RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Nov 3rd 2010 at 06:40:19 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, rf generation, nation

Well, this episode took a lot longer than everyone was hoping. We had some things planned that didn't pan out, but we also have some cool new features that will help make the future episodes even better!

0:54 - What's New on Channel 3?
1:17 - Gaming News
12:15 - PlayStation Move/Kinect talk
28:53 - Brand Old Game: Eternal Darkness
36:57 - Top 5
37:37 - Outro

You can now comment in the forums, comment in this blog post, e-mail us(!), and even call us(!!!). We hope to be able to take your quick questions over any subject via e-mail at podcast@rfgeneration.com. You can also call us and leave a message! We can play your question or comment in the episode and we'll even respond to it! That number is (318) RFG-TIP5 or (318) 734-8475.

EDIT: Here is the forum thread to comment: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10730.0

The podcast, as usual, can be found and subscribed at http://rfgeneration.podomatic.com as well as in iTunes!

Posted on Sep 23rd 2010 at 06:31:45 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under podcast, rf generation, nation

Well, this one is much longer than the first episode, we cover some recent and some retro, and the audio, well, it's clear! Thanks to den68 for the iTunes logo! Here's the breakdown:

Topic List
Our Gaming Past
What's New On RF Generation?
Anniversary Spectacular
Brand Old Game - Gate of Thunder
Top 5

Catch it here: http://rfgeneration.podomatic.com or subscribe to us on iTunes!

As always, we're happy to hear from you guys about topics, questions, comments, suggestions, etc. either here in the blog comments or in the RF Generation Podcast thread found here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10730.0

Posted on Sep 9th 2010 at 07:48:27 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, rfgeneration, nation, ideas

So, the first episode has been released, I'm going to be working on getting it up on iTunes for easier subscribing, and now it's time for you guys to chime in for an upcoming episode. (We have the next episode blocked out and should be recording very soon!)

What we want from you is to ask us some questions. slackur and I both agreed that there should be some sort of an introductory episode that lets you know just where we are coming from when we are giving our opinions. The time between our ages is about the same as a console generation, so while we have probably played many of the same games, we are bound to have different viewpoints on different games and topics. So, we would like to get some input from you (yeah, you, the listener!) about what you want to know about us. We'll be answering your questions in an upcoming episode. You can comment here or in the thread here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=10781.0

Look for more episodes soon (with your input!) and don't forget to keep it on channel 3!

Posted on Sep 8th 2010 at 04:11:24 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, Gaming, Site News, RF Generation

I just posted episode 1 of the RF Generation podcast minutes ago. Give it a listen and tell us what you thought! Your feature requests, show topic ideas, and just plain comments about our initial go are also welcome!



Posted on Aug 23rd 2010 at 05:53:51 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Podcast, Gaming, Site News, RF Generation

So... it's now been over a year since I announced the RF Generation Podcast. That went... nowhere. Again, after chatting in the IRC room again, slackur brought up the question to me about just what happened. I had nothing but excuses. It's been in the back of my mind for a long time, but the excitement that he brought to the discussion reinvigorated my desire to podcast for this site. We are beginning the framework and some initial topics and scripts now, but feel it's time to officially...


To reiterate my previous blog post on this: this podcast is for you, the members. slackur and I will be your co-hosts. We will, eventually, have guests from the community as well.

Starting off, we're looking at bi-weekly episodes, but if it takes off (and we get good at this), we may move to a weekly schedule. slackur is working on some topics for us to start off with, but we're going to have a topic in the forums to take your reactions, your topic suggestions, or any other comments you may have about it.

Hopefully, it's not another year before a topic like this comes up and we hope to hear from you guys soon!

EDIT: Wanted to include a link to the new topic in the forums.

Posted on Jun 9th 2010 at 03:20:39 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under IRC, rfgeneration, chat

I'm sure most of you know, but for those who don't, RF Generation has a chat room! It's always great corresponding with everyone via the forum, but it's also nice to be able to chat with you guys in real time. Whether it's about gaming or nothing at all, feel free to jump in and join us!

