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Posted on Apr 22nd 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under rf cinema, ready player one, movies

[img width=700 height=448]https://i.imgur.com/E8pYZtT.jpg[/img]

I read Ernest Cline's dystopian, reference-laden young adult novel Ready Player One in 2015 after it was recommended to me by my wife. Though I enjoyed the book, I felt that the reliance on references of 80's pop-culture was a little overwhelming. When I heard that the book was going to be adapted into a film, I was intrigued. What would it be like to have the many intellectual properties referred to in the novel seen on the big screen together? Even with Steven Spielberg at the helm, and the original author contributing to the screenplay, could a coherent story be told with all the pop-culture overlaying the action? I recently checked out the film with my wife, and here are some quick, spoiler-free thoughts.

Continue reading RF Cinema: Ready Player One

Posted on Mar 20th 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under mass effect, reviews

[img width=700 height=393]https://i.imgur.com/WFcchKR.jpg[/img]

I hate seeing a major title misfire right out of the gates. Sure, there is some serious opportunity for schadenfreude, especially when the game in question is released by a cynical, consumer-hostile publisher like EA. When Mass Effect: Andromeda was announced, I was very excited for it. Although I believe the series declined from its initial entry, I was excited to see how Bioware and EA would create a new story within the Mass Effect framework.

Continue reading Don't Believe the Negative Hype - Mass Effect: Andromeda

Posted on Feb 20th 2018 at 01:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under reviews, wwi, fps, ps4, ea

[img width=700 height=367]https://i.imgur.com/LXQFKa9.jpg[/img]

World War I has recently piqued my interest in a major way. I've been studying the events of the "war to end all wars" for past few months as I honestly knew nothing about it previously. Recently reading All Quiet on the Western Front and A Farewell to Arms made me want to dig deeper into this historical catastrophe. After much reading, and watching countless Youtube videos, I sought out a copy of EA and DICE's WWI shooter Battlefield 1. I played through the campaign recently and I thought the game was very interesting and enjoyable. However, I was left scratching my head at some incredible omissions by the developers, namely the countries involved in the playable campaign.

Continue reading The Incomplete Single-Player Campaign of Battlefield 1

Posted on Jan 23rd 2018 at 01:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under collecting, resolutions

[img width=700 height=413]https://i.imgur.com/B6fiqwO.jpg[/img]

For gamers and collectors, the advent of a new year commonly brings goals and resolutions as with any other aspect of life. In the past I have tried to tweak my habits to get the most out of the medium, and I have usually been able to maximize my enjoyment of the hobby, or at least evaluate my own behaviors in an honest way. My goals for both playing and collecting video games in 2018 are reactionary to the way I approached them in 2017. I'm going to reign back the deluge of spending and quantity of titles played.

Continue reading Hello, 2018!

Posted on Dec 20th 2017 at 01:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under new year, gaming

[img width=700 height=410]https://austin.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/pennybackerfireworks-flickrcc.jpg[/img]

I'm ready to wrap up 2017 from a gaming perspective, and otherwise. This year will go down as another banner year for video games which ends in a seven, and while I have acquired many of the top-tier titles released this year, the only one I played was Persona 5. It was a fantastic experience, but it was the only cutting edge experience I had all year. As the year draws to a close, I find myself looking forward to 2018 as the year when I will play the best games of 2017, like Nier: Automata and Yakuza Zero among many others.

Continue reading Good-bye 2017!

Posted on Nov 24th 2017 at 01:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under yakuza, ps3, review

[img width=550 height=691]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-131/bf/U-131-S-06680-A.jpg[/img]

As a longtime fan of the Yakuza series, I was as excited as I was perplexed by the announcement and release in 2011 and 2012 of Yakuza: Dead Souls. Much like Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, the game is a zombie laden, non-canonical side adventure using characters and locations from the main series of games. Dead Souls takes place after the events of Yakuza 4. It is interesting to note that the release of the game was delayed after the earthquake and tsunami of 2011 in Japan, as the game depicts real-life Japanese cities in a state of ruin.

Continue reading Yakuza: Dead Souls

Posted on Oct 21st 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under ace combat, ps2, psp, reviews

[img width=450 height=768]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-095/bf/U-095-S-03160-A.jpg[/img]

Before I dove back into the numbered series of Ace Combat games, I decided to take a look at another handheld entry in the series with Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception for the Sony PSP. The game certainly starts out promising and converts elements from the console games to handheld very nicely, but it does have a few shortcomings. Ace Combat X is seemingly going for the same dramatic presentation of Ace Combat 4, but it can't quite reach the high bar set by that title. For one thing, the voice acting is pretty poor. For a series with anime-influenced futuristic war stories, the presentation has to be really authentic to be effective. In this game it was difficult to take the story seriously at times.

Continue reading Ace Combat Retrospective, Part 2

Posted on Sep 19th 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under ace combat, reviews

[img width=700 height=393]https://nsx.np.dl.playstation.net/nsx/material/9/9d9d03f922f1679d1c21fac11f6db7824868cd18-802072.jpg[/img]
Image of Ace Combat: Infinity courtesy of Playstation

Since I played Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy on the 3DS last month, I had been craving more dogfighting, dive-bombing airplane action. I didn't realize how addictive the gameplay was until I was done with the game, when it dawned on me how much it left me wanting more. There's something about controlling a fighter plane, and methodically locking onto enemies and taking them out, one by one that is very satisfying.

