Blogger Archive: jcalder8 
After some very positive feedback I am going to continue writing out my life story.... or at least the parts that are G rated and have something to do with video games. For anyone who has not read part 1 here is an easy to find link: LINK When I finished the first part I had finished by writing about the Intellivision which remains my favorite pre-NES system. During this part I..... well you'll have to keep reading to find out.
Every summer we would go to a Kamp Ground of America(KOA) and there they would have an amazing room filled with arcade machines. I would estimate that they had between 8 and 10 games but as the years passed they decreased the number until they probably only had 2 or 3. As I said we never had a lot of money but I would always be given two quarters a day so that I could play a couple of games. Like most kids my age I would watch the games run through their attract mode, this is something that I have passed along to my own son so this tradition can continue(actually in all honesty I still love watching it play through). I have a vivid memory of sitting on a stool and watching Excitebike play through.

Continue reading Memories from 30 years of gaming Part 2
I know it has not been that long since my last entry but I have made a lot of progress recently so I figured that it was a good time for an update.
I was able to finish cleaning the last six rollover switches and overall I am happy with how they turned out. I think some of the dirt might have been holding them in place better though because since cleaning them numbers three and five now have a tendency to stick, which would not be so bad if they did not rack up the score and make a very annoying noise.
Continue reading My, mostly, lifelong dream PT 4 with more pictures
I bet you were wondering if this was ever going to get posted, well I am happy to report that here it is and I now have a functioning pinball machine, although it still has its fair share of problems....
Continue reading My, mostly, Lifelong Dream Pt 3
Part 1 can be found here: LINK Part 2: What I actually bought...
First for the good, the playfield is in fair to good condition with minor wear and only a couple spots of touch up which is pretty good for a game almost 30 years old. Another piece of good news is that new glass was installed because someone sat on it, apart from that though there is not much to get excited about...
Continue reading My, mostly, lifelong dream PT 2 with pictures!
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three