ran into a snag... I am not to great at what is called 'html' coding.

So! This will give me an opporitunity to use my brain on the weekend, when I am not in school. This will be not only a learning experience for you, but for me as well. If all goes well, then "Official Post Numero Uno" will be this Saturday Night/Sunday Evening! Wish me luck! And if you have any games that you want to see make their way into the post, just shoot me a pm!

And, have you all know, this post was my first lesson. None of the code was copied and pasted. Yay me? I think SO! *Applause*

So, make sure to stay on RFgeneration and KEEP IT ON 3!!!!


Posted on Aug 23rd 2008 at 06:56:17 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Site Review, Video Game Site Review Purchase Buy Deals Shipping

The search for good places to buy games is often a difficult one. Many choose to buy their games solely without the help of the internet, which may include game stores and yard sales, while others rely on it almost entirely. Others still, rely on a combination of the three; some stores in your area, some yard sales, and some online buys. This blog is to help you decide what online stores you should use. Also, I may review some stores in the Chicago area, but that most certainly will NOT apply to everyone. Let's Begin!!!

eStarland is awesome. Plain and simple. Many may have not shopped via this wonderful site, but I have, and the result was nothing short of AWESOME.
  1. Selection: You can't have a good store without having a good selection of merchandise, can you? Well, they do! From the new consoles (Wii, PS3, 360, PS2, DS, GBA), to the old classics (NES, SNES, Genesis), to the oddballs (Neo Geo, 5200), they have IT ALL! 5/5

  2. Prices: Nothing short of good. Notice I didn't say great, because on somethings, they overcharge. Many sites do, but I am not willing to pay $35 for a Genesis, plus shipping. On some items, the prices can't be beat. On others, it is worse than abysmal. 3.5/5

  3. Customer Service: Quite good. I had a question, and sent them an e-mail. One day later, I got a clear and concise answer. I was very pleased. But, they do have a customer service chat line that never seems to be online... 4.5/5

  4. Shipping Charges: Again, good, but not great. Shipping for the first item is $4, and each is $1 after that. But, they do offer other shipping methods such as Express ETC., ETC. 4.5/5

  5. Shipping Time/Turnaround Time/Packaging: Amazing. That is all I have to say. I got my package 3 days after payment went through, and it is advertised as "2-7 Days, 24 hour processing time". And, for the safe arrival of your games, they shrink wrap them all, for your satisfaction. 5/5

Now, my success story...

I ordered a copy of Corpse Killer for the 32XCD. It was advertised as "USED - Complete". For only $5, I couldn't resist. But, I was tempted to buy the "NEW" copy, for only $11. I went ahead and bought the Used copy. A few days later, my package arrives. Looking through my goodies, I notice that Corpse Killer has a different type of wrap on it, and its even shrink wrapped different. I rip that sucker off, and what do I find inside? A NEW GAME!!! Complete with the registration card, and even the tattoo! The game disk smells new, and looks virgin, as though it has never been played.

All I know is, I have had a great experience through them. They get a well earned 22.5/25!!!

Have any of you guys (or gals) ever had a success story with them? Maybe a horrendous experience? Leave a comment, post a blog, PM me! But don't just sit there!! Smiley

Posted on Aug 6th 2008 at 09:22:15 PM by (logical123)
Posted under Site News, Chat, IRC, noob, video game

Ed Note: Got to love logical's fervor. -TJ

So... Our great site rfgeneration.com has this really awesome thing called a chat room. And it's just that, AWESOME! I know that personally, I've had some great times in the chat room, and I can assure you all that others have too.

You got a question but don't want to wait for a reply to your post? Then you could go over to the chat and ask. you would get an answer. Bar none. At least, that's how it used to be...

The chat here at rfgeneration has become a ghost town, a miserable excuse for the BEST GAME SITE EVER! Malygris is almost always in there, and I frequently stop by. So do others. But if you're the only one in a chat room, don't you normally leave? Of course you do. It's down right boring.

That's why I am blogging to my fellow rfgen'ers, so that we can revive the chat, make it lively again. At least, I hope thats what everyone gets out of this... Wink

The chat is awesome, and I don't like seeing it go to waste. So, hop on over to the rfgeneration chat room, and get CHATTING! Smiley

Posted on Jun 19th 2008 at 06:32:45 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Classic Gaming, Space Invaders, Space Invaders 30th Anniversary, Space Invaders Extreme, Taito

Space Invaders celebrates its 30th Anniversary this year. 1978-2008. How utterly awesome!

Space Invaders, along with Tetris and Pac-Man, are probably the only games my parents ever played out of will. I may have forced them to try a race or something, but they were from that generation.

Invaders is the definition of a Classic Game. It was one of the best sold arcade cabinets in history, and has been linked to the shortage of money in the late 70s - early 80s in Japan. It was that great!! Having a release on the 2600 boosted its popularity even more.

On June 17th, 2008, in commemoration of its 30th year, Taito/Square Enix released Space Invaders Extreme. Or as I like to call it, Space Invaders for 'our generation'. My first impression was "Whoa!! Trippy!!", because...well it is. It is also TOTALLY FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!

This game is a great 30 year a-toast to a classic. Here's to another 30 years of classic fun!! Happy Birthday Space Invaders!!

Posted on Jan 7th 2008 at 06:44:54 PM by (logical123)
Posted under Site News, guests, logon, site news, rfgeneration, forums, Register Today!

This is a public sevice announcement brought to you by logical123

Hello to all you guests on RFGeneration right now! I'm logical, and I'm here to tell you REGISTER!!!!! Please! Yesterday, while on the forums, I noticed that there were 30 guests on-line, but only 6 registered users. The site and its members won't bite, we promise. The site is great! You can find people to ask questions, you can sell extra controllers, and of course, the Collection Software tool, the pride and joy of the site. Our coding monkeys are some of the coolest dudes around, the site works nearly perfectly. Find an error? Post in the forums. It will get fixed. Bar-none. The site is great. Register, you won't regret it.

Handy dandy link to register -> Register Now!!!

Ed Note: You got to love our members' dedication. It's ravenous. Join the fun, will you?

Edit By logical: The link was made into a "Register Now!" type thingy. I'm in the process of learning html. :-) Thanks!!

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