RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jan 1st 2015 at 05:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Best of 2014, Mega Man X, Wii U, Bayonetta, Pikmin, Smash Bros, Project X Zone, Fire Emblem, Wipeout, Bomberman, Mario Kart, NES Remix

This past year saw huge changes to my gaming habits. I spent significantly more time playing with other people than I have in the past and played a lot more games that were convenient for me to setup (which meant 3DS and Wii U). This definitely flavored some of the choices on my list, but a few of my old tendencies still shined though brightly.

Continue reading Best of 2014 - Crabmaster Edition

Posted on Dec 1st 2014 at 05:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Brand, Facebook, Kijiji, Advertising, Social Media, Customer Interaction, Employees

So you're opening a game store. But what kind of game store will you be? New? Retro? What services will you offer? Repairs? Tournaments? Who is your target audience? Niche gamers? College Students?..................Your Mom?

Continue reading Blog Quest: Branding the Store

Posted on Oct 31st 2014 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Blog Quest, Game Quest, Game Store, Microplay

Why would a person want to open a video game store and how does that idea go from conception to reality? That question has a nearly endless amount of possible answers. But here is one answer to that question.....

[img width=490 height=318]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/CCF08102011_00005.jpg[/img]
Young Crabmaster getting his first dose of Nintendo

Continue reading Blog Quest: What?!?! No Game Stores??

Posted on Oct 18th 2014 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Nintendo, NES, rfgen, Love you guys

Recently, I finished a decade long goal of mine and obtained a copy of each and every licensed NES title. With how important communities like rfgeneration, nintendoage and racketboy have been during that quest, it seems fitting that I take some time to give a proper thank you to those that have helped me along this path. With today coincidentally being both the anniversary of the NES in North America and my birthday (pretty cool, eh?), it feels appropriate to chronicle my journey to 677 Nintendo games.

Continue reading NES Story

Posted on Sep 20th 2014 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Game Store

Many of us Video Game collectors and enthusiasts toy with the idea of having our own Game Store, or at least working at someone else's store. It's definitely more of an option at a younger age, but some of us have trouble letting go of this idea.

On May 4, 2013, I posted a thread here on rfgen asking for ideas and opinions about opening my own local Video Game store and it was met with great supportive response. Flash forward to September 1, 2014 and I was celebrating my first successful year of  running a such a business.

Continue reading Blog Quest

Posted on Aug 2nd 2014 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Overlord, unloved, nes, nintendo, rts, strategy, scifi

Continue reading Unloved #28 - Overlord

Posted on Apr 4th 2013 at 03:29:03 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, April Fools, Collectorcast, Donate, Community

Apparently none of you guys took advantage of spring break this year and decided to instead stick around rfgen submitting to the database. We had quite an impressive month in March with 9 different members making 100+ submissions for the month. It’s especially nice to see some members from the PAL region working hard on filling in those gaps. So let’s give a special thanks to the top 5 submitters of this month: Bildstar, Fragems, The Razemeister, Apolloboy and Sirgin!!

And don’t forget about the amazing approval staff we have. Shadow Kisuragi and Paully3433 were prolific this month and took on the brunt of those submissions approving well over 600 of them each.

Just as importantly though, we want to thank all of you for having a good sense of humor. It seems that many of you guys forgot, or were just unaware, of how important April Fools is to us here at rfgeneration. This year’s April Fools Blog suckered in quite a few of our members  Luckily the staff here are as honest as they are humorous and disabled the donate button for the day so that nobody was duped into donating under false pretences. 

It’s great to know that so many of the members here are willing to pony up for our services, but rest assured that won’t be the case. Rfgeneration has always been a community driven site. It was founded with the idea that site can be, and so far always has been, supported by its members. Every year you guys have stepped up and donated enough to keep the site both free and ad free. So even though you don’t have to worry about being forced to pay to access our database we are always accepting donations to cover our server and other costs. That donation button at the top of the page should be functioning properly again now Wink

With all that said there was a kernel of truth in the April Fool Blog. The Collectorcast has been successful and because of the size of the episodes we are quickly running out of space on our podomatic account. The cost to upgrade to the next storage level is quite sizable. To help out Duke, Bil and myself with this financial strain the benevolent staff here have offered to host some of our older episodes through the site so that we can lower our storage on podomatic. A landing page for the collectorcast is also in the works.

So in summary, thanks to everyone for supporting the site with your time, generosity, knowledge and support (except for Zagnorch of course Wink )!!

Posted on Nov 1st 2012 at 12:49:33 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, October, RFGeneration, Submissions, Approvals, Thanks

Now that the spookiest month of the year is over its time to check in on the submissions yet again!

Apparently you guys have started slacking off on your school work now since you were able to get a few hundred more submission in than last month bringing the total for October to a nice big 3660 total submissions.

Possibly to commemorate his one year anniversary on the site Bildstar was the top submitter by a good margin. Thanks so much for putting in the time to expand our PAL submissions!

Hot on Bildstar's heels was our very own Database Editor, who also shares an October anniversary here at rfgen, Paully3433!

And to round out the top 5 we had members Shadow_Kisuragi, singlebanana and ixtaileddemonfox who were able to pry themselves away from their Sega consoles, Pinball machines, and High School Musical games and each slam down some serious submissions for the month.

Shadow and Paully each took the brunt of the approvals in too, with both members approving over 600 submissions each.

Great month guys!!

