RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Apr 2nd 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Game Store, Video Games, Buy, Sell, Trade, Shoplifting, Stealing, Batman, Vigilantism

[img width=500 height=147]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_5aac114362.jpg[/img]

Running your own business can be very rewarding. It also comes with it's fair share of headaches. Shoplifting and theft is a constant problem for pretty much any retail establishment. Here are some of our stories regarding the subject.

Continue reading Blog Quest: Batman By Day, Game Store Owner By Night

Posted on Mar 2nd 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Game Store, Video Game, Collecting, Arcade, Pinball, Full Sets

[img width=640 height=189]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_5aac114362_z.jpg[/img]

I've been collecting video games in some fashion for a little over a decade now. Lots of those early years were spent waking up early to hit garage sales, leaving for work early each day so I could stop at pawn shops on the way, checking every paper buy/sell/trade in town, or refreshing kijiji/craigslist ads every free moment I had in order to scoop up awesome game deals before anyone else. However, since opening the store about two and a half years ago, those collecting habits have changed greatly.

Continue reading Blog Quest - Collecting on a Grander Scale

Posted on Feb 1st 2016 at 05:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Video Games, Video Game Store, Card Games, Magic the Gathering, Board Games, Dungeons and Dragons, Weiss Schwarz, Dice M

[img width=640 height=189]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_5aac114362_z.jpg[/img]

So you own and/or work at a game store. Pretty awesome, right? You get to constantly be around the things that you love.....but do you actually get to enjoy them??

For the past 2 and half years, I've been running and working at Game Quest as well as a second full-time job doing night shifts. I knew it was going to be busy and cut down significantly on one of my favorite things, my gaming time. Our city had long been in need of a good gaming store, so I felt it would be worth the temporary (hopefully) cut in my free time. The plan was, and still is, to get the store to a point where it doesn't neccessarily need me around to operate so that I can continue to do the things I enjoy and still offer my city a place to sell, buy, and play games of all types.

Continue reading Blog Quest - Enjoying Your Hobbies

Posted on Jan 2nd 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Game Store, Video Games, Charity, Child Development Center, Competitive Gaming, Tournament, Silent Auction, Tattoos

[img width=640 height=480]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5715/23299591423_d4a8fb8034_z.jpg[/img]
The Handsome Group of Organizers Responsible For Power Up Prince George[/i]

Being in a relatively small town and this being our first event, we decided that it would be best to make sure the operating costs were as low as possible so that our goals would be very obtainable. We wanted nothing more than to have a fun event that could be considered a success so that we could make it an annual event. With that in mind, we wanted to have at least 100 people attend the event at some point during the day and raise at least $2000 for the Child Development Center.

Long story short we exceed both of our goals. But you want the long story so click the link below........

Continue reading Blog Quest: It's For The Children - Part 2

Posted on Dec 1st 2015 at 05:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Blog Quest, Video Game, Game Store, Charity, Child Development Center, Tournament, Fundraising

[img width=640 height=189]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_5aac114362_z.jpg[/img]

Once every few years, I've been able to attend local gaming events. Four years ago, I was able to compete in a small King of Fighters XIII tournament. Several years prior to that, I was able to compete in a few local Guitar Hero III events. Outside of that, it's been a wasteland for local gaming events up here. With our new location, we've been able to schedule video gaming events much more frequently and have been building our competitive communities. But none of this is on the scale to which I've been craving for years.

After our bylaw issues last year, it was very interesting to see that I could use my platform of Game Quest to reach a fair-sized audience of local gamers. So with some help from friends and the community in general, I've been working to bring about the largest scale competitive video game event that my city has ever seen. Beyond just having a cool gaming event, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to show our wider community that gamers can be great citizens and break some of the stigmas that surround gamers at the same time.

Continue reading Blog Quest: It's For The Children

Posted on Nov 4th 2015 at 01:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Blog Quest, Game Store, Video Games, Board Games, Card Games, D and D, Miniatures

[img width=640 height=189]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_5aac114362_z.jpg[/img]

Two years ago, we started Game Quest exclusively as a video game store. Now that we have the space, we've jumped into all sorts of other games. Many of these, like Magic and a lot of board games, I've played and am very comfortable with, but as we keep getting requests and bring in new products to try, I find myself exploring all sorts of new games, many of which have turned out to be a ton of fun!!

Continue reading Blog Quest: Look at all these games!!!

Posted on Oct 2nd 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Blog Quest, Staff Members, Employees, Hiring, Game Store, Video Games

[img width=700 height=206]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_7817d9640b_k.jpg[/img]

We've all heard that old chestnut at one point or another during our lives: "It takes a village to raise a Game Store". I've learned firsthand how true that is over the last couple years though.....

