RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on May 4th 2022 at 04:42:39 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site news

Hello again!

Over the past few days, we have made a lot of progress on the site functionality so I wanted to give an update!

These are now working as expected! We found some settings that were keeping this from working that have been temporarily changed to allow things to function properly. This has also allowed the "All Collections" list to update as expected as well.

Forum error messages
This has been fixed as well with the changes we made. Again, this is another band-aid fix to the root issue, but it will let things get back to normal while we continue to make the changes.

I have heard the question a few times, so I figured I would update here with the status of this. The server is currently already https enabled. The reason why it isn't enabled site-wide at this time is largely due to the forum software being out of date. I have plans to set up a sandbox page at home, run the required forum upgrades, then begin developing a new theme. The new software supports https, so this combined with the other efforts of updating/auditing the code for hardcoded paths should allow us to finally enable https site-wide.

A huge thanks to everyone for reaching out to report issues over email, site PM, or Discord. Having a lot of data points helped to determine what was going on better. Another big thanks to the staff members who were helping me to test the various functions as we made changes to verify functionality.

And, naturally, thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding as we worked through this. I know it took longer than I hoped, certainly, but we're certainly on the road to making a lot of progress in updating the site for the future.

Posted on Apr 13th 2022 at 08:51:52 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site news

Hey everyone! We recently went through a server migration for several reasons (OS no longer supported, security updates, space, etc), but, as you may have noticed, we have had some issues since the migration. I am trying to correct all of the issues as quickly as possible, but it certainly hasn't been easy.

Thanks to everyone in Discord who helped report the current issues. If you would like to reach out, please join the Discord where we have a site issues channel for people to report the issues. I also plan on posting those issues on a Trello board here so I can more easily track them. You can find the board here: https://trello.com/b/Jxj3...rf-generation-site-issues

Finally, I can't say enough how much I appreciate the patience from all of you while we make the required changes to get the site up and running fully again.

Posted on Dec 25th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, GrayGhost81, consoles, emulation

[img width=608 height=256]https://i.imgur.com/3Dif6eH.gif[/img]

He's back! While I've had Shawn do a People of in the past, I have considered revisiting some of those conversations and doing them in the new audio format to be able to have a more candid conversation. As you'll see, this doesn't just relate to the standard questions that you're used to as we talk about something we both have an interest in.

The audio version is linked here: https://drive.google.com/...EOM0uoB4/view?usp=sharing

Posted on Nov 25th 2020 at 01:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site news, Downtime, server news

Hey everyone, just wanted to give a heads up that there will be some down time soon. The OS that the server is on is going end of life soon, so we need to upgrade. Unfortunately, in this case, that means that we have to take it down and deploy a new server because of the version that we're moving to.

What does this mean? Well, I don't anticipate this taking an incredibly long time, but the site will be down while this is happening. We'll have the URL redirect to a Wordpress blog that we have set up for situations where there is an extended down time. You can watch for updates there in case something majorly breaks, but you can also hop in the Discord or follow the site on Twitter as well to get additional updates or if you want to hang with the community while this is being worked on.

Sorry in advance for the inconvenience, but hang with us while we get this done and we'll be back soon. So, while you may end up changing inputs temporarily, be sure to change it back to channel 3 when we return.

Posted on Apr 28th 2020 at 10:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site news, Birthday, Celebration, Thanks

[img width=400 height=399]https://media.giphy.com/media/48AYmkWHo8Ccw/giphy.gif[/img]

Today, RF Generation turns 16 years old. If you would like to read a little about the site's beginnings, please check out the page here: http://www.rfgeneration.com/PHP/about.php

Speaking personally, I have been in my position as the Technical Director for nearly ten years. I have seen a lot of things around here. Some weren't super great, but I think that we have made a great community even better as time has passed. I'm incredibly pleased to be working with the staff that we have here and, although I don't post a bunch, I'm glad that the conversations continue moving as well on the forum side.