You can use your favorite IRC client on QuakeNet (irc.quakenet.org) at #rfgeneration or just use the link below to launch it as a Java applet in your browser!

Click Here for the RFG Chat

Posted on Aug 28th 2009 at 04:03:19 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Media center, PS3, 360, server, Handbrake, Linux

With the current generation of consoles, Microsoft and Sony have both touted their machines as being the center of your entertainment center. Microsoft banked on their userbase using Windows Media Player to share their media over your home network. Sony went more open with their platform by allowing any DLNA or UPNP device to share to it. Neither supports every format yet, but with the right software, you can rip and share your media to whatever device you may have at home. Since I first purchased my Xbox 360, I was trying to utilize the media capabilities. It wasn't easy, but it worked. When my wife and I purchased our first home, I wanted to continue to share media, but it obviously wasn't first on the list. Soon after, we purchased a PS3, and quickly it became our media playback device of choice. DVD upscaling over HDMI (I have an HDMI-less 360) as well as Blu-Ray playback, and we were set!

Continue reading Extending Your Media

Posted on Jun 25th 2009 at 03:09:25 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under RF Generation, podcast, site news

Ideas are interesting. For those who don't frequent the chat, I at one point made a YouTube video highlighting a portion of my collection that was kept in storage to show just how much was missing from my online collection. Fairly soon after that, logical123 posted a forum post of a video that he put on YouTube showcasing his collection and his setup. That's when I realized that I don't necessarily think that I can fully express myself with text like I can with my words.

Announcing the RF Generation podcast!

This will be for the members. While I was talking with logical123 one day, I was talking about how I got into collecting and other stories regarding finds, deals, or just interesting parts of collecting. I was able to elaborate much further on this than I feel that I could if I was typing it out. I also feel that the possibility of a co-host or an interview would allow the podcast to focus on the members of the site and their collections and experiences with the fluidity of conversation and truly allow their voice and excitement to be expressed to you.

As I mentioned in the forum, I will probably do a few episodes to see how it works for you and me. I also will be taking suggestions for show ideas so that this will become our show instead of just my experimental project. I hope to be hearing from you all soon.

Posted on Mar 24th 2009 at 10:48:57 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under collection

Tracking my collection used to be something that I enjoyed doing. When I began tracking, I only had the GameCube due to my young self trading in games for newer ones. IGN was the place to be for collection tracking. I began viewing the GameFAQs forums in the NES section and it revitalized my love for the classic games played on their original system.

IGN worked well until they began running short on classic information. I began with Digital Press until they finally shut down their collection service. I tried Collectorz.com and it was fine until the trial finally ran out. I also tried out Cart Commander. I enjoyed it, but the manual process for all of my games got to be too much for so many games and a lack of hardware tracking. I had tried out RFGeneration before, but I didn't have much time with it and not even close to the personal organization to get it tracking the way I wanted it.

With more time with it, RFGeneration is just the place for me. I enjoy the forums, the small community, the vast amount of information, and the just plain odd things (I'm looking your way IRC Chat.) RFGeneration has rejuvenated my collection tracking enjoyment again. You don't have to note what is missing because there are already fields for game copies, manuals, and boxes. Plus with the option for our own blog or using the forums, we can post pictures of our stuff to share with those around us here.

My trouble now stems from reentering my stuff. Because I have stopped and started so many times, I just start over every time because I don't end up very far. I have things stored in 2 locations, so it is difficult to get everything together due to a simple lack of space in the house.

Most people have an inbox for their bills, I'm considering it for new games before they are shelved/boxed. I also have games in many various locations around the house that I don't find until later. Recently, I have discovered the hardware tracking at RFGeneration. I have not seen that anywhere and with the boxes of stuff everywhere, it just adds more to my list. Eventually, I'll get it all in if for nothing else but for insurance reasons.

While I would probably have been better off keeping to it from the beginning, the number of duplicates and shifting around my storage always made me lose track. I'll be able to take the initiative and enter everything soon enough, but with over 1000 games and a ton of consoles and accessories, it'll be a long trek to get there.

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