Continue reading Blog Quest: The Crew

Posted on Sep 2nd 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Blog Quest, Game Store, Moving, Business, Video Games, Reseller

[img width=700 height=206]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_7817d9640b_k.jpg[/img]

After a great showing at our local fan convention and nearly two years in our tiny downtown location, we were starting to feel more cramped than ever in our store. It had felt small very early on, but it was just getting worse and worse as we had more customers and product coming in. Especially, since we wanted to add tabletop games in a significant way and didn't have the space to do it properly. It was feeling more and more like it was time to start shopping around for a new home for Game Quest!

Continue reading Blog Quest - Location Scouting

Posted on Aug 1st 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Game Store, Convention, Celebrities, Arcade, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop Games

[img width=700 height=206]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_7817d9640b_k.jpg[/img]

With the Northern Fan Convention setup all behind us, it was nearly time to kick open the doors and let the public in. A public that was still largely unaware that we existed. Even the ones that knew about us didn't know that we were getting into tabletop games. This was our chance to get people excited about us all over again and at the same time, get some feedback about our new merchandise before rolling it out in our store.

Continue reading Blog Quest: Un"Convention"al Appearance - Part II

Posted on Jul 2nd 2015 at 12:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Blog Quest, Game Quest, Game Store, Video Games, Convention, Celebrities,

[img width=640 height=189]https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8808/18226401432_5aac114362_z.jpg[/img]

A couple years ago my wife and I were fortunate enough to attend our first ever Fan Convention in Calgary, Alberta. I was very excited and prior to the event, I had my wife watch through a plethora of nerdy movies so that she would be well-versed on many of the attending celebrity guests. I knew it was something I'd enjoy, but I wasn't sure my wife would find enough to keep her entertained for the entire three days. Much to my delight, she seemed to enjoy herself as much as I did. From checking out the amazing cosplay, to taking in the often hilarious speaking panels, to meeting strange new people while waiting in line for autographs, and even embarrassing herself while speaking with her childhood crush, Sean Patrick Flanery (she was a big fan of Young Indiana Jones), we both had one of the best weekends we have ever spent together.

Much to our delight, we learned that our own city was scheduled to host a fan convention, aptly named Northern FanCon! This time though we had the unique option of attending as a vendor as opposed to a typical guest.

Continue reading Blog Quest: Un"Convention"al Appearance - Part I

Posted on Jun 2nd 2015 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Video Game Store, Board Games, Card Games, RPGs, Tabletop, Dice, Logo

If you've been following this blog you're likely familiar with this image, which I often use at the start of the article. We felt it did a nice job of getting across what our business does at a quick glace. But what if we wanted to add other products or services to our offerings? How would be communicate that to customers in a simple and straightforward way?

[img width=700 height=432]https://c4.staticflickr.com/4/3887/15272550855_e77fbfaea1_b.jpg[/img]

Continue reading Blog Quest: Re-Branding

Posted on May 2nd 2015 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Game Store, City Council, Delegation, Politics

[img width=700 height=432]https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3887/15272550855_6148935ed4_o.jpg[/img]

So you've been operating your retro game store for a few months now and things are going better than you could have hoped. Customers are happy, new stock is getting traded in on a regular basis, bank account is moving in the right direction. Nothing can bring you down. Cue Bylaw Enforcement Officer..........

Getting Political Part I
Getting Political Part II
Getting Political Part III

Continue reading Blog Quest: Getting Political - Part IV The Conclusion

Posted on Apr 2nd 2015 at 04:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest

So you've been operating your retro game store for a few months now and things are going better than you could have hoped. Customers are happy, new stock is getting traded in on a regular basis, bank account is moving in the right direction. Nothing can bring you down. Cue Bylaw Enforcement Officer..........

[img width=700 height=432]https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3887/15272550855_6148935ed4_o.jpg[/img]

Continue reading Blog Quest: Getting Political Part III

Posted on Mar 2nd 2015 at 05:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, City Hall, Bylaw, Secondhand, Game Store, Retail

So you've been operating your retro game store for a few months now and things are going better than you could have hoped. Customers are happy, new stock is getting traded in on a regular basis, bank account is moving in the right direction. Nothing can bring you down. Cue Bylaw Enforcement Officer..........

Continue reading Blog Quest: Getting Political - Part II

Posted on Feb 2nd 2015 at 05:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Game Store, Retail, City Council, Delegation, Politics, Second Hand, Pawn Broker, Video Games

So you've been operating your retro game store for a few months now and things are going better than you could have hoped. Customers are happy, new stock is getting traded in on a regular basis, bank account is moving in the right direction. Nothing can bring you down. Cue Bylaw Enforcement Officer..........

Continue reading Blog Quest: Getting Political - Part I

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