We have gone from sporadic front page posts to new content every other day, 3 podcasts (and another one...), and we are growing our community in many new ways. There are things we have done that I never would have guessed we would do if you would have asked me ten years ago.

16 years, more than 135,000 games in the database, closing in on 10,000 hardware entries. We've made a lot of progress and continue to do so. I know it feels like I've done a bunch of these "Thank you" posts recently, but I truly mean it. I've been very lucky to be able to be in this position and only continue to do it because I care about what we have created as a community.

Here's to many more years on channel 3!

Posted on Apr 1st 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site news, Totally real, order now, dont call

Introducing the great new product from those of us at RF Generation!

Posted on Mar 16th 2020 at 12:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, nupoile, Vectrex, Odyssey2

[img width=608 height=256]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wY20a_05yEfQeFTzs4TyymkRUQk9unIqV-BWalLM-LaUCuFY84K6EJ0_iDXbz62y6i2OFendVqqXPPyGcPkiNB3A3xefM5z1RIgCeoTrV41IYdZB7WpgOikiN_g6fgtKjAuzhwJdOyAK2lH-6lOW_5Z2EXak_gSkt_yMXgyPpoACMj3kKlHrx-BnogwxYdwIFtMHuO15Ihg2IAHiCwrn320K75p-L8yEl06KlhDQXNhPn6D88-FNAn6pef2XZayOKDoks5Y6dooVMxz7-rZNxRNbAAHuk0SjanhCzp_ubJdEcrHBMJmuasHPDSe1eXUeq1ULlMUe4QUvFW5olrkg7lIHVyn9FWLMjDts3a32Xa015wZztALqFTiTUb427TQ5VllHS7qOlKwutrN_9Rp0MR8mJfzefD8BQy2hlIUOtcYHZIw89lJeSCQezqwR7AB2KsHgL1oGOXjJ7GSMiljrgA35vpT7iI9yvntw9BfU7z8itQBLSWcTLXUsTofuuu9FF0jgAY77J8jNBeJZ8UYqVTV3-3t-qTj6kG9WsFyC0C6wDt76aeSrMZ0KwK6DrUv_1Vh6zma5-b9YiEPX9WiyJXwidkMydIOgXuGk0fgQfnkN5KXXh0LVrCYPOTl_wF94KgklyPlWbBbAM-RcnFiSZQUZTpJZcN8dWOzO3cJN5xqYFZosNq7vL4CR7VMZI_6JWbuqYNjqMD-DP1ZdryIcowBVDSj5dMtUuxUgcc1WHtHoxPJndiVo48A=w608-h256-no[/img]

Continue reading The People of RF Generation - nupoile

Posted on Dec 15th 2019 at 01:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, NBA Jam, BOOM SHAKALAKA, Hes on fire, big head mode

This is a bit of a departure from the normal "People of RF Generation" article. While I usually do a text survey of a member, I have gone a different direction. Since it was announced, I have been anticipating the release of the NBA Jam book in the Boss Fight Books series. Reyan Ali is the author of NBA Jam. He was nice enough to sit down for a chat about the book, his experience, and even a little Mortal Kombat...

Continue reading The People of RF Generation - Reyan Ali

Posted on Jun 14th 2019 at 12:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness...