Continue reading Ace Combat Retrospective, Part One

Posted on Aug 20th 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under diary, xbox, d4, ace combat

[img width=600 height=225]http://compass.xbox.com/assets/f5/c2/f5c21f50-4eb9-41f8-97cb-d5d0b6093e53.jpg?n=Meet-X1S-2017-V2_Feature-Center-1084_Large-X1S_1600x600.jpg

Hello fellow gamers! I couldn't decide on one dedicated topic this month, so I decided to write something that is more like a blog post in the traditional sense. This is just what I've been up to lately. I hope everyone is doing well. Settle in for a nice, breezy read and say, "Hi" in the comments below.

Continue reading What I've Been Up To...

Posted on Jul 21st 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under reviews, lego, 3ds, nintendo

[img width=605 height=550]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-182/bf/U-182-S-01820-A.jpg[/img]

I've been a casual fan of the modern variations of the LEGO games since the first LEGO Star Wars game. I love playing them with my wife and the easy, low-stakes gameplay makes for a balanced experience for players of differing skill levels. Last year I played LEGO Batman 2 on the Nintendo DS and I thought it was a fine hand-held counterpart to the console version of the game. I knew then that LEGO games on hand-helds had the potential to be great, and was looking forward to trying another one in the future. I recently played through another LEGO title on a more advanced piece of hardware. How did it stack up?

Continue reading Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins

Posted on Jun 19th 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under attack on titan, omega force, ps4

[img width=700 height=393]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h32/grayghost81/AOT1_zpsavwjy2io.jpg[/img]

Although I have been an anime fan for a number of years, much like with gaming, I tend to not be on the cutting edge of what is new and popular. As such, I was extremely late to the party for the phenomenon known as Attack on Titan. The first season of the show began airing all the way back in 2013 and I did not dive in until this year. With that said, I am hooked, and perhaps fortunate as the second season began airing shortly after I finished catching up with the first season. The premise is simple. Humanoid giants known as Titans have killed off most humans and pushed them into isolation behind huge walls enclosing their city. Military squads do their best to fend the Titans off but the situation is always somewhere between bleak and dire. I will make it clear without reservations, I am enthralled with the Attack on Titan universe and characters. With that in mind, I was excited with high expectations for the video game adaptation, which I played through recently on the PlayStation 4. 

Continue reading Attack On Titan

Posted on May 20th 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under demo, playstation

[img width=700 height=403]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h32/grayghost81/interactive-sampler-disc-cd-volume-8_zpsardimgx2.jpg[/img]
Image courtesy of gameigloo.com

Video game technology is taking us to a somewhat lamentable place, where physical demos of games are fewer and farther between than they were in the 1990's when I was growing up. Even though digital demos and game samples will probably always exist, many gamers miss the days of physical demo discs which were filled with playable demos, videos, or some other goodies related to upcoming releases. Even as I grow further away from an obsession with physical media, I can definitely look back fondly on the days of the physical demo discs of the fifth and sixth console generations. I still have many of these demo discs in my collection, and one in particular whips up so much nostalgia in me that it is one of the prized possessions I have.

Continue reading The Best Demo Disc

Posted on Apr 22nd 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under review, review, rpg, obsidian, square enix

[img width=549 height=774]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-115/bf/U-115-S-08520-A.jpg[/img]

During the discussion of Diablo on our podcast, I remarked that the game, while mostly enjoyable, made we want to play more modern games inspired by the classic dungeon dive. One example of such a game, which I mentioned by name, is Dungeon Siege III, a title I purchased quite a long time ago, but had never even cracked the shrink wrap on. Having put the game back on my radar, I decided to finally give it try. Did the game satisfy the modern dungeon crawler urge that Diablo had lit within me? Let's take a look.

Continue reading Dungeon Siege III

Posted on Mar 20th 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under review, psp, sony, atlus

[img width=350 height=550]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-095/bf/U-095-S-06480-A.jpg[/img]

I recently stumbled upon a game that surprised me with its presentation, cultural flavor, and overall fun. Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble for the Sony PSP was the perfect game to play after finishing Yakuza 5, as there are similarities between the two games, although Kenka Bancho is distinct in many ways. Though there are many entries in this series, this is the only one we've gotten in North America. Let's check it out!

Continue reading Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble

Posted on Feb 20th 2017 at 01:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under yakuza, reviews, playstation, sega

[img width=700 height=393]https://media.playstation.com/is/image/SCEA/yakuza-5-listing-thumb-01-us-13nov14?$Icon$[/img]
Image courtesy of Playstation.com

I've been a big fan of the Yakuza series since back in the Playstation 2 days. If you've never heard of them, the games put you mostly in the shoes of Kazuma "Kaz" Kiryu as he deals with the trials and tribulations of being a leader in the Tojo Clan of gangsters. Like the Persona series, Yakuza, while localized for American audiences, is baked in Japanese culture. The gameplay, contrary to popular belief is nothing like Grand Theft Auto but more like Shenmue only a thousand times more exciting and fluid. The series has spanned the Playstation 2 through the Playstation 4, and even has a few PSP titles that never made it out of Japan. I feel like I have to stress that for as much as I adore this series, it is certainly not for everyone. Only the first game has English voice acting so if you don't like reading subtitles, see you later! The brawler-style combat engine is not updated enough from game to game so many people have understandably criticized it for becoming stale. The graphics, while colorful and detailed, always feel a little bit dated. If you don't like long cutscenes you also might want to pass. They're not in the same league as the Metal Gear Solid series, but they're certainly in the realm of "put down your controller and watch for a while."

Continue reading Yakuza 5

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