Posted on Jul 6th 2012 at 08:02:50 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Volleyball, Nintendo, NES, Vball, Spike, Super Spike Vball, Kings of the Beach, Volley ball

It may not be the most popular sport around, but Volleyball was well known enough in the NES era to warrant 3 licensed titles on the system. Luckily each of these titles offers a drastically different take on the sport. Each game shines and stumbles in its own distinct areas.

[img width=700 height=172]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/TitlesShot.jpg[/img]

Curious to know which of them are worth your time? I was, but no longer.

Continue reading Crabmaster's Guide to NES Volleyball

Posted on May 18th 2012 at 12:42:58 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, Super Mario Bros 3, NES, Nintendo

Most gamers that have been around for any amount of time have experienced Super Mario Bros in some fashion. I'm no exception and grew up with Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario Bros 3 as staples in my gaming education. All three are regularly named for their high quality, impact on the industry and most importantly for being fun.

[img width=483 height=348]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/SMB.jpg[/img]

Over the years my gaming tastes have waxed and waned, constantly evolving as I experience (or re-experience) more titles, reflect on past adventures and struggle to overlook my nostalgic feelings. The Mario brothers are often at the fore front of such conflict. With all three of these games being so important to my gaming career (I like to pretend I get paid) did one stand above the others? If so, which one?

Continue reading Whats Your Mario?

Posted on May 2nd 2012 at 12:45:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFG Thanks, May 2012

April has come and gone and it's fallen on me this month to thank the community for making Android Generation THE best Android collecting site on the web!

Whats that, were back to RFGeneration now? OMG what a relief. I dont know how much longer I could feign interest in Androids Tongue

Even with that little hiccup in there April was a solid month for submissions. There were a whopping 9 members that exceeded 100 submissions each and an even more astounding 77 different members who made individual submissions. Thats a lot of different people contributing. Every little one helps make the database that much more complete.

No one could touch raffa1985 for April though. He was head and shoulders beyond the competition. Not that it was a competition. Speaking of competition..... we are smack in the middle of a submission contest for the entire month of May and the first week of June. Last years champion aeorc is already pushing his way to the head of the pack, but we may have a new victor this year. blcklblskt is well on his way with nearly 100 more submissions than his rival. Don't let these guys take it to easily though. Help make sure they at least earn their prize!

To keep tabs on your progress (and spy on the the others) just click the SUBMIT tab at the top of the page and look for submissions stats. So keep at it and make those staff members in charge of approvals earn their keep this month.

Posted on Oct 4th 2011 at 09:55:31 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, Submissions, Approvals, Images, Data, Scans

Isnt September supposed to be busier for most people than August? Apparently not the case here at RFGen, since you guys nearly doubled the submissions of the previous month. We were just shy of 3000 total submissions for the month of September. Tynstar and Zagnorch dominated submissions while Shadow_Kisuragi and Paully3433 handled the bulk of the approving end.

Dozens of others filled in more missing data and deserve a nice slap on the butt next time you see them. Check them out for yourself, or if you've ever wanted to know exactly how awesome our database is than look no further:


Thanks to everyone involved for helping make rfgeneration.com THE site for game collectors!!!

Posted on Sep 25th 2011 at 02:59:13 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Deadly Creatures, Unloved, Wii, Waggle, Rednecks, Civil War, Treasure Hunting, Snakes, Creepy Crawlers

[img width=366 height=522]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/DeadlyCreaturesTitle.jpg[/img]

Continue reading Unloved #27: Deadly Creatures

Posted on Aug 10th 2011 at 05:05:08 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Gaming, Nostalgia, Collecting Habits, Favorites, Friends, Family

[img width=490 height=318]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/CCF08102011_00005.jpg[/img]

Continue reading Over 2 Decades of Gaming

Posted on Jul 20th 2011 at 04:13:18 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFG Thanks

If you guys thought that things were going to slow down submission wise after the contest run in may, boy were you wrong. Game images may have been way down comparatively, but the other important info kept pouring in. Game Edits and Non Image Game Submissions where somehow actually higher in June than during the Submission contest. We're talking 2300+ more Game Edits and 1900+ more Non Image Game Submissions than in May!!

Considering there was no incentive other than to better the database/community (not greedy people like me trying to cash in on a prize) I find the month's numbers to be amazing. The real shining star of June though was someone you'rE definitely familiar with if you frequent the forums. Our very own Postmaster General, Defender of Variants and all around Mortal Kombat aficionado, Izret101! He had more than 3x the submissions of his closest competitor for the month.

But the others weren't slacking off either. In total we had 10 members make over 100 submissions each last month. So if you run into Shadow Kisuragi, y2richie, pdrydia, ixtaileddemonfox, raffa1985, ApolloBoy, blcklblskt, aeroc, or Marriott_Guy on the street make sure to give them a great big hug for their contributions to RF Generation. There were dozens of other members who found the time to add anywhere from 1-99 items to improve our database also.

And lets not forget the staff members who work tirelessly and often thanklessly to approve all those submissions. Shadow Kisuragi lead the way with over twice his nearest comrades approvals. Also make sure to thank Tynstar, ApolloBoy, Izret101, NES_Rules, ga5ket and Paully3433 for their behind the scenes contributions to the site approving (or rejecting) the thousands of submissions sent in last month.

Thanks for the incredible commitment to keep improving an already fantastic place everybody!

For anyone interested in checking out the stats for themselves just highlight the part on the top bar that says "Submit" and then click on "Submission Stats" or just use this link:

Its got submission info from late 2006 to now so you can see how we've progressed over the years.

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