[img width=608 height=256]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_1rJYvmMEFfhwSwXLIcccENPdzm-zaqaMg_msyLLGjwfdRKz9YoZcGNNWtjzc_rADIV4Iy9SDqqFVaMKNHaE0GxklJuDgdf4e35hPXqM2DLYUg-VLtQ2YxeSd3M_AtXza97C0H0AEx54MNHPL-RzhdGYuRDMkE9CVHVYwTzjNpr2dDRrQxtZ4cI21dU_Mt_9Ar7GjGnapp-lFy7YBIknXjXL47wjV6nsCnqLsaE77eFSXKckKEUqkURvXKFcJl8WEiUWyUYbxVDKMu3IFz2MMxOet_nTdKb9LYstMEpLfTw1Oo23YnewcsqVjGCvCDle9KNK1sWjI09qhuwKVHXPv8QTU8M2J3Ea7YgNOkvYLiSVP00AdplwSep02lEnGp25UNC8vmdDvFN7QJrL9Vh_u9Y6p1b2w9MoJ9HunOyBWRqVlq4wZh-2gnVUyAoWWDYMcyxzK7kSWgzachKPQnykL81AT849Q2QYRs5CVYeCnaugQHyVdzTZGc88kLaWjLlHJobGQ9wkQI0UHvZmDQsXoXi8UwDifokxuW5fPYjGQoEtVUblIb09f68mw7dI8YZteYf6iW8UN42j5_PDTSNzq-kSFBBehVmbuWr3vfrhABRjNf6HGKEuy7dKY26rJEQmEM-rf9hFh5NRI_Ke5cg98ydwSD9xdlVfZfNtXx_5EqCd-VLed4jC8hNbizUxF5FwMpp6luhAjswUDGCG4rdYBaeZVw=w608-h256-no[/img]

I know, I know. I've already done one of these. I did my first "People of" article almost 9 years ago. I was about 3 months in to my tenure as Technical Director and was still learning the ropes of how the site was run and what kinds of things needed to be done. Since then, there has been a lot to happen. This is a sort of combination post as you will see at the end. Because I'm answering my own questions, I'm not going to worry about the color coding.

Continue reading The People of RF Generation - bickman2k

Posted on Apr 1st 2019 at 12:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under RF Generation Channel, Google Stadia, xCloud, digital for life, totally real

[img width=400 height=367]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CSuAqo-iqeCr1eTPxWZv62CGYHLhV4FosMPbM_64vD7w83rWUbLDbsW0TQa_RPHSMt74BKxIUN4GlGZ3MyBFPsPQ0G61htzHxKwXyUQkrCcN1S2E-JKj8su5SqsjUfd3sMAIUw8NPyARm3WSwFwpDLeCOQHMOIlQSMDmZ6CR070TD-qdxLxOg4vDPqsDN7jNb5mJqoR4Kqf-74pHrEVuU9-ZJxkrKbG2Ej2FjC1LC-J_VnLbXtPDv2S5Xi178TyeXfa62tReauzfYnZNgWsHDD04F_bbIW9ya-P6Ex75KVYQeWUrBri7fqIff5gjyBjQiCg_H8-g-oQkU25REkMg1GYydhL14QjS69686mAKiRlLf2hty4TGFYZha4xYpvYbvn98h_fg91IgoCnxCCZWNfCYVXbQK_L1Xl9G342EJsvxwEvQTKz4EY7cxjgoxCcn6AqeU0nRVMugTrjj2xgPj7DThkVCh5szrQTkCxmMZYBmmmeaDB5Lb13D_KEPy2pn5wVhXcebFJQaye4mZpuWNQLt4TMKbzBHKMQRrBhGpfFTuyKW5kxqmn-oymMTKpSEzBoBBQ55kB6fZ4CljluiuE2vuZROuTMR1caHJuSS3YgmcX3O3Oq-RgIZnDE65dJlf3rYrKyIKKHO4-0C0QAARdd2CxC6XpY8-7AyIwsXuwH73hNdSrrWCyTneUqTE28AeNZFLavp5aE3JhZxErdYFHDk8A=w1200-h1102-no[/img]

2019 has certainly been the year of gaming as a service so far. From Apple Arcade to Microsoft xCloud, there are a lot of new things that could change the landscape of gaming and collecting in the future. Well, as we tend to do, RF Generation is wholeheartedly embracing this fully digital future.

RF Generation Channel brings you the best of RF Generation, including the forum, blogs, and even your own collection, streamed straight to you. We have partnered with Google and their Stadia platform to bring this new experience to you in the best possible quality. It's so easy, you won't Twitch when you have to enter new games!

Continue reading Introducing RF Generation Channel

Posted on Mar 16th 2019 at 12:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, Playcast, Dragon Warrior, Snaaaaaake, love me some Cubivore

[img width=608 height=256]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zVyy1AYjUIFcnF6o9Qd8KrYZ8CgXWGNk2Pw7N5zVHYUHjJmZSE1j652gkJLF72o9G-wpBHkKa7tn2Sa7Mu9yOmgp8VM7AOwr-7vbHSmrxsv3efujq-motDSOdQXF-GDukpqGCDFbBggTD0qqaiQc5pmLfkLkbZpBQQRYRibc3ikO0NCrn8p7vMFkdhxjlfl7NiLLbvCNKytNqSf-YzrofcU3dfXAO3B41uPJfOIJPGlYW1PFXvE6Vmx-gapoiLdJchtvTMdblhKM85Q09l1LZvkEM7FaXHyXfFcmseYQoEsEhoT53G9PGNv9SDjCdf0E6yjY3iKn7CA14fHTPpIdbYfMFzSdx56iWkUcz7_OkHtqdkZ62AQDQ41FMz6tRiSPMV1Hq_t2l2bL5gLt5HHFJR1Svmv1mQ2FIZNbl3Uf2YyDsM7sDp-CzWpVSGnP8b_xx1mF6BhnAMouzFOLhrjIo-rJRuqfUaUUHgu1c8iaJRYrCDL2pP5UyfQNFvMSgVhSGcqm1MqoOnZqtWKcyJp211wFp1smmUJPR0nJPtT6gbtM8DL0nLqsk2bBHblY8MxkLWGdFrcJu9udrcPpkBsxyPxgF3U3YVp4Qx831x4fo0pOZqcARYp4NFmJJSH1Lwc3Y2qraLbdUD-_GEvsgaor_yxZOaUG6I9tU_UGd-cweZ6NT35wACSKfqp1DZ3KbJYUA8JVeKOzFxWZiXNbT_XSRTIjIA=w608-h256-no[/img]

I found some writings on Erdrick's Tablet. The writings were this interview with the Playcast co-host GrayGhost81!

Continue reading The People of RF Generation - GrayGhost81

Posted on Dec 18th 2018 at 01:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, Power Glove, its so bad, Laserdiscs

[img width=608 height=256]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XTPfI8oxHAkyoTAdwsE_NJdTNPNbAcWjzcM0gmXMnwYt-z4A2vkBX-lJ4U05uXWRVWRNgNoBcDPXd7ggxe5VJBiSTtsjAGLfEcTc5cjxyUWqpQJJIb9biJtSrGhS0t_Co73vuPZzIZP6hG-QrOMhDXIEXPAI2vcdgnBwwHZK5GNEtE_g2oBhLZOmJQ4eBokRJ53eEEiagDEsDHomoSOW99u0fDVnK_5Z5LV4qy4FUStGHMfEF4J7F6nz6Sh3Q7Q8ycE2i8G0A2yxuRxn0-UqH1RXXQwtS9jhwqqGIKclwR5BMiX5tIAcKdbNQgi1PO2aCA81qbqZ-qOa46jLGlZEBemNylVknXViA_MrcBx-KBq0zv-VJBvEkQC_un7F2P40E1Q2DXg4cVOkGB7H4Vw8GFG6nt2-N8eycNl8wonWRtt8tAqJ5IB30SQSTFIL0rkP2F5Ehr1Fb6unnHBX70ZHvy9HNTuIfM_X9x1y36hGMwY0kcxbNn_13XliLs_tBSaKqXtPw1HIiHeaPq8pCTP0xXtI0IajBhIfrkJa1pVAFA491U6AADzZMC77fQgpC25J2AsVqY_lN8NyeJFf-ebz2IPDrt07xJ2SNx4Uorhpo4vBMrztwJQjxw0beCGLJmBr1VKn8wB5D8dqjOygUqz3MgqDghrtVn4TIjTjxR_ntJel8CgC-GfPwTCCm60Pi9Ne8KPMb737qIMSSc3zhjc=w608-h256-no[/img]

Continue reading The People of RF Generation - ReddMcKnight

Posted on Aug 16th 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, Shmups, Shoot em ups, Shooters, what do you call it

[img width=608 height=256]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/HH4opZVCCk_4kAHrA2VbemiIb1vaeN81pHjQDPHi0_bOHypLh8EFNMqLz9oKioAvVhOHuOk-w8k2MZ_5K0Ok0Pe7CKEUyqRNplPgSxKKIYhmPb4SBNrUmpDs8dA6Lm_oPVtNITAoh5KFbbGMMqxcmrpcVUwSnOU9LkHhDsux_XK30TxrkopuXA5SHgme2x3VQ72Lfgj5LzrzMnTl7j62l4bFjIbiMM7zG1ymZDn_izwDajDMaUNZaUkAH9o7jXlK6nELWDnMMocmot9o5s2XGaOvHzxpWSmKKuMNBZ9ir2GTT75E2q3MrG4GVI2_gmzU9Dqw0W49vPPv4okky-9cPEz6_DP3aniDTi-z5QdAxcsnTHItcmR2zpXnfBCbDf5zhf-pwn7eWQ5_uSROdTL-Z9KfFnlQ5_JpjY35jQ_hkNf_9N5cTylzkQmRaJGMpk-fnfgNnON7Es6fquwqQqjqYPaT3rLDIwPzay5UEByyVm1xjX8_sZkXlj2PNkCxqWiwLmPjZYLtv6dwG0tnXROtZPL24Swq0cLc1Xli55ICz4fzr1COgZe0OngN-kn3fYXfAQtdYlJGAxHGy2QchOulDQ_Zl0YJRijiVFZ8rgHMxW37z4MZficX0oB0gFItYmYa1bU5KdO_IsiCgIv3as2nvZHP02XgL80I-Q=w608-h256-no[/img]

Continue reading The People of RF Generation - Addicted

Posted on Apr 18th 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under People of RF Generation, Mashed potato pizza, seriously try it

[img width=608 height=256]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/7cs0M0nSm3rkurbm8ODx230KwH9Dlj5noU5HSOwXSwHroBrOD88ru-ypdTY-H3MSqscebEdja9fM0dnw-rFYMGC_zgcKqjbUeCUFrD3kv8K_YNtIvwOLBbd9byvycNKs5RAt9ZS3NK5sZEiH_qG9cOIF0upJrC9FipGHgQm_hvQSTAL6YYni9MoqoYC1PsaUdZLMCknPICOtbQMQppGWCLjChL2I7TPDoMbpv6atYQobfOZUSvfaQ8fKgGpa_EhxcbbIBjFtvex_n9fg6MfDTptjNZlY24Hub5bgr6cfM56thp57dS2bHCbk9KhOJRYa4KUgAOPiPRZ0HpJtcoDqjVScRQH9bDLPV2wArAhhrjZ9ZmwzVKlnVQDyNC-MQ-y-duIlvKJfeXj8T6ctWKIIWg_xiWmzOnASm3FjmFhBnQFx2LPJxU3ZGCpaHE9RkkVWkq1EJpdWFpUzWkIJNtDadCuVUFsRGoHEKma5YvG-vZUCIByvXfvVm7frnSnS8iSHCd6o27ymlRGX4wemHWjipDPZmvlKvTdvtPebK1AhkS4j2gZB0NdjF5UOhudHHJCRMfzKmkIT0I5VUnp1y6e0qlKIT9VqwVm6_bfgFNrQWFa6uDVW9Q3Q_omS9CtUX94ovoehQXcKft38HgOadmm__mNSRSRG-NvZaA=w608-h256-no[/img]

Continue reading The People of RF Generation - ericeskapade

Posted on Apr 1st 2018 at 04:33:46 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Site news, Self promotion, product announcement, totally real

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